El6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980 Horst is FFA Champion Dairy Showman and Fitter Dale Weaver accepts his championship trophy for 4-H Fitting from Lebanon County's Dairy Princess Beverly Burkholder. Standing between “Elli", his black and white Holstein who helped him take the championship trophy in showmanship, and "Sheila”, his Red & White he showed in the fitting competition, Kirby Horst has earned the titles of champion in both FFA Fitting and Showmanship. ! ' A AUGUST 22 AUGUST 28 CENTRE CO. GRANGE FAIR FRIDAY 1 00 Garden tractor contest 6 00 Exhibit buildings open 7 15 & 9 15 Jana Jaei Band on the grandstand SATURDAY 930 Junior dairy show 10 00 Exhibit buildings open 800 Bobby Myers & Sandy Magic Show (Plus participants) on the grand stand MONDAY - KIDDIES DAY 8 00 Junior Judging Show 10 00 Exhibit buildings open 200 A 8 00 Kenny Price 4 Rom Stoneman 4 the Sunshine Express on the grandstand WEDNESDAY 2 004800 Bobby 4 Elaine from Lawrence Welk Show on the grandstand U—. CENTRE HALL. PA SUNDAY Free admission no exhibit buildings open TUESDAY 2004, 8 OO Margo Smith & Band on the grandstand THURSDAY - senior citizens day 1 00 Float Parade 800 Louise Mandrell & Band on the grandstand TICKETS S 2 00 lor the day SI 00 parking Free Grandstand LEBANON - Kirby Horst, Newmanstown, celebrated his 21st birthday and the end of his FFA dairy showing career by sweeping both championship titles in showmanship and fitting last Friday during the Lebanon Area Fair. Said Horst, this is the first tune he’s ever taken both championships at once. However, he captured the fitting championship in two previous years of com petition. What’s it take to have the grand championship in fitting? “It’s a matter of keepmg the cow clean and not forgetting to get those spots under the udder and between the legs,” said Horst, who’s been showing cattle for 11 years. He added that cleaning out the cow’s ears is another area most people neglect. 1 ' * t s* V * .%v •*w " r, ' In the 4-H division, the trophy for champion fitter went to Dale Weaver, Myerstown. His entry was Lime Rock Job Apple, Tuesday’s grand champion Holstein in the 4-H Dairy Show. Dave Bomgardner, Ann ville, was selected as the champion showman in the 4- H division. His team mate m the competition was his two year-old Holstein, Md-Harv Ivan Thunder just “Thunder” for short, he grinned. GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINE • Easy Starting System provides easy operation • Rugged design for long life • Available in many variations for,a wide range of applications • Muffler heat shield plus click-type stop switch • Quiet engine 10 h.p. Honda - $4OO • S'/z h.p. - $l9O • 5 h.p. - $240 • 7‘/z h.p. - $320 AMOS L. STOLTZFUS SAW SHOP Poulan Sales & Service Chains for all models and Sharpening 67 Hensel Road, R 1 Kinzers, Pa. 17535 I ® PIjOSIL Increase Your Profits By Reducing Your Feed Costs If you are buying a 40% Supplement, the following chart will help you determine your cost per unit ol protein. DAIRY SEE YOUR LOCAL PRO-SI L DEALER MARTIN’S HOLLINGER’S AG SERVICE FARM & HOME SUPPLY Box 716, RD 1 35 N Cedar St New Holland, PA 17557 Lititz, PA 17543 Ph 717-354-5848 Ph. 717-626-2330 The following are the class results; FFA SHOWMANSHIP In school 1. Mark Patches; 2. Brian Tshudy; 3. Ed Hostetter; 4. Heidi Peiffer; 5. Bryan Blatt. Out of school 1. Kirby Horst, champion; 2.-, Dean Moyer, reserve champion; 3. Reid Hoover; 4. Gary Mase; 5. Dave Bomgardner. FITTING In school Cost Cost Per Unit Per Ton of Protein $ 200.00 25* *220.00 27.5* *240.00. 30* *260.00 32.5* *280.00 35* Get Better Results With PRO-SIL for 10 c per Unit of Protein 1. Mark Patches; 2. Heilmger; 3. Bruce Ligl Heidi Peiffer; 5. Hostetter. 1. Kirby Horst, champ 2. Sue Heilmger, res< champion; 3. D; Bomgardner; 4. Ba Donmoyer; 5. Man Deaven. SHOWMANSHIP B—lo 1. Kristen Arnold; 2. A( Small Engine Repair Service AMOS E. BEILER Box 35 Kinzer, PA 17535 Honda Engines SALES & SERVICE Silage Activator BROWN & REA 120 Liberty St Atglen, PA 19310 Ph: 215-593-5149 Out of school 4-H (Turn to Page El 7) BEEF
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