Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 09, 1980, Image 87

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Subscribers to Lan
caster Farming will
receive one advertise
ment FREE each month in
our Mail Box Market
Subscribers using the Mail
Box Market will be govern
ed by the following rules
Limit your advertise
ment to 20 words area
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repeated requests please
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advertisements accepted
Include your Lancaster
Farming mailing label and
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Mail Box Market
Lancaster Farming
P O Box 366
Lititz PA 17543
No Phone
Calls Please
Wanted- Cvlmder oumo in
good cond, Jonathan N
Hostetler, Reedsville
RD#l, Box 41,17084
For Sale- 1971 Dodge
pickup truck, 3 /< ton,
double cab, good cond
For Sale--Rope halters for
cattle made to order Call
717-898-7020, Lan
Pa 17538
Sale- 3 ventilators, 2
at 24”, 1 at 30”, real nice
cond $l5O each 712
273 6572 Leb Co
Looking for Columbia and
Black Ewes' for fall
breeding Farmhouse
spinning instruction
Wheels and supplies for
sale N Cecil Co , Fair Hill,
For Sale- Fox 2000
chopper, 2R, 30” center
corn head, elec shar
pener, exc cond 717
529 6670
Wanted- Balbo rye field
run, For Sale- hot water
furnace, oil fired or coal
stoker unit 717-866
2091 Leb Co
Wanted- Trade new 540
RPWI Gearbox off 782 NH
Harvester for 1000 RPM
new or used Dealers
welcome anywhere ll 717
852 35 33
For Sale Cub 5’ mower
•averted to rear mount
Ibp built hydraulic front
loader for Cub Both can
be used at same time
S3OO Firm-and sold as is
Juniata Co 717 694
For Sale- New BxlB rack
wagon on 8 ton gear
51095 One pair 16 9x34
tires, 35 pet & 15 pet
rubber 717 733 9379
for Sale- AC two row corn
Picker for WD or WD4S, 4
btm Case plow 16” 3 pt.
hitch trip Perry Co 717
834 4578
Wanted Cream
separator Small Hand or
ilec driven , will consider
iroken equip at lower
Price Dauphin Co 717-
166 9531
for Sale- 770 Oliver diesel
factor runs nice, new
Paint job on rubber Titus
M Weaver, Terre Hill Pa
for Sale- Woods Bros
single row picker ex
cellent cond 717-486-
5942 JD model G tractor
overhauled, Wisconsin 4
lender engine with
•rter. Cumberland Co
for Sale- 3250 Calumet
Manure tank mounted on
>963 Chevy 70 series
twin screw. Adams Co.
? 17 334-8553
For Sale- Tmgley rubbers,
knee high, & regular
boots A few of all sizes
Must sell cheap Also
table saw 717-949-3791
Leb Co
For Sale Round baler,
504 C Vermeer, makes
900 pound bales, exc
cond Westmoreland Co
For Sale 3-24' tobacco
ladders, 1-20’ tobacco
ladder Exc cond 717-
653 1674
For Sale 3 wagons, 1
horse neison, 2 small
pony wagons, all good
cond , 1 wagon on rubber
tires, others steel 301-
398-5423 Cecil Co
For Sale- Case 2 btm 14"
trip plow, $225, 3 section
spring tooth harrow,
$125 Lebanon Co, 717-
Wanted- Handy man
special farm on lease
purchase within 20 miles
Lehigh Valley area Call
Paul-215-966 3360
For Sale- Athens pull type
chisel plow, 7 tooth, good
cond $l2OO or best offer
Cumberland Co 717-776-
For Sale- 40” Fngidaire
double oven, custom
deluxe elec stove, exc
cond $350 also track
Barrels 717-345-8815
For Sale- 2 purebred
Suffolk rams 1 yearling, 1
