Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 16, 1980, Image 132

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    D4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980
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Melanie Bow, Annville, swept the 4-H sheep championships on Wednesday,
showing the overall champion Corriedale, pictured here and taking both
showmanship and fitting championships
Reserve champion showman, Julie Bow (foreground) had the champion pen of
market lambs. Helping her is Marilyn Oeaven.
Bow takes championships in sheep competition
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Bow, a four year veteran of
the Lebanon Area Fair 4-H
and FFA Sheep Show,
continued the family’s
winning reputation by
capturing the most cham
pionship trophies at Wed
nesday’s show
The 12 year old shepherd
from Annville exhibited her
Cornedale ewe to its breed
championship and continued
her winning streak to
become the overall cham
pion of the show
Bow’s breed champion
Suffolk ewe was tagged as
the reserve champion
Handling her Cornedale
like a professional, Bow
showed her way to the
championship m both 4-H the reserve champion
Fitting and Showmanship showman in the 4-H com-
Not to be outdone, Petition and also had the
Melanie’s sister Julie was (Turn to Page D 6)
John Moyer, R 1 Annville, showed the champion
Southdown ewe