Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 16, 1980, Image 162
D34—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, August 16,1980 County Visitors (Continued from Page D 33) try to keep the important things m mind anduse them when we return. Your far mers have a higher education than our farmers. That is the secret of development.” Their three-week stay is filled with visits to local agri businesses, the Penn State Research Center, fairs, shows and extensive contact with the local cooperative extension service. Manuel says, “We like to get to talk to a lot of people and ex change ideas. We need to learn and to speak with people to leam more about the world.’’ The most impressive programs Manuel has seen are the 4-H and FFA programs m this county. He said, “It is difficult to change the thinking of the old. It is very interesting to teach younger children. We must give a lot of attention to working with' youth. It is very, very important.” Manuel explains a basic problem in his island homeland in that there are three times more people from the Azores living in the United States than living there. He says, “They are looking for a better way of / 1 v-sssgL NO PAYMENTS TILL JANUARY 1 NO FINANCE CHARGES , A£ C Olf ' TILL MARCH \ When you buy a new John Deere Snowmobile \ \ before November 30. See us for details. N 1 LANDIS BROS., INC. 1305 Manheim Pike 7 - Lancaster, PA 17601 Ph: 717-291-1046 Truck Spreading Service Of AG LIMESTONE AND ROYSTER BONANZA FERTILIZERS, UREA, AND AMMONIUM SULFATE OR TRACTOR SPREADERS AVAILABLE. We handle Fertilizer in bulk and bags, retail and wholesale - ALSO - ARCADIAN GOLDEN URAN 30%, Poly-N 10-34-0, or prescription liquid mix fertilizer wholesale or spread. Plus retail Insecticides and Herbicides. MARTIN'S AG SERVICE c/o JOHN Z MARTIN RD 1, Box 716, New Holland, PA 17557 Phone 717-354-5848 life. The better people come here, and we have old people and very young.” His native islands are on a latitude with New York, but he says, “It is not so warm in the summer nor so cold in the winter.” He added, “We see a lot of similar things about Lan caster County and the Azores. Many crops are the same, with farmers growing alfalfa and corn.” He said there have been widespread experiments with soybeans, which grow well there. Presently individual farms do not grow soybeans but he said, “They could be im portant tons.” “In Lancaster County you say your farms are little, but ours are more little,” Manuel says. After con sulation in Portuguese with Mano, they agree that an average farm might be 3540 acres of land with five or six cows. But they were careful to pomt out that there are also very large farms and some very small farms. Agricultural acreage is larger on some of the islands than others. Dairy animals on the Islands are primarily Holstems or Friesian- Call Us For Your Chemical Needs, -*# - ggg** st^*‘ ItSM *s. ‘ *S#P Pfr ■ e *** **,* „ ** * Visitors from the Azore Islands, off the coast of Sousa, Manuel Valadao and David Ishler, Portugal, check out the bulls on a visit to the vocational agriculture teacher at Garden Spot Atlantic Breeders Cooperative in Lancaster. From High School, left, Atlantic representative Edwin Sauder, Mario Holstems, according to Manuel. Some herds may have 10-12 cows, with herds averaging about 6,000 pounds of milk. Manuel said most of the milk is used m manufactured products, including dried milk, butter and cheese. » *< •< There are no barns m the that some farmers have 0n a to Atla ntic Azores, with cattle being portable milking machines ® reeders Cooperative, the milked outside, often by which they take out to the men ex P ressed B reat hand. He noted, however, pasture for milking. (Turn to Page D 36) *s v % 'f<Z> MM . S *>v. ■ Z'* " >•« y '■A'3 a r ,v ' v/> * **sr l# ,''4 y*'' %% V* *fM ■‘gk.. ZOOK MOLASSES CO. ft, WEST MAIN ST., HONEY BROOK, PA 19344 «S-J| A ALONG RT * 322 PH: 215-273-3776 & DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED f ~*-s£ ZOOK MOLASSES CO. ONE STOP FOR ANIMAL FEEDING MOLASSES HONEY BROOK LIQUID & DRIED MOLASSES Honey Brook Liquid Feeding Cane Molasses Mh f * \ —t 1' - THE COMPLETE, CONVENIENT, BALANCED DIET SUPPLEMENT.. OFFERS MAXIMUM NUTRITION FOR HORSES AND PONIES. ENER6I CUBES are an excellent coat conditioner for show and performance horses. SOLID FEED \ip3Bf SUPPLEMENT BLOCK ** For Dairy And Beef Remember - ENERGI BLOCK contains no salt and is not affected by the weather. *5? * *■ '«Mi' Bring your own 5 gal. bucket or drum containers or we have either one in stock for sale ;4MC i