Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 16, 1980, Image 10
Alo—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, August 16, 1960 Lancaster Farming says... Farmers must plunge into Octorara studies Another state study with possible far-reaching ramifications on area farmers is underway The Department of Environmental Resources is beginning to take a look at the Octorara Creek to determine if it should be included m the Com monwealth’s System of Wild and Scenic Rivers. Let's have an effort to see that agriculture's interests are protected right from the start, along with good farming representation on advisory committees from lower Lancaster and Chester counties For many years sportsmen, principally fishermen, and farmers have lived in harmony along the waters of the Octorara, F a st and BEYOND THE "AMEN”! Lesson for August 17, 1980 Background Scripture: Nehermah 1 through 6,8 through 9. Devotional Reading: Psalms 122. How to Harvest Drought-Stricken Com Many com fields are drying up due to prolonged dry periods The big question facing farmers is how to salvage this drought stricken com’ Ensiling is one good way, especially if the ears are not well-formed However, if it is to be ensiled, it should be left standing as long as possible for several reasons: 1) As long as it has life, the stalk will continue to build carbohydrates (energy), and that means more nutrient yield and a better quality feed 2) Elevated levels of nitrates may be RURAL ROUTE 10 UL D o sn SHO\ 7W' COWS - NOMJENSE I THINK IT'S MICE Votiß Trying iOMETHIMe Ei.Sf There are usually two wrong ways to regard prayer. One is to expect too little of prayer, the other is to expect too much. To be sure, from God’s side there are no limits to prayer. But front our side, there are definite limits which we may impose. One of these limits is the practice of asking God to do it all without our help. In a sense, this may sound like a contradiction of much of what we have been saymg these past few weeks, that Israel suffered because the nation did not trust fully enough in God But God’s constant reminder through his prophets that his people present in the plant, especially when a prolonged dry spell is interrupted by a few showers. Allowing the com to stand as long as possible will give it more tune to convert accumulated nitrates into plant protein, thus reducing the risk of nitrate toxicity and silo gas poisoning However, care should be taken to not let the com get too dry for good fermentation Aim for 60- 70% moisture Even though the leaves are dry, the stalk and ear may contain considerable moisture Thus, moisture is hard to gauge by simply looking at the plant If the com is too dry for good fermentation, consider adding water at the blower It takes a lot of water to do this For example, about 500 fIELAX DAD you'u Do JUST Fine 9. I*- West Branches and other tributaries Let’s not tip the scales now in favor of one over the other. The area of the Octorara presents many faces. There are rather wild areas, lots of rocks and white water There are numerous scenic areas, too But just as important are the miles of meadow lands adjoining the stream which are important to dairy and other farming interests If the Octorara has a multiple character, why can’t any designation that the DER determines be similarly multiple in scope 7 In wild areas, call it a Wild River if you like, in a scenic river area call it a Scenic River if you like should depend upon him was not intended to mean “I’ll do it all ” God does answer prayer, but one of the greatest effects of prayer always is the changes it bnngs about in the one who doe's the praying. Fasting and Praymg So, there are two basic elements to prayer, the communication that takes place before the “Amen” is pronpunced and the changes in thought and deed that follow after it We see this demonstrated so well m the story of Nehemiah. Learning that the survivors in Jerusalem were in “great trouble and shame,” pounds of water (about 62 gallons) are required to raise the moisture content of one ton of 50% moist silage to 60% moisture When moisture is not in the desired range, it may be beneficial to use preservatives and additives that encourage lactic acid formation If the silage lacks sufficient gram or other carbohydrates for good fermentation, ground ear com can be added at the rate of 200 pounds per ton Be Particular About Seeding Alfalfa Alfalfa is a very valuable, high-yielding, high-quality feed crop It is considered as a permanent crop and it is also expensive to establish Thus, it is usually beneficial to do everything possible to keep the crop a* vigorous as possible for as long as possible so the cost of In those areas where agriculture borders the stream and actually depends upon it, we'd like to see a Pastoral designation which recognizes farmland as an integral part of the area’s ecology. While keeping the area green and scenic such a designation would not interfere with day-to-day farming practices After all, if a pretty stream needs the