lamb Lane Co 717-665-
For Sale Tractor, 1950
Moline G Standard, belt
pulley & hydraulic
cylinder Good cond,
Chester Co 215-948-
5641 5-9 pm, after 9
pm 215-320 4924
For Sale- Hand start JD A,
Wanted- forge with fire
pot and blower, Cumb
Co 717-776-7146
For Sale- Rabbit cages,
picture window, 30X
telescope, 16 oz hammer,
bike speedometer, bike
toe clips, bike reflectors
Lane Co 717 354-9840
For Sale 1030 Case
Diesel tractor, motor )ust
overhauled Amos S
Lapp', Jr’,' RDKI
Strasburg. Pa Box 332
For Sale- Potato Har
vester, Mark VI, new
webs, tn fine shape, ready
to go 717 244-9745, York
For Sale Nl manure
spreader w/forage sides,
PTO, $350, Tetra Petkus
rye $4 00 bu 215-445
For Sale- 18 ft center,
console, fiberglass boat,
motor, trailer - good
cond , ready for fishing
$2700 York Co 717-252-
2938, or 717-757-2453
For Sale- Used 1955 Int
pickup truck parts , I E
trans, clutch, engine
parts, radiator, body
parts, glass, and more
717-367 4264
For Sale NH #8 crop
carrier chuck wagon, 3
beaters, roof, 12 ton
tandem running gear
215-932-8999 Chester
For Sale Pick from pen of
20 purebred duroc boars
Service Age Bucks Co
For Sale- Oliver 2 row
potato digger, late model
open-throat, hydraulic lift,
good cond Asking $650
Lehigh Co 215 298-2751
For Sale- New Idea 323
cornpicker, very good
cond $2200 Wanted- 2
row narrow corn head for
717 NH chopper Tioga Co
717-549 5146
For Sale- AKC Cocker
Spaniel puppies $125
Mitler hot air oil burner &
tank like new 717-427-
For Sale- Post hole digger
- 3 hp, craftsman two
augers $6O Chester Co
215-942-2379 after 6 pm
For Sale- 6 year old reg
Belgian stallion Clinton
Co Mark Stoltzfus, RD 1
Box 1308, Mill Hall, Pa
For Sale- 500 gallon
stainless steel direct
expansion tank available
immediately, good cond
Lane. Co. 215-445-6453
For Sale- 310 F Case
diesel crawler-loader,
need rear end work AC
190 2R mtd corn picker,
MH combine motor
Northumberland Co Call
eves 717-275-2509
For Sale- 30x200’
dismantled glass
greenhouse, boiler & fan
included Complete unit
$3,000 or sold separately
Baltimore Co 301-357-
For Sale-10 Grade Dorset
Ewe Lambs, 7 & 8 mos
old $75 each York Co
717 993-2119
For Sale- Reg 15 mo
Jersey Heifer, Topcat sire
Ready to breed Exc
health 717-292 4032
For Sale- Oliver PTO
single row potato digger
on rubber, good cond,
$l5O 215 593 5371
For Sale- Peaches and
apples daily thur Sept
Also Int 16 Harvester,
$225 Lane Co 215-445-
5704, Bowmansville-Ad
For Sale- Acre Country
Property 2 bdrm brick
house, wood and oil heat,
garage, workshop, more
Write P O Box 158,
Conestoga, PA 17516
For Sale- 3 well bred
female Bluetick beagle
pups 6 wks old, $2O ea
Cecil Co 301-658-4538
For Sale- 2 Goodyear
Tractor Tires - traction
troque 18 4x38 - approx
20 percent tread
remaining, good for duals
$75 Berks Co 215 944
For Sale- Fuel tanks,
2000, 3000, & 4000 gal
201-859-2616 Warren Co
Wanted Family farm,
approx 200 acres good
tillable land Prefer 2
houses Stocked &
equipped, good shape,
need some financing 201-
For Sale 1965 IH truck
tractor, twin screw, 40 ft
flat bed Dorsey trailer,
both inspected, in good
shape 814-472-5461
For Sale- 50 ft windmill
$2OO, 1974 Dodge pickup
bed $175, 40 in camper
top, 8 pt $125, pr of per
