FULLY AUTOMATIC FARM VENTILATION The FRISTAMAT system has been developed specially for the ventilation of livesiock accommodation, combining in one unit all the functions of a fully automatic ventilating plant: supply, exhaust, automatic temperature control and, if decked, heating and humidity regulation. Owing to its flexibility and regul< ting properties the system may be used in houses of widely diffenrig s.zes and construction, and for all kinds of animals The functions of the FRISIAMAT system are automatic so that the in stallation will only require a minimum of attention. FRISTAMAT STABLING: Available in black iron or hot dipped Designed to reduce creep galvanized crushmgs Nursery decks for faster gains <nfc finishing or breeding SALES SERVICE & INSTALLATION f( j < idf& Faromor Crates Faromor Crates reduce creep crushtngs because they are narrow at the top and wide at the bottom This design ensures that the sow takes extra care in rising and lying down Nursery Decks Not only do your piglets gam faster, nursery decks keep them dryer and cleaner These nursery decks have been designed to save you space As well the modular design allows side-by-side, double deck or back-to back, for use in conversion or new construction Available in black iron or hot dipped galvanized Fencing Fnstamat fencing comes in 3 sizes to match your production needs Pens can be custom built to suit your existing operation Further flexibility is gained because you have a choice of mountings wall post or another pen Gates swing in either direction Available in black iron or hog dipped galvanized FARMER BOY AG LEON HOOVER, PROPRIETOR 457 EAST MAIN ST., MYERSTOWN, PA 17067 PH: 717-866-5692 LOG: V 2 Mile East of Myerstown We Specialize in Complete Swine Systems, Buildings, Farrowing, Nursery, Fattening - Open Front or Controlled Environment ® i I * I\» If I \\ 1 1 I ■ ivi, U J ; if K » v* 5 * / -S"*"'* 8 ” Fx ■* i| v — 1 V Mr .~ jii.iiiwwW* <m ' ”• r ~ „, t —- •raj’ w h*TWB» WiSTa*** v— «r- Comfort I The modular design allows for easy assembly The legs on these stalls are placed well ahead for easy cleaning but back from the front to allow the use of a common teed trough Features • Heavy construction tor rugged use • The modular design allows for easy assembly • These stalls have sliding gates front and rear • Comfort I has available individual feeder Available in black iron or hot dipped galvanized s J Lancaster Farmii .*4 ■or 11 ® ** ‘ * x •Mm? • Balanced ventilating system with recirculation • Draughtless ventilation ' • constant room air motion • Constant temperature throughout the building • No risk of cold downdraughts • Unaffected by weather and wind conditions (no wall inlets) • Adaptable for any shape of building • The air volume can be adapted to suit varying stocking rates in the house • Condensation - and corrosion-proof Gestation Satlls New Sure-Lock gate keeps pigs in These new Sure-Lock gates have a positive lock to keep pigs in This feature allows for easy access - The Sure-Lock gate eliminates drop pins Keep your pigs in with the Sure-Lock gate feature Available in black iron or hot dipped galvanized Saturd 4 t - \ * Comfort II New sweep design allows easy access to sow Easy access to sow is assured because of sweep back design Also the front gate swings up and back gate opens wde for easy entrance and exits Like the Con *ort Stall I the legs are strategically located Available in black iron or hot dipped galvanized 1980-E9 ! »1 -
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