Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 16, 1980, Image 199
PUBLIC SALE Of Fine Antiques, Min. Oil Lamps, Tin, Iron, Agate & Crocks SATURDAY, AUGUST 23 Sale to be held in A 1 Starr Community Building, Village of Willow Street, Pa. (Loc. along north Rt. 272 behind new Fireball). Walnut, marble top wash stand, marble top coffee table, sewing cabmet Mahogany, dropleaf table, hanging comer cupboard. Oak. kitchen cupboard, dresser, wash stand, spool cabmet w/legs, cane chairs & rocker Pine blanket chest; Cottage dresser; cherry hanging what not shelf; half spindle plank chairs; bench w/back. Pictures & frames Good articles in iron, tm„toleware, copper, wood, blue, gray, green & bm. agate. Blue deco, jug; ext. Ig pewter plate, nest of Roseville mixing bowls Almanacs Wallace Nutting prihts; post card album; early sampler; half shade milk glass G-W-T-W oil lamp & blue oil lamp. Fine mm. oil lamps (G-W-T-W) m red satm, Cosmo, grn. & pmk, grn. case glass, pmk & white quilted, milk glass w/pewter base & 4 pressed. Fme amber oil lamp >w/pmk sandwich base. Hummels. Merry Wanderer, 'Friends & Bird Duet, B. & G. Xmas plates; John Frank ceramic Xmas plates; Norman Rockwell “The Toy Maker”; fme Haviland 12 pc. dinner set m Springtime. Fme collection of pairs of salt & peppers; fme collection of mdiv salts. Red R S Prussia, Limoges, English & Chinese. Orange, dark & green Carnival glass Glassware & cluna m pressed, tea leaf lustre, cut glass, Spanish lace vase, R.S. German, Limoges, Custard, Chinese, Nontake, Japanese, milk glass, ironstone, Nippon, Flo-blue, Belleek & German. All very good articles to be sold. NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS ACCEPTED. Food served. Howard Shaub, Auctioneer 464-3541 and Roy C. Probst 464-3190 PUBLIC SALE OF FARM EQUIPT. The ut quitting farming due to health will sell on farm located 9 miles West of Shippensburg, Pa., 17 miles North of Cham bersburg, midway between Roxburj 'd Blue Mountain interchange for Pa. Turr along Otterbeing School Road between j97 and Rte. 641, watch for signs on THURSDAY, AUGUST 21 SALE AT 11:30 A.M. TRACTORS - TRUCKS - FARM EQUIPMENT Int 544 Diesel row crop with fast hitch and Int. 2000 loader, Int 1026 Diesel, fully equipped, fast hitch, year round cab, heat, c front and rear wts., good rubber; Int 400 diesel, na-., uw front end, has 560 fast hitch, dual wheels .ell separate, 4 row front cults to fit 400 and others, Int. 230 with fast hitch: 2 row cults; narrow front end for Int. 806, 3 pt. stabilizer for Int 504 or 544, 1959 Ford F-700 truck with 12 ft. hyd dump gram body; *..M-M Uni-Harvester S P. Combine with gram head; Int #234 mounted picker, excellent cond , T it 440 baler with No. 10 thrower; J.D 1209 haybme, NI. 290 mower conditioner; Int 100 F.H mower; Hesston No 30 Stak- Hand stacker; Hesston No. 30 Stack Mover with hyd fork; J.D. 16A flail chopper; Two Fox harvesters with two row corn heads, 1 model I F 546; 1 Model F 546; direct cut and pickup attachment; Fox P.T O. table type blower; Int. 33 wagon with No. 51 forage box, 2 forage wagons with NI 601 boxes. Cobey, Int and Grove wagons with bale racks, Grove with 24 ft steel bale or feed body; Smoker 24 ft elev and motor; N I. 36 ft elev with P.T O , J.D 15 x 7 drill with Brome and Clover seed attach.; Int 400 Cycle Planter, J.D. field sprayer, N.I 215 P.T.O spreader, Int trailer type rotary mower; Int. No 560, 6 - 16 inch sprmg trip plow for 3 pt. or F.H plow, Int 3113-14” F.H Plow; Int No. 370,13 ft transport disc, J D 950,12 ft roller-harrow, Lely fert spreader; P T 0 concrete mixer; N.H wood saw, 3 pt rear weight, 2 pt carry-all, Danuser post digger, 3 pt. scraper blade, Cyclone P.T.O seeder, Agway calf feeder, 3 Agway liquid -protein supplement tanks; Homelite cham saw, platform scales, some junk, wagon load of small items and other articles Auctioneer’s Note Don’t miss this sale if needing good equipment, some used only several seasons Terms Cash or Good Check; Lunch At Sale. JOHN C. NEGLEY 10348 Otterbem School Road " Newburg, Pa. 17240 Phone; 717-423-5522 Ralph W. Horst, Auctioneer W W. Gossert, Clerk AT 10:00 Sale by, AGENT FOR OWNER Blair Co. DHIA (Continued from Page E3O) TWeed RH DaleW Hoover Franke RH Arlmda RH Lou i' u Clover Will Farms 21 RH Harold Ymglmg 74A81G RH Milton Corle & Sons Aileen RH Marcove Farm Tilly RH Luel RH Robert A Good 448 GH Dennis A Smith Gina RH Gerald Burket Alda Boots Fred Bechtel Kitty GH GH GH Robert A Brumbaugh 4562 GH 6749 GH W Dean Stern 56 GH Cove Valley Hoi Inc Cindy GH William R England 46 A GH PUBLIC SALE 97 ACRE FARM-LIVESTOCK -MACHINERY - HOUSEHOLDS SATURDAY, AUGUST 23,1980 Located at Orrstown, Pa. Franklin County. In Shippensburg turn off Route 11 onto Orrstown Rd. West at traffic light one block south of Cresslers Food Market and 4 miles to sale. Real estate to be offered at 1 00 p m consists of a farm of 97 Acres, more or less, 80 to 8S tillable, im proved with 2 floor bank bam, stable cleaner and new milk housed room house with new coal stoker furnace, machinery shed, hog pen and 3 car garage Terms 10% down, 10% at final settlement in 30 days from sale Owner will fmance balance on a 5 yr mortgage payable in 10 equal installments beginning 6 mo from time of settlement with interest at 10% per annum on unpaid balance Other terms & conditions will be made known day of sale Inspection anytime except Sundays 717-532-6384 FARM MACHINERY M F 65 Multi-Power tractor, Ferguson 30 w-kelly loader & cults; chains for both & are one owner, Ferguson pulley; N H 269 baler w-thrower; N I Mow- Ditioner,9ft; M.F Dyno-balance 3pt mower; J.D 350 3 pt rake, M F 2 row 3 pt corn planter, N I 323 one row corn picker, J D 13-7 gram drill, very good; N H 327 manure spreader, Meyer 28 ft. elevator w-1 h.p motor, 2 Grove wagons w-racks for bales; 2 Pipm wagons w-J M gravity bins; Ford economy 3 pt 3-14 in bottom plow. Int 8 ft disc, post hole digger; Grove 3pt blade; Ford 3 pt wood saw, Leßoyßft packer, 22 tooth perry harrow; 3 section lever harrow, Case ensilage cutter, 2 wheel trailer, score-out plow, metal teed bunk; platform scales; 14 hole & 2-2 hole hog feeders; lots of hog troughs, water cup in barrel, metal pipe gates, 10, 14 & 16 foot; Universal milker pump & unit; fogger, telephone poles, Wagon load of usual small articles 1972 Dodge M> ton pick-up 6 cy w-stock box 24,000 actual miles, (one owner) McKee Model 720 Snow Blower 22 HEREFORDS - 5 cows & calves - 4 steers & 1 heifer - 3 heifers either fresh or close - 8 steers & heifers up to about 1,000 lbs 2yr old Hereford bull SHEEP - 7 ewes -1 lamb -1 buck AHTIUUES • HOUSEHOLD - BUTCHER TOOLS 2 pc corner cupboard w-16 glass pane doors, jelly cupboard, dry sink; square oak 6 leg ext table; Majestic cook stove. 2 plank bottom chairs, 3 cane pressed back chairs; oak wash stand; swivel rockers & others, spool stand & others; square mantle clock, Mediterranean living room suite; Wards Auto-matic washer; Norge dryer, metal single bed, complete, box springs* mat for double bed, wardrobe, New Yorker oil burner furnace w-Carlm burner, 275 gal oil tank, 2 Singer vacuum cleaners, dishes, pots, pans, small appliances, Afghans, cushions, cheese box, granite tea pot, round lunch bucket, 1 to 5 gal crocks 1 w-hd; lard press, meat grinder w-motor, 3 kettles & 3 foots, stirrers, 2 wooden tubs, meat benches Sale Order 9 00 a m households - butcher tools - then farm items - Real estate at 1 00 p m Terms cash or approved check Lunch stand