State 4-H winners The State senior livestock judging winners from York are shown with Maurice Kramer, State 4-H agent. They are from left Kramer, Laurie Dobrosky, Glen Rock: Leroy Bowles, Red Lion; Chris Sunday, York; and Brenda Walter, Airville Brenda was also the high individual judge in the Senior Livestock catr ry. The Junior Livestock Judging Team from Chester County consisting of from left: Don Cairns; Bill MacCauley; Cheryl Moran, coach; Nancy Sayre, coach; Ernie Barrett and Steve Gontarz won their competition last week. Needs From See Us At Ag Progress Days! LEONARD MARTIN CO. 330 FONDERWHITE RD., LEBANON, PA. 17042 7// ” 717-274-1483 Ww/NCO tower ■ 24 HOUR SERVICE ■ RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCKS Progressive Progressive Progressive The ★ THE ORIGINATOR OF AGRICULTURE SWITCH GEAR ★ lots of smiling faces Sf wr * r f Chester County had two top placing judging teams at the State 4-H com petition. Here the winning Dairy Bowl Team is pictured from left: Roy Malik, coach: Allen March; Howard Mark; Alice Mark and Lois Mark x v , SBBfe* *•? % c Adams County’s team topped the poultry judging competition last week. From left are Darlene Besh, 4-H program assistant: Joanne Sterner; Missy Shelter, Scott Starner and Michelle King. '.v'kSis- Farmer Generator Company Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980—C23 ~W*~ <TV' asjwpsxojafi ELECTRIC FENCERS SS- 12 Volt Solid State • No Mowing Parts with Nearly Double The Shock of Other 12 Volt Fencers *89.75 IF YOUR LOCAL DEALER DOES NOT HAVE IT, CONTACT. PEOUEA BATTERIES RONKS, PA 17572 * Authorized Distributor & Warranty Station ii jzaa VSm *$ yyjfi
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