lux truck fog lights, new
$35 717-367-7574
For Sale- 36 in Air-O-
Matic fan, 2 spd
w/shutters, also 16 ft flag
wagon, 50 ft 9 in silo
pipe w/elbow 717-859
2712 Lane Co
For Sale- 42 ft x 6 in
transport auger PTO
Drive Very good cond ,
asking $B5O 717-524
Wanted- Old Cletrac
model 15 or 20 & Oliver
OC 3 also want old 1
cylinder hit & miss
engines & related farm
equipment 203-375-
For Sale- Family station
wagon, 1977 Fury, air
cond, power brakes &
steering 215-267-7448
after 6 pm
For Sale Allis Chalmrs
WD-45 tractor AC corn
harvester #720 tires and
rims for 178 MF 717 733
Wanted- A seive for a No
91 1H combine, for
combining clover seed
For Sale- John Deere 350
crawler loader working
cond best offer ofer
$5OOO 215-267-7349
For Sale Auto Medic II
$lOO Used 1 year
Christian B Zook, RD#l,
Box 285, Kmzers, Pa
17535 Mine Road west of
Semen For Sale-
Astronaut, Conductor,
Creek, Ace, Virginian and
Marvex 717-665-3862
For Sale AC combine No
60 PTC & Bin parts or all,
JD Hay Crimper, 4 row
Oliver corn planter priced
to sell 717-292-1924
For Sale- 160 bu
organically grown
soybeans 39% protein
717-354-7064 or 215-
273-2683 early mornings
For Sale- 1972 Lincoln
Continental town car,
good condition Make
reasonable offer
Lycoming Co. 717-745-
For Sale- 12 bu Pioneer
seed wheat, 16 bu Logan
seed wheat, cleaned
treated certified lastvear,
also 400 gal Milkeeper
bulk tank in working
condition Abner S Glick,
RDI, Box 270, New
Providence, PA 17560
For Sale- Silo Pipe 50 feet
7 inch, galvanized $lOO
per foot Samuel K
Stoltzfus, Bartville Rd
Box 351, Kirkwood, Lane
For Sale- 35 Springing
grade holstem heifers, 2
reg holstem, 300 gal
Esco bulk tank, Jamesway
12 ft silo unloader Lane
Co 717-653-8703
For Sale 9 yr old Bay
mare suitable for buggy or
carriage Lane Co 717
For Sale- Cherry and
walnut lumber, air dried
about 10 yrs AC WC
tractor $250 bad block
Antique cookstove with
warming ovens $350
York Co 717 862-3478
Wanted 400 or 500
gallon Girton bulk tank in
used good condition Enos
J Zook, Quarryville R#3
Pa Box 171 A Lane Co
For Sale- Speed Queen,
wringer wash machine
$25 00, Johnson water
cups, 2 row egg grader,
air power John S Click,
Quarryville R 3 Lane Co
Box 346 17566
Wanted- Grinder for
sharpening sheep shear
blades Adams Co 717-
For Sale- 12” plows
pulltype on steel $75,
walking tractor &
cultivator $75, pool filter
sand $2O, 80 Bxl6 block
$3O Chester Co 215-
For Sale- 12-4’xB’ beds of
hybrid red wngglen
worms, with harvester
MM 2890 combine, 11’
gram & soybean header -
2 row corn head Adams
Co 717 334 8439 after 6
For Sale- Keenco egg
grader, 10 hole nests, 8’
feeders. 15 egg baskets, 3
hp motor like new 717
For Sale 59 International
1 ton dual wheel truck
Good 10 ft bed and
rubber, runs good, cab
rusted $450 York Co
717-235 1825
For Sale- Pioneer wheat
seed, $5 50 per bu,
cleaned is from certified
seed, sown previous year
Lane Co 717-656 9766
For Sale- Steel wheel
wagon $2OO, 275 gal fuel
tank $6O, AKC toy collie
puppies Reuben F Esh,
3812 E Newport Rd,
Gordonville, Pa 17529
Wanted Horseman &
caretaker for farm in
Chester Co House
provided, no children,
references necessary
215 644-9586 between 9
a m & 5 pm
Wanted- Many 10’ fencing
