Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 16, 1980, Image 135
Lebanon County dhia Month| y @ Report OWNER MEED COWS Kenneth I Sellers 3 R & M Getz 3. Marlin M High B 3 Eugene R Houser 3 Irvin Horst Kenneth Mase B 3 Wernerway Farm B 3 Walter K Heisey B 3 David Brandt 3 Albert F Moyer 3 D Hostetter & Sons 3 PharesZ Musser 3 Ernest Wagner 3 Vincent A Wagner 3 RoyE Nolt B 3 Huberts Miller 3 M Meyers & Sons B 3 Sonnen Acres B 3 Willow Maple Farm 3 Daniel B Shirk 3 A R Krall & Son B 3 John H Hartman B 3 E P Detweiler G 3 Conewago View Fms B 3 Robert Martin B 3 Clyde E Deck G 3 Need money for additional cattle or hogs 7 Or to improve your dairy herd? Start where you have the most going for you. At Farm Credit, we not only lend money for livestock, we do our best to tailor your loan to your particular needs. WE’LL HELP WITH LOW RATES. Look around. Check prevailing interest rates. Then check in at your Farm Credit office. If you shop for your livestock loan as carefully as you shop for your livestock, we think you’ll see the ad vantage of a Farm Credit loan. YOUR PAYMENTS WILL FIT YOUR INCOME PATTERN At Farm Credit, we always try to schedule your payments around your peak income periods So you pay us when your crops or livestock pay you. LET’S TALK... YOUR PLACE OR OURS. You’ll always get prompt attention at your Farm Credit office. And if you’re too busy to make the trip in, give us a call We’ll come to you Most of us were brought up on farms, and we know how tough it is to break loose sometimes It all comes down to this Whether you need money for livestock or any other farm-related need, chances are, Farm Credit can help Drop by or give us a call. You’ll find that we're your kind of people FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL COUNTY OFFICE. V 42 0 53 0 34 7 13 6 54 6 Lane Menn Hosp 3 Leon H Kline 3 Lloyd Newswanger G 3 Walter M Martin B 3 David H Horning G 3 WilmerS Reiff G 3 Hoover Fms No 2 B 3 Amos Balsbaugh Jr 3 Melvin M Nolt B 3 San Bo Holstems 3 Lentzdale Farms B 3 Hoover Farms 3 Jacob Smith & Son 2 Donald G Hotter B 3 Fort Zeller Farm B 3 Gideon A Fisher Jr G 3 Clarence G Mase B 8 Dennis Wampler B 3 M Bomberger & Son B 3 Rich L Heilmger B 8 Jesse L Weaver B 3 Eugene Martin B 3 Ivan M Weiler B 3 Larry G Shuey B 3 Mark Copenhaver B 3 Hershey Bare 3 G & V Arnold B 3 A & M Martin B 3 R & R Shirk 3 MarkC Patches B 3 J E Gelsmger B 3 Irvin Z Brubaker B 3 Bucher Brothers B 3 Raymond K Martin B 3 D & D Bucher G 3 B&K Farms G 3 Ronald Kelchner B 3 Christian High Jr B 3 Moses 0 Martin B 3 David B Lehman B 3 Norman Kline 3 Lester Martin B 3 Hollow Pride Farm David E Zimmermanß3 Harvey Bomgardner B 3 % LIS FAT FAT 40 2 15 35 212 3 5 2 09 3 4 2 06 38 1 97 3 9 196 3 7 195 3 4 1 90 3 7 1 89 3 6 189 3 8 188 3 8 188 3 5 1 87 3 7 1 87 3 6 187 4 0 186 3 8 186 3 7 186 3 2 185 3 3 1 85 3 7 184 3 6 184 3 6 182 3 9 1 82 3 7 1 81 3 7 1 80 (Turn to Page D 9) Lancaster Farming, Saturday. August 16.19*0—07 TOP YIELDING ALFALFA WITH PHYTOPHTHORA ROOT ROT RESISTANCE HIGHEST YIELD IN CORNELL UNIV. PHYTOPHTHORA TRIALS LAST YEAR. (16 Entries, Two Locations) LONG TERM ROTATIONS WITH OUT STANDING RECOVERY TOLERANT TO ANTHRACNO AND RESISTS BACTERIAL WILT