Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 16, 1980, Image 131
LITITZ What will it cost to take an acre of com off this fall? What’s a fair price to charge for growing an acre of soybeans? University of Maryland Economist George Stevens has worked up some figures GROW TOMATOES FOR LOCAL MARKET YEAR 'ROUND ,gf!! * will demonstrate the patented Hygro-Flo Tube System and discuss its potential for your market Topics to be discussed' 1 lnvestment(sll,ooo-$18,000) 2 Production 3 Marketing 4 Income ($15,000-$20,000 per yr.) Meeting Time & Place 7:30 P.M., Thurs., August 21,1980 Holiday Inn Rt. 22 & 309, Allentown, PA HYGRO FOR COMPLETE PRODUCTION, INC. INFORMATION EARL CURTIS NICHOLS. PRES CALL OR WRITE 21 MEADOWS LANE PHONE 215-527-0850 HAVERFORD, PA 19041 Compare your figures with these which answer those questions. They also will give far mers a guideline on how economical their cropping operation is compared to the Maryland figures. Stevens put the cost of an ‘opom If your Checking Account is Tee Bitten'... No check service fees. No minimum balance required. §Ne> v Hoi land Farmers National Bank! NEW HOLLAND, SMOKETOWN, INTERCOURSE S EDEN RO, LANCASTER MEMBER fOIC acre of corn at $223.22 and an acre of soybeans at $l7l even. He did not mclude a cost for on-farm drying, storage, nor for a return to management. Here’s how he breaks out the expenses for corn; Seed should cost about $11.25 an . acre; an ap plication of 120-80-60 will run $66.40; one-third the cost of a ton of lime, or one ton every three years, is about $6; fuel and oil, 5.6 gallons per acre at $1.15, $6.44; and $B.OO for herbicide comes to a sub total of $98.09 per acre. Stevens figured the unit costs for nitrogen at 28 cents, potassium at 26 cents, and phosphorus at 15 cents. In addition to the $98.09 cash cost, he computed the machinery overhead at $65.52 per acre; land charge or cash rent, $4O; land taxes at $3.50; labor, figuring 2.5 hours per acre at $3.50 per hour, $8.75; and interest for six months on the cash cost at $7.36. The latter figure is arrived at by multiplying the $98.09 3816 E NEWPORT RD , RDIGORDONVILLE, PA 17529 I Mile East of Intercourse on Rt 772 • Victor or Meco Cutting Torches • Lincoln Welders • Hog A Cattle Gates • Custom Built High Pressure Washers • Coal Fired Bucket-A-Day Stoves • New A Used Structural Pipe • We Supply Diesels and Mount on Farm Equipment get relief. Machine Work Welding & Farm Supplies Hardware D.S. MACHINE SHOP Write or Try and Call 717-768-8569 (Outside Phone) Dealer Inquiries Invited STAINLESS STEEL WELDING times 15 percent times one half year. That brings the total to $223.22. On-farm drying and storage would add $2O to $3O per acre costs. Stevens figured that the average acre of corn would yield about 100 bushels. To figure a reasonable management cost, he estimated 10 percent of the cash cost and machinery overhead. This works out to $98.09 plus $65.52 times 10 percent. That comes to $16.36 per acre. Using the same system, the return to managment for soybeans is somewhat less, but then the initial in vestment is lower, too. Stevens figured 50 pounds of soybean seed at 20 cents a pound would cost $lO. Fertilizer, 0-50-50 was pegged at $20.50; 1.5 pints of Treflan, $6.23; a