C32—Lancaster Fannin*, Saturday, August 16,1980 State 4-H winners Two Allegheny County 4-H members were frist place winners in the home and family management demonstration contest. From left are shown; Ann McManus, Allegheny 4-H agent; Mary Alcorn, gold medal winner for a batik demonstration; and Laurie Rogers, winner for a demonstration on gymnastics. Pam Hoffman, Scottdale, Fayette County won first place in the animal science demonstration contest. fiJl/ri: TRACTOR PULLS EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT 7 P.M Featuring... 8 Classes of Super Stock and Modified Tractors and 4-Wheel Drive Trucks Coming Special Event; FRI. & SAT. AUG. 22 & 23 7:00 P.M. NTPA REGION 1 NATIONAL CLASS C BIG TRACTORS Plus: PA STATE CLASS A TRUCKS REGULAR ADMISSION ' loc: 10 Miles south of Adults - *4.75 Lancaster on Rt. 272 6 to 12yrs ‘1.50 5 and under - FREE i Does not include special events 1* v sr IL \ BUCK SEE YOU AT THE BUCK! m DARI-KOOL *+. The New DECO-MATIC 111 One simple, sturdy dial controls the cooling-washing operation! 300 Gal. D 2 Girton 400 Gal. D4Girton 1 J2T 500 Gal. Girton 500 Gal. Mojonnier 600 Gal. Milkeeper (nice) SHENK'S FARM SERVICE 501 E. WOODS DRIVE, LITITZ, PA 17543 PH: 717-626-1151 ★ OUR SERVICE TRUCKS ARE RADIO DISPATCHED ★ 24 HOUR SERVICE After Business Hours Phone.* Paul Repine - 717-626-2837 Mervin Hissley - 717-872-4565 1H 1 wl 'it i DEC V/ WOULD YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE THE CHOICE OF TWO TYPES OF CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR YOUR BULK TANK - —- ES - COOLING SYSTEM I < yii i -agr -mm THE TANK CONTROL IS SET UP U FOR a diesel operation D 2 Soybean farmers elect 1981 officers LANCASTER Frank Ra>, a soybean producer from Baker, Flonda, was elected president of the American Soybean Association at the organization’s 60th Annual Convention just completed in New Orleans. Ray was elected during ASA’s National Convention by 41 soybean growers who, as members of the ASA Board of Directors, represent soybean producers m 24 state associations affiliated with ASA. Other soybean producers elected to head ASA in the coming year were: Charles E. Hamon of Valley Falls, -Kansas, first vice president; Ellsworth Stewart of Macon, USED TANKS 600 Gal. DeLaval 600 gal. 665 Gal. Zero w/5 h.p compressor 2 yrs old - like new 700 Gal. Mueller Missouri, secretary; William Biddle of Remington, Indiana, treasurer; B. B. Spratlmg Jr. of Union Springs, Alabama, vice president; Herb Halvorson of Hanska, Minnesota, vice president; Patrick J. Quinn of Mon terey, Louisana, vice president and Ralph Weems Jr. of West Point, Mississippi, vice president. Retiring president, Allan Aves of Kirkland, Illinois, ★ GALVANIZED PLAIN and GALVANIZED PAINTED ROOFING & SIDING ★ SPOUTING ★ Vh” SUPRATHANE INSULATION ★ FIBERGLASS IN ROLLS ★ BLOWN IN INSULATION FOR CEILINGS JOHN M. ESH RD #2 East Earl, PA 17519 Phone-717-354-7561 Rt. 322 & Fetterville Road «>-. CgtS | 1 C ! . Qgi rr 1 TEMP-MATIC The tank with features no other tank can offer - Built-in washer and many, many more. 800 Gal. D 1 Girton 425 Gal. EscSOLD »200 800 Ga!. Milkeeper 500 Gal. Girton ‘5OO }^ Ga i l K lue, l er 500 Gal. Esco »250 6OO Ga, ‘ Girto " ‘6OO was elected Chairman of the ASA Board of Directors. The American Soybean 1 Association is a national non profit volunteer, single commodity organization of •soybean producers organized to assure the opportunity of a profitable soybean industry. ASA conducts programs for market development of soybeans and soybean products. DEC DARI-KOOL COOLING SYSTEM _ aa. We Service All Makes Bulk Tanks • Planning Layouts • Sales • Installation • Service
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