C22—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980 State 4-H winners mssß mi•Hj^SBJS t«——B^owgyi '* iIMBL^WIIitMWK -=r ' mm*™* > rmsn israr „■ -'Jgjof PPHHPs [mmsst: Hans Spahr, Dover was first place winner in the general demonstration contest. Here Hans is shown with Roxanne Price, York extension youth agent Jon Miller, right, York was the State’s high in dividual judge in the senior automotive judging contest Jon from Seven Valleys, is shown with Maurice Kramer, State 4-H leader mbbd asacg-awic •********- ■»■■■.' ~ . York County’s first place meat judging team is shown from left with Maurice Kramer, State 4-H Leader- Kramer; Ken Sunday, York, Bryan Palmer, Shrewsbury; Mark Ebaugh, Airville; Michelle Bankert, Hanover lots of smiling faces * ~ if - '} '. \ %. 1 High individual honors in orienteering went to Craig Reinecker, right, from Adams County shown with Jared K Tyson, county agent. «wcmnmpbx* n a*» -XX #iNfB*l' ® S >S6> .'t: r\«Bk lr 4 ■% Judy Furlong, right, shown with Nina Hoffman, 4-H summer assistant, won the foods and nutrition category last week m§wMV\WMnw** SBBBi MM uSSMiSS^SSfiSMM^B^^SitiR ■ ..y^ysfis —_ 'WHIMMI “ iis mm mm Sfts Wsr mm sss m awsme **» BRANDS ARE IMPORTANT! LOOK FOR BEFORE YO BUY ANY COMPACT DIESEL! We may not be the only dealer around here who wants to sell you a compact diesel tractor but we ARE the only one who offers the FORD BRAND of parts and service backup x Our parts department is well stocked with genuine FORD replacement parts and we can fill emergency needs from regional parts depots through our direct telephone link Our mechanics KNOW Ford equipment and have special tools and training to keep your equipment going And there s a lot MORE behind the FORD BRAND to think about when you re considering a new compact diesel tractor not just one or two horsepower choices but FIVE 13 to 30 gross engine horsepower 2- or 4-wheel drive WIDE RANGE of implements for mowing cutting materials handling, landscaping soil breaking soil fitting cultivating haying planting and seeding Come in soon look em over and put YOUR BRAND on a brand new FORD compact diesel tractor LANCASTER FORD TRACTOR, INC. (THE FRIENDLY STORE WHERE YOU GET MORE) 1655 Rohrerstown Road, Lancaster, Pa. Flory Mill Exit off 283 Phone; 717-569-7063 SERVING THE FARMERS FOR 107 YEARS HAMBURG SAVINGS aid TRUST COMPANY Ktu h t Mwuf4.dl^*-«OPQQ fdk: Hamburg, PA - Phone* 215-562-3811 A FULL SERVICE BANK 717-738-1131 FARM MARKET I -TfICSS3 1755 WEST MAIN ST I ' I Ul- -.i', ml westof Ephrata on Rt 322 :
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