Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 16, 1980, Image 136
DB—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980 SOME EASY TO USE “THUMB of RULE” IDEAS When you have to make a decision rather quickly, and don’t need to be too con cerned about pin-point ac curacy, thumb rules can be very useful Since most people have a whole pocket full of these rules, I thought you might like to add a few that are not so commonly known Be aware, however, that a rule of thumb will only get you m the ballpark it may not win a close game But you can’t lose by much either! PASTURE RENT - What can you pay 7 Actually, there are as many ideas on this as pastures to rent But some economists at PURDUE University have pinpointed some unique relationships between pasture rental rates and the prices of other commodities. 1 Rental per cow per month 22 times the price of corn Example Corn at $2.90 x 22 = $6 38 per cow per month 2 Rental per cow per month = price cf hay per ton dividedlyB 5 Example Hay at $54 a ton - 8 5 = $6 35 per cow per month 3 Rent per cow per month = price of fat cattle divided by 11. Example Cattle at $7O 11 = $6 36 per cow per month. So, even though they use a different commodity as a guide, they all come out fairly close to the same answer Since cows differ widely in protect your fa against costly utility power failure and black outs PMCQ* TRACTOR DRIVEN ALTERNA 15,000 THRU 75,000 WATTS A, No one can match PINCOR-the new leader in farm standby power' Models from 15 000 thru 75 000 watts AC ■ Continuous and conservative output ratings ■ No aluminum wire, all copper wired and wound ■ Long life 1800 R P M alternator operation ■ 5-Year parts and labor warranty ■ Lease purchase plan ■ Affordably priced If vou shop and compare you will buy PINCOR I Contact Midwest Progressive Equip. P.O. Box 441 Lebanon, In 46052 317-482-4776 X\)Q Oair^ Business By Newton Bair age and weight, calculate the number of head by animal units One animal unit is the equivalent of an 1100 pound cow A yearling steer is therefore equivalent to 75, or %t of one unit Calves between 6 and 12 months are worth 5 units, and 3 to 6 month old about 3 units Simply multiply the animal unit coefficient by the agreed rental rate, times the number of animals to establish the total rent per month for the pasture Of course, rental agreements are always complicated by many other variables, in cluding fences, water, fertility, and forage species At any rate, make sure that there is a written agreement and that both owner and renter understand and agree on the terms HOW MUCH IS SILAGE WORTH (Purchased from storage) 7 This question is timely, because silage is frequently a cash commodity when a herd is dispersed or farms are rented The value of silage on a per ton basis is fairly easy to calculate if you have a forage analysis Penn State forage analysis provides a “Hay Equivalent” (HE) factor The HE factor is simply the number of pounds of silage that are needed to replace one pound of hay of similar quality Wilted grain silage at 70% moisture has an HE of 3 0 Good corn silage also has an HE of 30, on the average For either grains or corn Distributor Openings 1 1 I Pincor Alternator I • NAME I ADDRESS I CITY (PHONE H Please Send More Information Info on Distributor Openings Con 16 N. SOM 44 silage, the better the quality and the lower the moisture, the lower will be the HE factor Simply divide the current price of a ton of hay by the Hay Equivalent factor of the silage in question, and you have the value of a ton of silage For example, haylage at 50%-moisture has a HE of 1 8 If hay is worth $54 a ton, divide by 1 8 and get $3O 00 as the value of the haylage Consult a silo capacity chart to estimate the tons of silage in any given size silo PROTEIN BALANCER Now, if I haven’t already lost you, lets tackle one more formula It’s called the “Pearson Square”, and is used to balance a feed for mula for protein What are the proper proportions of grain and protein con centrate mix to give a 16 percent ration’ 1 Draw a square and write the desired protein percent in the middle 2 At the upper left corner, write the percent protein in your available grain fEar corn is about 8 percent) 3 At the lower left, write the percent protein of the protein supplement (Soybean oil meal is about 44 percent) 4 Subtract across the diagonal and write the figures at the opposite corner At the upper right you will have the proportion of corn to be mixed with the proportion of soybean meal that appears at the bottom right corner When mixed in the proportion of 28 8, the protein will average out to 16 percent ZIP STATE 28 Parts Corn 8 Parts SOM Again, we have probably over simplified a rather complex problem A modern grain ration for dairy cows can’t be formulated that easily We haven’t calculated all the other necessary goodies like Booth Insulation Company Residential • Agricultural • Commercial • Industrial SPRAY ON - BLOWN IN - FOAMED IN PLAGE 1167 Snapper Dam Road Call f 1 f -R*|fL7f KM Landisville, PA 17538 Collect B If UUITLIUU YOUR MILK QUALITY GUARDIAN... Mueller is the completely automatic milk cooling system for progressive dairymen. Durable HiPer- Form Model "OH" and "MHL" Milk Coolers feature large-radius corners and smooth stainless steel welds for easy cleaning Couiei capaucies idiiye hum 300 to 6000 gallons With the flip of a switch, Mueller-Matic® Auto matic Washing System cleans the cooler interior with jet-spray wash and acidified rinse _, Ask us for details on HiPerForm milk coolers "OH • ' MARTIN'S REFRIGERATION SERVICE Route No. 1, Box 482 Fayetteville, PA 17222 Phone; (717) 352-2783 SALES & SERVICE minerals; ' vitamins, net energy etc etc But we can use it as another quick and easy “Rule of Thumb” • . Lancaster Farming has over 37,000 subscribers w******************* “THERMAL INSOLATION SPECIALIST” USED TANKS 300 Gal. & Up FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT. Do you have other favorite thumb rules or easy to use formulas’ me know what they are, and I’ll share them in a future column * SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT... tiier “MHL"