half ton of lime, $9.00; and fuel and oil, figuring 4.7 gallons per acre, $5.41. That brought the total cash cost to $51.14. On sandy soils Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980—03 like those on the lower Eastern Shore, the figure would be about $4.20 higher. In addition to the basic cash cost of $51.14, Stevens entered a machinery overhead, based on replacement cost, of $65.52. Land charge or cash rent was set at $4O; taxes, $3.50; labor, two hours at $3.50, $7- and interest on cash cost over six months, $3.84. That brought the total to exactly $l7l. Management return could be figured for soybeans the First (Continued from Page D 2) 204-206 lbs. 1. Kelly Bachman, champion; 2.,5, Tom Arnold, reserve champion; 3. Edwin Houser, Lebanon; 4. Rodney Bomgardner.„ MEDIUMWEIGHTS 208 - 210 lbs. 1. ,3. Jodi Kreider, Lebanon; 2.,4. Bonnie Ar nold; 5. Dave Arnold, Lebanon. 210 -214 lbs. 1. Daryl Grumbine, champion and grand champion; 2. Dave Arnold; 3. Bonnie Arnold; 4. Tom Arnold; 5. Amy Weaber, Lebanon. 214 -218 lbs. 1. Bonnie Arnold, reserve champion; 2. Jodi Kreider; 3. Bruce Bnghtbill; 4. Manyln Deaven; 5. Amy Bachman. HEAVYWEIGHTS 220 - 222 lbs. 1. Tom Arnold; 2. Jodi Kreider; 3. Dave Arnold; 4. Daryl Grumbine; 5. Bonnie Arnold. 224 - 226 lbs. 1. Jodi Kmder; 2. Tom Arnold; 3. Rodney Bomgardner; 4. Mark Deaven; 5. Bonnie Arnold. 226 - 230 lbs. 1. Tom Arnold, reserve champion; 2. Daryl Grumbine; 3. Rodney Bomgardner; 4. Mark Deaven; 5. Bonnie Arnold. 230 - 234 lbs. 1. Dave Arnold, champion NOW! Alfalfa • Spray to protect from leaf hopper • Fertilize to insure production • Fertilize & herbicides for new seedlings Tobacco • Custom application of sucker control Lime • Now on small grain stubble fields Call Us for ALL of the Above SERVICES r || fBUU^LENDSI m fmTUiafmunm [ ANHYDROUS AMMONIA j 2313 NORMAN ROAD, LANCASTER, PA. 17601 PHONE: 717-397-5152 ★ CLOSED SATURDAYS IN JULY & AUGUST same way it would be figured for corn. Cash cost plus machinery overhead on soybeans times a 10 percent return comes to $11.67 per acre. Yield goal Stevens used for soybeans was in the area of 35 to 40 bushels per acre. Of course, different farms and different yield goals will mean different expenses and different returns. But the Maryland figures do provide a baseline for comparison on per acre costs.~CH year and reserve grand cham pion; 2.,4- Tom Arnold; 3. Rodney Bomgardner; 5. Marlin Deaven. 236- 250 lbs. 1. Jodi Kreider; 2. Edwin Houser; 3. Elaine Houser; 4. Tammy Weaber; 5. Amy Weaber. SHOWMANSHIP Handover 1. Marilyn Deaven; 2. Bruce Brightbill; 3. Elaine Houser; 4. Bonnie Arnold; 5. Jodi Kreidu. 11,12,13 1. Edwin Houser, cham pion; 2. Marlin Deaven; 3. Amy Bachman; 4. Tammy Weaber; 5. John Light. 8,9,10 1. Daryl Grumbine, reserve champion; 2. Rodney Bomgardner; 3. David Arnold; 4. Kelly Bachman; 5. Heather Emnch. FITTING 14 and over 1. Bruce Bnghtbill; 2. Jodi Kreider; 3. Kelly Bachman; 4. Tom Arnold; 5. Bonnie Arnold. 11,12,13 1. Amy Weaber; 2. Marlin Deaven; 3. Amy Bachman; 4. John Light; 5. Edwin Houser. 8,9,10 1. Daryl Grumbine, champion; 2. Dave Arnold, reserve champion; 3. Kelly Bachman; 4. Rodney Bomgardner; 5. Heather Emnch. —SM ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO.