Energy fair set LANCASTER - An Energy and Conservation Fair will be held on August 16, at Milton Hershey Farm 6B in conjunction with the State Plowing Contest The Fair is being sponsored by the Dauphin, I Lancaster, and Lebanon County Con servation Districts Various energy technologies will be Readers to Rescue. by Roland Kamoda of R 1 In my column that ran in Monongahela on Fava the July 19 issue of Lan- beans caster Farming, I tried to A* l6l, m y meager attempt answer a question submitted at an explanation on how the displayed and demon strated, including con servation, gasohol, solar, wind and wood Special emphasis will be given to local citizens and their alternate pathways to energy independence Interested individuals, groups, governmental agencies, or businesses working in the energy field are welcome to attend the fair and set up displays This Energy and Con servation Fair will begin at 9 a m. and will close at 5 p m Rain date is Monday, August 18. For more information about the Fair, contact the Lancaster County Con servation District, telephone 299-5361 beans could be used oi cooked, I entered a plea tor help to all ot our readers on any information concerning these mysterious beans Happily, I didn’t have long to wait for aid I received the following letter shortly after the next issue of the paper went to press. In connection with your column ot Juh 19 and the question ot Fava beans, “James Beard American Cookery”, 1972 edition, has a short section on these beans (pages 480-481). In it he states they were imported by the English who called them “broad beans” or by the Italians. They are shelled before cooking. If the bean is large, its skin becomes tough and should be removed before eating. This is done after they are cooked. His recipe for cooking them is to put the shelled washed beans in boiling salted water and cook fairly quickly. Tiny beans should cook in 10 to 12 minutes, the Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980—A19 larger ones m up to 25 minutes. They are then drained and seasoned to taste. He also gives recipes for ‘Buttered Broad Beans’. ‘Garlicked Broad Beans’, ‘Raw Broad Beans’ and discusses hot to cook frozen broad beans. Gem E. Nelson R 2 Box 699 Coopersburg, PA 18036 Thank you, Gem. I’m sure Mr Kamoda will appreciate your advice and will want to get hold of a copy of that cook book Where s Jersey? This next question is an example of how courteous and helpful people truly can be, even if they don’t receive anything for their efforts I recently received a letter form George Phtt of Hap piness Hill Farms, R 3 Ad dision, New York He wrote In your August 2 issue of Lancaster Farming, you listed a “Sire Summary” which I thought was ex cellent. However, 1 am interested in the Jersey breed. There were several sires there that I would like to know where I could get semen from them. Could you send me in formation on #61994 Starn General; #625184 Barlu Chocolate Sundae; and #614850 Will Rich Mercury? Not a Jersey breeder myself, I needed help with this question without any doubt So, I picked up the telephone and dialed Atlantic Breeders Cooperative in Lancaster. Answering the telephone at the nearby Co-op was Connie Gross She listened patiently while I explained the information I needed and rattled off the long numbers and names For the next several minutes, I hung on to the end the receiver on hold ale Connie quickly iccked their stud records to :e if these ‘wanted’ Jerseys >re listed. Popping back on the line, innie regretfully informed . that the bulls were not in ilantic’s stud Oh, well strike one. But .at. Connie didn’t say Sorry, good-bye.” Instead, le said she’d have one of te people at the Co-op check see where the bulls were stud. Within the hour, Connie died me back and said she Id give me the m ition on the bulls not one of them, but all of le told me that #61994 General was a stud ion Genetics, Box rtP ;hson, CA 59328. Barlu ■olate Sundae #625184 glad not all of them had ' like his he makes hungry) stands at stud American Breeders vice, PO Box 7070 in, Wisconsin 53707. finally, #614850 Will Mercury is at stud for ■t Sires, R 3 Box 126 "ity, Ohio 43064. sincere thanks, jc hope that helps find the Jersey bull you Mr. Plitt. Seed (Continued from Page Al 6) W-L Entomologist John ;ler spoke on the newly covered aphid in •yland. The spotted fa aphid is cream yellow color with a row of spots i its back. Damage symptoms from pest include yellowing of seedling leaf veins, le spoke of a pink form of ;reen pea aphid. “I don’t . it will be a big threat m innsylvama, but we will re to keep our eyes open,” .said. Found in both Maryland , New York, the pink form small compared to the •een and seems to be less igorous than the green. If all else fails, the more >tent insecticides will kill Kugler said, noting that athion does not seem to effective. Also on the day’s program ’re Penn State Agronomist >eph McGahen who spoke corn management; Mike •shbarger, Com States >nd Co , who spoke on ■n hybrids, and a panel of ;d and seed dealers who jcussed techniques to ipture repeat and new siness