Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 16, 1980, Image 126
C3B—Lancaster Fannins, Saturday, August 16,1980 FFA announces sheep award sponsor ALEXANDRIA, Va. - The National Future Far mers of Amenca-Foundation Inc. t has recently announced that Y—Tex Corporation, Cody, Wyoming, will co sponsor the Sheep Production Proficiency Award. Y-Tex joins the American Sheep Producers Council, Inc., Denver, Colorado, and Carnation Company-Milling Division, Los Angeles, California, that both began sponsorship in February 1979. The Sheep Production Proficiency Award is one of 22 FFA award programs which recognize achievement in activities leading to careers in agriculture, according to Robert A. Seefeldt, FFA program specialist. KILE off HARRISBURG High quality and increased entries in the breeding sheep, market lamb and bred ewe sales is a tradition expected to be carried out here at this year’s 24th Keystone International Livestock Exposition to be held October 2-8 at the Farm Show Complex. New additions at this year’s KILE, will include a National Merino Sheep Show on Monday, October 6, and a Dorset Bred Ewe Sale on Saturday, October 4. The Dorset addition brings the total number of bred ewe sales at KILE to five. The Etzler Sheep Driving Team from Van Wert, Ohio, will kick off the Keystone International with their maneuvering eight hitch team. Over |18,700 in premiums will be offered to KILE’s winning sheep exhibitors from a total jack-pot of $84,900. Deadline for entries is August 31. KILE is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Livestock Association in cooperation with die Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, the Pennsylvania Farm Products Show Commission and various breed associations. LET US DEVELOP A DAIRY FEEDING PROGRAM JUST FOR YOU! WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR A DAIRY HEALTH PROGRAM! * PREVENTION & TREATMENT PRODUCTS ★ — ★ —~ PLET US SHOW YOU THE ADVANTAGE OF PENNFIELD'S DRY COW FEED pennfield feeds ELMER M. SHREINER 1/A GOODS FEED MILL R.D. 2 NEW PROVIDENCE, PA. PHONE: (717) 786-2500 The Sheep Production Award is presented at local, state, and national levels to FFA members who have 'demonstrated significant accomplishment in educational and work ex perience activities leading to a career in the sheep in dustry. Factors, such as ap plication of modern management practices, levels of efficiency, earnings and personal development are the basis for selection of winners m the award program. According to Seefeldt, the FFA sheep production proficiency award program is “designed to encourage vocational agriculture students to explore career opportunities in the sheep industry through classroom sheep shows, sales kicked with 8-Hampshire hitch ★ YOUR FULL SERVICE DEALER study and practical -ap plication of classroom knowledge in a working enterprise. Many applicants for the award will be in volved with their own sheep raising enterprise, while othois uidin Lnrough on-the job experience with established sheep producers.” To earn the award, ap plicants must maintain complete records which include earnings, inventory of animals and equipment at the beginning and end of each year, and production efficiency. In addition the student must be knowledgeable in management and marketing practices related to the sheep industry. As co-sponsors of the award, Y-Tex will help The following is a listing ot dates and events foi uie KILE sheep classes; Octobers 12 noon October 4 8 30 a m 12 noon October 6 8 30 a m October! 6pm October S 12 noon Octobers-! Octobers spm A complete line of animal health products and supplies. Rohrer’s Garden & Flower Seeds Ortho Lawn & Garden Products provide funds for the 1980 award program of medals, certificates, plaques, and cash awards. All FFA members who complete supervised ex perience programs in sheep production as part of their vocational agriculture training are eligible to apply for the award. Awards in the sheep production proficiency program are presented at the local level in the form of a medal and certificate.' At the state level* the first place winner receives a plaque and a check for $lOO. State winners then compete for recognition in each of the four FFA administrative regions where the national finalists earn a check for $250, a plaque, and travel money to attend the National FFA Convention in Kansas Sheep Breeding Claim Cheviot Show and Dorset Show Hampshire Show and Shropshire Show Suffolk Show and Southdown Show Oxford Show, Columbia Show, Comedale Show, National Menho Show and Ramboudlet Show release of all livestock Bred Ewe Sales spm Suffolk, Hampshire, Shropshire, Southdown fe Dorset Market t Junior Show Schedules Open Market Lamb Show and Truckload Show Junior Market Lamb Show and Junior Breeding Sheep Show :ial Events Etzler’s Sheep Driving Team per formances Pennsylvania Lamb and Wool Queen Contest Pennsylvania Suffolk Queen Contest KILE Ladies Lead Pennsylvania Junior Sheep Shearing Contest Eastern Seaboard Sheep Councd Dinner Meeting 12 noon Sped 5 30pm 7pm 7 30pm I OSCAR L. LEECH CONSTRUCTION I * Bangor, Pa.-Phone 215-588-1843 J ?★★★★★ Has been appointed as on authorized ★★★★★s ...your complete sales and service headquarters for drying and storage bins and accessory grain handling and con ditioning equipment. See him soon for full information on the equipment you need-ask about FREE mfs grain systems planning services. modern farm systems center ☆ * c s9 ; *t FANS AND HEATERS * DRYING FLOORS SPREADER VERTICAL AUGERS City, Missouri. vention, a plaque and-check At the convention, his or for an additional $250 is her sheep production presented to one of the four program is judged against regional winners judged to winners from each of the have made the most three other regions During Progress toward a career in the National FFA Con- the sheep industry. Here Is your opportunity to own and operate a high profit and enjoyable greenhouse business growing tomatoes, lettuce and cucumbers year round!! Growers are needed in your area to become owner/operators in this fascinating money making business. We provide complete training and technical assistance. Investments from $ll,OOO-$lB,OOO. Gross annual income $14,000-$20,000. Investigate this opportunity through personal inspection of our PROVEN SYSTEM by visiting a greenhouse in full production. SEE US AT AG PROGRESS DAYS FOR COMPLETE ; HYGRO SESSSt PRODUCTION, INC. PHONE 215-527-0850 EARL CURI:| S NICHOLS, PRES 21 MEADOWS LANE HAVERFORD, PA 19041 “Stor-Age” & fmjmttifl DRVING AND STORAGE BINS ‘"’ALL STEEL BUILDINGS GRAIN BINS . SALES DRYERS ..BUCKET ELEVATORS ERECTION . . SERVICE York Elevator Legs - 200 Bu. to 10,000 Bu. Capacity Redex Gram Dryers ISO Bu to t,OOO Bu • hr. Bangor,Pa.- Phone SM-IM3 ☆ _ ' AERATION FANS AND DUCTS *