Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 16, 1980, Image 196
E2S—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, August 16,1980 New toll-free livestock HARRISBURG - The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture has installed a new 24-hour toll-free livestock market news recorder which will provide latest livestock pricing in formation for farmers across the state. The new telephone number, 800-932-0905, replaces a number previously used for farmers in the 814 and 412 area codes only. James H. Sumner, Director of the Depart ment’s Bureau of Markets has announced the following schedule for the taped PUBLIC SALE Of Household Goods and Farm Machinery Location; 1838 Windy Hill Road, between Lampeter Road and Strasburg Pike, 5 miles East of Lancaster. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Farmall 350 w/3 bottom plow, (fast hitch), 14 in.; Farmall H w/7 ft mower; VAC Case w/cults w/3 pt hyd lift & 2 bottom plow, John Deere M w/hom loader, cults , 1 bottom plow & snow blade; Cockshutt 3 bottom disc plow (trailer); IHC 28 disc, J.D #44 trailer plow w/new steel bottoms, Oliver 3 pt 2 bottom trip plow, walking plow; Case cultipacker, potato digger ground driven; rubber wagon; 3 pt weeder; New Idea 310 compicker; 32 ft. elevator (Case) w/molor; McCurdy com drag; Harvester elevator; rotary hoe; J.D 246 complanter w/fertihzer, J.D 13 disc drill w/small seed. App. 4 ton ear com, 3 ton straw; 4 ton hay. Iron Age 2 row potato planter; Iron Age sprayer w/200 gal wood tank P.T.0.; Papec Hammermill; 75 ft belt; dual wheel trailer w/bed; New Idea #l5 manure spreader; Standard twin garden tractor; Troy Built Roto-ette, 325 drain tile; Herd 3 pt. #750 fert spreader, Nova 2 cy gas engine w/clutch; 1 wheel dr Choremaster cultivator, ex ladder, mowers, 800 tobacco lath, oil drums & pumps; grease guns, block Sc tackle; 2 cross cut saws; log chains; Iron Fireman stoker; 7 steel chicken nests, license plates 1918 and up Household Items 2 old washstands, bureau, glass door cupboard, chest of drawers, slant top desk; desk chair, Packard player piano (as is) app 100 rolls, 3 metal wardrobes; glass butter chum, bowl Sc pitcher (1 cracked), Wilcox Sc White pump organ, iron skillet, elec toaster; iron; deep fat fryer, tin ware, brass kettle, cake pans, potato chip vat w/gas burner Hanging hall rack, fernery, wooden cigar boxes; picture albums, foreign stamps, picture frames, stone collection, potato peeler, Knickerbocker 12 ga double barrel, old 12 ga single barrel, occasional tables, canner, mirrors, bushel baskets, Rubbermaid drawer racks, tupperware, boontenware, double all wool blanket, rainbow quilt, water sets, large wooden table, Maytag wringer washer, Easy washer, garden seeder, sleds, pecks 1, h Sc *4, egg baskets, bushel crates Butchering Tools 2 large kettles, 1 furnace, #32 grinder, 2 gal sausage stuffer, cleaver, knives, hooks saws, turn chain, ton chain hoist, pea & beam scales, lard cans 2 meat ’ benches, crocks 1-2 & 4 gal qt &2 qt jars, gamble sticks, Lancaster chain saw, emery stone, wash boiler, many gal glass jobs, store keepers paper roll rack ladles & forks Many articles not mentioned Terms by, DAVID H. & MARTHA E. LANDIS 393-9447 J Everett Kreider, Aucts Steve Petersheim, 786-1545 Lunch by Mt. Pleasant Church Sale order wagon items, butchering tools, household and implements, hay and straw livestock reports on the new line -9 a.m. - Tuesday through Friday updated Western Pennsylvania Livestock reports. 11:30 a.m. - Monday through Friday Cattle and Hog Markets, plus Western Pennsylvania Auction Reports (Monday only - gram and hay). 4 p.m. - Monday through Thursday Cattle and Hog Markets, Futures Close, Meat Trade Close, special sale reports (feeder PIGS STATE GRADED SALE FRI., AUG. 22 1:30 PM AT WESTMINSTER LIVESTOCK AUCTION Westminster Md Phone (301)848-9820 9:30 A.M market telephone report available animals). 4 p.m. - Friday through Monday Western Penn sylvania Auction Summary. The regular livestock Hotline number, 800-692-7253 will remain in service, providing information on AUCTION OF REAL ESTATE 40 ACRES SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 2 P.M. Sharp! Cherry Township, Sullivan County, 2 miles east of Mildred, Pa., on -route #487, six miles from Dushore and 16 miles west of Red Rock, watch for large auction sign on property. 40 acres includes timber, coal and mineral rights, 1,000 ft. road frontage, 2,000 ft. of Birch Creek, electric and telephone lines running through property. In the heart of deer and bear country, a great piece of property for a hunting and fishing lodge, vacation home or whatever. fo be sold without reserve! 25% deposit of purchase-price required at time of knockdown, balance upon delivery of deed. Owners, MCDONALD RADIO & ELECTRIC Dushore, Pa. For further information contact the auctioneers. Bob, Chuck & Rich (loan, Inc. Licensed & Bonded Auctioneers Box 118 R.D. #3 Cogan Station, Pa. 17728 Phone 717-494-0170 After 6 P.M. 717-673-3267 PUBLIC SALE 2 TRACTORS - FARM MACHINERY - TOOLS POLLED HEREFORD HEIFERS-BOAT The undersigned, discontinuing farming, will sell the following, located approximately 6 miles West of Gettysburg, Pa. or 1 mile East of Fairfield, Pa. on Route 116 - SALE SIGN POSTED ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1,1980 10;00A.Nl. John Deere 2240 diesel tractor, 16 spd , power steering, diff lock, 3 pt, 16 9x28 rears, 400 hrs (Tractor in new cond ); John Deere 2010 gas, row crop utility, 3 pt Sycro trans 1? 6x28 rear (real nice); like new J D Model 39,7 ft, 3pt sickle mower; M F 6 ft., 3 pt rotary mower, J D Model 35 loader; very nice New Idea Model 12A spreader, v/n J D Mod 14-T hay baler, Smoker 22 ft elevator, like new New Holland Model 256 hay rake, IH 16 disc gram drill w/fertilizer and grass; Dearborn 2-12” bottom 3 pt v plow, Century rear mounted hyd bulk bin loader w/shift, Grove 6 ton wagon 15 ft flat w/6 ply tires, David Bradley 14 ft wagon, like new Danuser 3 pt post-hole digger w/9” & 14” augers, set tractor chains 13 6 or 16 9 tires, v/n Lincoln 225 amp welder, Power Guard 1700 Watt or 2 KW generator w/5 hp gasoline engine; Homehte EZ -250 auto 14” chain saw w/case, Hem-Wemer IM> ton floor jack, 275 gal fuel oil tank, Jacobsen 19” rotary lawn mower, lot nice electric motors; show vacuum, water pumps, nursing buckets, lot nice small hand tools, axes, saws, shovels, tires & runs, large steel cable, pipe threader, lot assorted nails; electric drills, skill saw, ex cords, misc paints, misc lumber, lot 21 ft sections pipe, lot 55 gal drums, cattle water tank, various sizes log chains, lot cement blocks, full rolls barb wire, portable air tank, lot misc hardware, sockets, old carpenter chest, old hand tools, old wagon wheels, v/n one-horse sleigh, shoe last, straw cutter, Forrest Oak cast stove. Woodland cast stove, storm doors & windows, MANY OTHER ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION BOAT - Starcraft 16 ft with false floor, 25 h p Johnson long shaft motor on Tee Nee trailer, HEIFERS - 4 very nice Polled Hereford heifers (bred f/March-April) AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: A fine lot of items in this sale Most in new condition Sale Inspection August 30, 31 and sale day only TERMS-CASH Refreshment Rights Reserved MR. & MRS. WILLIAM FRESCH Owners Fairfield, Pa C David Redding, auctioneer Rt 6 - Gettysburg. Pa Eastern Markets and other livestock information: 8-30 a.m. - Tuesday through Friday Eastern Pennsylvania Livestock Auction Reports. 10:30 a.m. - through Friday Monday - Hog Markets, Futures 11:15 a.m. - Monday through Friday Cattle and Hog Markets, Futures, Pennsylvania Auction Summary (Monday only - gram and hay). 