Cl4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980 SALISBURY, Md. - The University of Maryland’s vegetable research farm near Salisbury will host its third annual field day Wednesday, August 20 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 pm. Both home gardeners and com mercial growers are invited. Delaware ag museum to open DOVER, Del - The Delaware Agricultural Museum’s GRAND OPENING will be Saturday, August 16. Doors will open promptly at 10 a.m. Ad mission is free that day, however, any donation large or small will be gratefully accepted The days’ activities will, include the arrival of Gov Pete duPont, and former Governor Tnbbitt,. m ad dition to wheat threshing, shingle sawing, quilting, blacksmithmg, millwrighti ng, basket making, chair caning, candle making, and wood carving. Exhibits on wheat processing, butchering, poultry, horses, and more will be on view. The Levies and Laces Square Dance Association will perform throughout the day as well as the “Old Grass-New Grass” bluegrass ensemble. The Kent County Pomona Grange members will have a refreshment stand open from 11.00 a.m. until closmg. The Delaware Agricultural Museum, a private, non-profit organization, is located in Dover on the duPont Highway (Route 13), one quarter of a mile south of the Delaware State College entrance. The phone number is 302/734-1618, between Sam and spm Tuesday through Saturday Do You Want to Beat The Summer Slump In Milk Production? * 2# INQUIRE ABOUT LACTO-CAL Farmers are increasing milk production more than 2-4 lbs. per cow per day ★ High Energy ★ Increased Milk and Butter ★ Cows Like It Fat Production ★ Improved Feed ★ Depresses Methane Gas Efficiency Production ★ Improved Herd Health ★ Economical D —° HESS FARM SUPPLY RD 3, New Holland, PA 17557 PH; 717-354-7972 AUTHORIZED DEALERS: SYLVAN G. RESSLER VAN-MAR FEEDS, INC. Box 30, Bart, PA West on Miller St in 717-786-2103 Shoemakersville, PA 215-926-2121 or 215-926 1230 "Greater Profits Toda/ Require Peak Efficiency and Higher Production 1 Vegetable field day Field day coordinator horticulture and Extension Franklin D. Schales vegetable crop specialist for reported that wagon tours of > the University of Maryland, research plots will run on a Representatives of the continuous basis all mor- Maryland Agricultural mng, as needed. Schales is Experiment Station and the associate professor of Extension Service will be on I wonder if it might be in the chapter on Cockroaches’ Or perhaps under the heading of “Ants and Other Mymenopterous (who 7 ) Pests 7 ” Possibly the solution is in the section labeled “Bedbugs, Fleas, Lice, Parasitic Mites and Ticks 7 ” None of those things listed in the advertising for a pest control book sounds quite like what we need Wait Here it is The an swer just might be found somewhere in the pages of “Occasional Invaders and Miscellaneous Pests ” Maybe I’d better order this book As you have surmised, we’ve developed a real problem in our household It’s a frustratingly per sistent pest And it’s not the kind that is likely to be eliminated with a string of sticky paper, a wire trap or an aerosol can It’s a telephone salesman This particular telephone salesman generally rings in about suppertime, or slightly later in the evening, calling long distance, supposedly from California He steadfastly refuses to On being a farm wife -And other hazards Joyce Bupp take 'No 1 ’ fo r answer to his bid for an assortment of tools that he always has “on special ” In fact, lately he’s even taken to calling back the second tune when we finally hang up on his per sistence And this certain pain in the ear is just the latest m an assortment of telephone parasites that are abusing the farming com munity with their pitch for a variety of goods They range from these tool sales characters, to pit chmen for machinery cleaners to a character who periodically calls up with this fantastic “real cheap” price on Holstein advertising pens which they just happen ed to “overrun” during printing I try to be reasonably polite the first tune they run me out of the garden, or down from the attic or up from the basement But when they call, several nights a week, twice a night, enough is enough And just as soon as I can get this guy’s firm’s name and location, I’d like to share this story with not only the phone company, but the Better Business Bureau as well on tap Wednesday hand to make short presentations and answer questions at each stop. In view of the hottest summer in Maryland smce 1955, drip and sprinkler irrigation studies are ex pected to draw special in terest. Other topics to be covered will include variety and Flemington, NJ Agricultural Fair Rt. 31, Flemington, NJ The New Jersey Horse Pulling Contest Thursday, August 28 2&BP.M. Horse pulling moves to the grandstand area Heavyweights added to contest this year Several major changes this year in the Horse Pulling Contest should make this event one of the Fair’s top attractions For the first time in nearly 20 years the contest moves back to the track in front of the grandstand . and at prime time. Lightweights begin their pull at 2:00 p m., Heavyweights at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 28 The Heavyweight teams, weighing in at over 3200 lbs., will return to the contest this year, and will feature teams from over much of the midwest, New England, Canada, as well as, New Jersey, Penn sylvania, and New York. Judge will be Al Dodge, Willseyville, New York. Announcer will be Skeet Ludwig, Rushford, New York Entry fee for teams will be $lO. The purse for the lightweight and heavyweight horse pulls Ist $3OO 2nd -$250 3rd -$2OO Teams will be weighed at the fairgrounds, on the scales in the center of the infield area. Lightweights must be weighed, Heavyweights need not be weighed. All horses must be registered with the officials. Weigh-in & Registration 9 a.m. -11 a.m. Thursday Horse Pulling Contest will be conducted under NY State Rules, slightly revised. mulching comparison trials; The vegetable research insect, weed and plant f arm 1S located two miles disease control; and breeding programs with west of Salisbury along tomatoes, sweet potatoes Quantico road (highway and cantaloupes. 349), on Maryland s lower Soft-drink machines will Eastern Shore. Watch for a be available in the ad- , marker sign on your nght mmistration building to help hand side, identifying the quench thirsts if the day is University of Maryland jj ot research substation. is as follows: 4th $l5O sth -$lOO 6th $lOO This 3s An Open Competition. All Pullers Are Welcome- For Further Information Call 201-782-2413 7th $lOO Bth $lOO 9th -$lOO 10th-$lOO
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