MR. & MRS. MARK E. GARMAN P.O. Box 160 Orrstown, Pa Ph - 717-532-6384 Art. Rife, Auct Ph - 776-3645 Wickard & Son, clerks Joel Zullmger, Attorney Not responsible for accidents 17,389 18,794 19 41° 21 io2 18,862 18,759 19,601 19,950 19,401 15,895 17,658 2 10 22,496 19,089 68 6 10 21,679 16,796 18,112 66 30 16,179 18,534 21,059 19,447 9:00 a.m Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980—E31 R Dwight Hoover 8 GH 47 GH 51 GH 12 GH Dawn Baker 746 714 785 845 146 150 1?4 220 278 Mary Walters 88L0864 RH 88L0892 RH Harry Brubaker 701 731 832 7 GH Rodney L Metzler 707 828 74 23 B 24 26 134 Lar Ann Farm Ballet 732 710 831 783 Cuber Laura 793 Jerry & Sandy Young 713 786 Thomas W Kelly Abbie RH NoahS Zimmerman 708 Cindy GH Charles & Mike Hoover Sunny GH Salty GH Revere Smith 748 729 Dolly GH Sunny GH 188 GH 782 WEHRLY’S AUCTION Tuesday, August 19 at 6:00 P.M. Located along Snyder Road off of Rt. 616 bet ween Glen Rock and Seven Valleys or off of Shaffer Church Road, Farm Machinery of Mrs. Olive and the late Louis K. Peppier, to be sold at Wehrly’s auction room. Farm Machinery J D #6O tractor, J D #5O tractor with cultivators, ' D #227 2 row mounted com picker, J D 13 disc gram drill on rubber, J D. com or bale elevator with 1 hp. elec, motor, J.D. #24T baler, J.D. 3 bottom pull type plow, 2 rubber tire flat bed wagons one is a J.D , J.D. manure loader, JDS section spring tooth harrow, 28 disc har row, J.D. 4 bar side delivery rake, J D. pull type com bine with motor and gram bin, 2 row J.D com planter, 'J.D #8 tractor mower, grinder, chain saw, 2 balcksmith amvals, tractor mounted circle saw, trac tor chains, J.D. corn planter for parts, elec, fence charger, fence wire, shovel, forks, scythe, wheelbar row, 2-2 hole corn shelters, there also will be other farm machinery from other farms anu . ousehold goods at this sale. Not responsible for accidents Terms cash or approved checks Charles L. Wehrly 235-4146 ttC.Wehrly 235-7415 Muct. and sale managers First Production Sale TUES., EVE., AUGUST 26 6:30 P.M. To Be Held At New Holland Sales Stables Sale Of Bred Gilts, Boars, & Feeder Pigs 20-25 Bred Gilts - Registered Durocs, Yorkshires, and Hampshires Bred lor Crossbred Litters. 15 Registered Hampshire Boars —5 Sons of Romeo - $3500 S E Conference Boar - ready for heavy service —5 Sons of Tanker - $9OOO Lisbon Test Station Graduate - ready for heavy service. Special Feature - 5 Sons of Squire - Squire is a son of Roughneck 39-2 that we purchased from Earl Williams, Hxggmsville, Missouri Roughneck is rated the top boar in the Hampshire breed today. These boars are out of a real productive, big bodied Turn pike daughter, also from the Williams herd. 3 Purebred Spot boars ready for heavy service. 6 Registered Spotted boars out of Tim (Timberlme) from the Kemp herd in Ohio, out of Meyer and Linville sows 40 feeder pigs All breeding animals tested free from pseudorabies and brucellosis Vaccinated for erysipylus, rhimitis, and swav lepto Pseudorabies free herd #l5 Brucellosis free herd #132. Come early and join us for lunch while you look over the selection. For more information call or write Lee Bixler RD#l Box 119 Marietta, Pa. 17547 (717) 426-1539 19,611 19,349 21,815 19,445 11-7 6-4 6- 7- GH GH GH RH RH 7-7 7-5 6-5 5-8 3-9 20,098 20,476 21,788 19,613 18,525 3-9 2-3 20,423 14,782 18,826 GH GH GH GH GH 7-1 5-9 5-0 4-8 4-6 19,563 19,909 16,685 18,158 19,672 22,828 18,152 16,906 6 11 54 5 5 21,950 23,267 20,776 22,840 19,363 60 3 11 18,422 21,887 16,002 Roy and Lee Bi/ler 790 840 787 722 40 43 36 3 7 39 38 34 38 44 791 780 733 742 806 42 48 867 703 42 791 3 6 714 4 1 825 4 4 727 4 8 874 5 4 1066 3 6 829 4 3 778 4 2 710 3 6 796 3 7 855 3 4 704 3 9 893 3 9 750 3 9 720 3 7 809 4 4 705