2 DAY PUBLIC SALE AUG. 30 & SEPT. 1 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hoffman, R.D. #l, Mc- Clure, Pa. will offer Antiques, Household Goods, Butchering Equipment, and Farm Equipment, at their residence located along Route 522, approximately 5 miles West of McClure, and 10 miles East of Lewistown, Pa. SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 9:00 A.M. Sharp ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS Reed Organ (Miller Organ Co), China Closet, Corner Cupboard (6 Panel), Thomas A. Edison Phonograph with Horn (Cylinder Type) Serial #655624 Model D, 40 to 50 Cylinder Records, 2 Spinning Wheels, Lexington Player Piano with mside works, Oak Chest of Drawers, Cane Bottom Rocker, 3 Pie Cupboards, Treadle Sewing Machine, Crocks & Jugs (Large Assort), Flat Griddles, Woven Baskets, Cook Stove, Secretary Desk, Welch 8 Day Clock, Wood Box t Cast Tea Kettle, Sleigh Bells, Clothe Tree, Buggy Wrenches, Horse Doctor Book, Rockers, Cast Frogs & Dogs, Wash Stand, Wooden Planes, Oak Dressing Table with bevelled mirror-Victonan, Flour Chest, Scales, Dry Sink, Oak Extension Table with Boardis, Drop Leaf Table, Applebutter Kettle with Stirrers (Excellent Cond ), Gramte Coffee Pots & Pans, Pedestal Stands, 3 Piece Bedroom Suit, Night Stand, Slant Top School Desk, Columbia Granfanola Victrola, 2 Chest of Drawers, Blanket Chest, Oak Dressing Stand, Stool, Trunk, Picture Frames, 2 Rope Beds, Horse Harness like new, Cream Cans, Glass Butter Churn, Cherry Seeder, Apple Peeler, Cheese Boxes, 4 Qt Measure Bucket, Cast Buckets, Spittoons, 2 Cradles, Bottles, Dated Jars, Slaw Cutters, Bottle Capper, Leather Vise, Buck Saws, Bark Peeler, Plank Sled, Kerosene Lan terns, Crocks-1 Gal. to 12 Gal., 10 Milk Cans, M> Bu. Measure, Wooden Rake, Gram Cradles, 2 Sleighs, 2 Child’s Rockers, High Chair, 6 Matching Plank Bottom Chairs, also other Plank Chairs, 2 Coffee Grinders, Piano Rolls, Lancaster Almanacs, Election Boxes-1 Wood-1 Metal, Chunk Stove, Carbide & Kerosene Irons, Large Wooden Wardrobe, Oak Collapsable High Chair, New England Drop Leaf Table, Ladies Oak Writing Desk, 4 Cane Bottom Chairs, Round Kitchen Table, 2- 1930 Vintage Chairs, also a very large assortment of old dishes & glassware such as Carnival Glass Salad Set, Depression Glass, Crystal Ware, Cut Glass, Water Pitchers, Glass Chickens, Iron Stone, Spatter Ware plus alot more 4 Piece Bedroom Suite-Blonde, Electric Stove, Kitchen Dinette with 4 Chairs, Meat Saws, Food Grinders, Philco Radio & Record Player Comb., 2 Piece Living Room Suit, Metal Wardrobe, 2 Boys 10 Speed Bikes, 2 Girls 10 Speed Bikes, Large amount of Canning Jars, Desk, End Tables, Wooden Wardrobe, 3 Piece Bedroom Suit, Comforts, plus many more items too numerous to mention MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 9:00 A.M. Sharp _ FARM EQUIPMENT BUTCHERING EQUIPMENT - AUTOMOBILES John Deere 430 Tractor with Cultivators (New Rubber), 3 Point Boom, Bush Hog, J D Blade 3 Pt Hitch, J D 10 Ft 3 Section Harrow, 300 Gal Gas Skid Tank with Pump, Barrel with Pump, Wooden Barrels, Mortar Box, Step Ladders, Extension Ladder, Saws, Pony Saddle, Shafts, Corn Shellers, Shovels, Forks, Tubs, Wheel Barrow, Tractor Chains, Hog Crate, Pony Cart, Single & Double Trees, Spike Tooth Harrow Sections, 2 Section Harrow, Fencing, 7-55 Gal Drums 15 Hole Chicken Nest, 3 Walking Plows-I Side Hill, Iron Fence Posts, Drill Press, Chicken Crates, Hog Hangers, Large Round Scoulding Trough, Scrapers, Chains, 2 Grinders, 2 Sausage Stuffers, Kettles & 3 Foots, Lard Stirrers, Ladles & Forks, Meat Benches, Wooden Tubs, Hindman Milkers, Meat Hooks, Scales, Hog Feeder Troughs, too numerous to mention items 1968 Dodge Dart, 2 Dr 6 Cyl -60, 394 mile 1972 International Scout - 4 Wheel Drive-Good Condition Owners & Auctioneers are not responsible for Ac cidents MR. & MRS. CHARLES HOFFMAN Owners Wagner Bros., Auctioneers McClure, Pa. 17841 658-4843 4 p.m. - Monday through Friday Cattle and Hog Markets, Futures Close, Meat Trade Close. - Friday through PA Auction 4 p.m. Monday Summary