state’s stamp of approval to be called scenic, then farmers should receive the same stamp of protection in a designation that will permit farming to continue as it has for centuries before bureaucratic studies ever started We hope that the state study will Nehemiah was deeply moved: “When I heard these words I sat down and wept, and mourned for days; and I continued fasting and praymg before the God of heaven” (Nehemiah 1.4) This man who held a high position to the Persian King poured out his concern for Jerusalem and its people, and we find his elequent prayer at the very beginning of the book that bears his name (1:5-11). - ‘ But there was to be more than fasting and praying, ‘ and something would need to be done beyond saying “Amen’ ’ For his prayers not only communicated his establishment is spread over more years. A good alfalfa stand starts with good establishment, and late summer is one good time to seed new stands, providing there is sufficient moisture for seed germination. Select a well-drained, fertile field free of weed infestations and herbicide residues Generally this will be a field that had been planted to a row crop or a small gram crop Do not seed alfalfa into an old sod crop. The field should have been limed 6 months to a year prior to seeding Work the ground early to form a good firm seed bed and work in necessary phosphorus and potash This forms the foundation for your new seeding Select a high yieldmg, disease resistant variety Remember, alfalfa By om Armstrong BY CURT HARLER, EDITOR concern to God and ex pressed his trust in G d s power to meet this rr-d, they also did somethi" ;o Nehemiah, so that in ti. he became part of the answer u his own prayer, ge ting tne king to permit him :o ’~pfur r ‘ to Jerusa'em a" 1 ■ t.r< charge of the recon iructio “Let Us Rise Up and Build! “ It was this same kind of attitude that enabled Nehemiah to successfully rebuild the walls of Jerusalem With his challenge ringing in their ears, the people in Jerusalem when they had seeds are small For good Days will be held August 19- germmation and rapid 21 at the Rock Springs emergence, good seed Agricultural Research placement is essential This Center. Route 45 west of can be accomplished by State College. Approx band seeding, placing .the imately 225 corn seed shallow and near to a mercial companies will band of starter fertilizer, be exhibiting If you are and firming the seed into thinking about purchasing close contact with the soil by some farm machinery, you using press wheels or a may have the opportunity to cultipacker Avoid working observe it in action and and packing the soil when compare it with other mak A)) wet and use herbicides if that will be demonstrated in weed problems exist the field In addition, there Plan to Visit will be many educational Ag Progress Days exhibits, tours of research Penn State’s Ag Progress, plots, crop variety plots, etc Farm Calendar Saturday, Aug ps( 16 Pa. state plowipg contest, Hershey Farms’ farm 68, Hershey, 16 a.m. Hereford Jr. Farm Fair, Hereford Senior High, Hereford, Md., 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. ' EAYFA ice cream social, Woodcrest retreat, Ephrata Mtn., 6 p.m. recreation, 8 p.m. eat. Chester County 4-H horse show, Blue Rock Farms, West Chester, 8 a.m. Berks County 4-H horse roundup. Southcentral Pennsylvania Holstein championship, Carlisle fairground, Carlisle. PA Polled Hereford Summer show, Dayton Fairgrounds, Dayton keep condemnation proceedings to a minimum in their scenic easement recommendations Starting now, farm groups in southern Lasncaster and Chester counties should plan to see that agricultural property owners are adequately represented on advisory committees It’s beter to get input from the start rather than try to change a bureaucratic recommendation later fp) It’s time that farmers are recognized as the country's Number One Ecologists for their efforts year round to not only be thoughtful stewards of their land but to protrect the vegetation and wildlife that lives upon it finished praying, said: “Let us rise up and build”, and Nehermah tells us that “they strengthened their hands for the good work.” (2.17,18) Later, he reports, “So we built the wall ..for the people had a mind to work” (3.6) And then confronted by jealous enemies who wanted to interfere with their work, Nehermah and his people met this challenge in the same way: “And we prayed to our God, and set a guard as a protection against them day and night’ ’(3 9). w) And they were successful because they knew what went before and after the “Amen” prayer. Sunday, August 17 Franklin County Fair, Chambersburg, continues through August 23 Fulton County Fair, Mc- Connelsburg, continues through August 23 Somerset County Fair, Meyersdale, continues through August 23 Monday, August 18 Perry County Fair, fairgrounds, Newport, continues through August 23 Montgomery County, Md. fair, off 1-270, Gaither sburg, continues through August 23 Cameron County Emporium, continue"' through August 24 (Turn to Page Al 4)