rails, small quantity of
hay, straw, oats Make
offer on '7l Nova, 2 dr
Chester Co 215-383
For Sale- 20 ft terry
camper with 1971
Granville towing car real
clean with extras, must
see to appreciate 215
326 0156
For Sale- Heavy duty high
speed industrial drill
press with #2 morse taper
(floor model) Lane Co
717 354-5060
For Sale- Fox Terrier
ouoDies, 6 weeks old
Samuel F King, Paradise
Lane Ronks Pa 17572
For Sale- Patz barn
cleaner, exc cond 224',
right hand chain, 18’
Acorn water bowl, 38
Acorn lever action
stanchions Franklin Co
Wanted- Parts for 1947
Dodge pickup truck Call
Bob at 201-932-9575
between hrs of 9-5 and
reverse charges
For Sale- 1959 Qpmaro
motor and trans ,
overhauled, dash pad,
shocks, exhaust, rear
windshield, chrome rear
wheels, body, paint,
Delaware Co 215-485-
For Sale- Milking does,
Alpine, Togg & Saanen
Excellent milkers
Himilayan Rabbits,
Tabernacle, NJ 609-268
For Sale Used lumber
hand hewn barn beans
and frames Berks Co
For Sale- Registered
Saddlebred, broke to
drive, the best traffic safe
and sound 717-354-9855
For Sale- Gehl forage
blower 4ft dia Lane
Co 717-665 7709
For Sale- Kesco milk
mover with automatic
washer Cumberland Co
717-776-6220 7 am or 7
For Sale- 14' Brady flail
shredder $l9OO 72
Chevy suburban, VB-PS
PB AT, Air $2295 66
Chevy truck, 21,000 GVW
$l7OO Adams Co 717
For Sale- AC round baler
with good belts $2OO or
best offer York Co 717-
For Sale- 300 IH Utility
tractor, good cond
$lOOO Table saw, heavy
duty industrial type ex
cond $lBO 302-678-
For Sate Walnut furniture
boards, -sawed 3 1 /z yrs
$1 a ft Luke Stauffer, R 2,
Parkview Hghts Rd,
Ephrata, Pa Lane Go
For Sale- Antique Coal
Barge Winch Heavy Duty
2 speed hand powered
$l5O Lane Co 717-394-
For Sale Case 1845
Diesel Skid Loader
$7OOO Lancaster Co
717 859 2792
For Sale- MF 165 on steel,
good condition Lancaster
Co 717-354-0018
For Sale- International
706 Diesel Tractor with
model 234 corn picker
also 16' Grove dump
wagon, excellent con
dition 215 678-2472
For Sale- F-12 Farmall
tractor 1 bottom mounted
plow, mower, culv $595
1952 Chevy truck 14’ bed
with sides $475 Chester
Co 215 286 6586 after
5 30 pm
For Sale- MF 275 diesel,
200 original hrs Also late
325 w/row picker shelter
For Sale- 60 holstem
heifers open from 6 to 8
hundred lbs also milk
jugging equipment Berks
Co 215-562-4575
For Sale- Axeman An
derson, hot water boiler
14,000 BUT output,
w/circulator Levi Belter,
R 2 Montgomery, Pa
17752 Lycoming Co
Wanted- Old patchwork
quilts, all patterns, light
or dark colors Highest
prices Write Mrs Marilyn
Kowaleski, RD#3, Wer
nersville, Pa 19565
Berks Co
For Sate- Nl 315 2 row
narrow corn picker, 12
roll husking bed in good
cond $4500 717-789-
4552 Perry Co.
For Sale- 7 yr old reg
paint mare, 50/50 liner
chestnut 4 white, 2 yr old
grey Arabian gelding,
717-366-0617 Schuylkill
For Sale- Farmall 300, live
pto, hyd f e , new rubber
$l7OO Int 45 baler $3OO,
Rake $5O, Mower $5O
Northampton Co 215-
Wanted- Front end
weights to fit a JD 620
tractor North Co 215-
For Sale- NH 77 Baler,
good cond $250 717-
244-1184 Red Lion
For Sale- '4B Deluxe
Plymouth Coupe, good
cond $650 Camper on 66
slant 6 Dodge $2500,
White Shorthorn bull
$BOO 717-244-0883 York
For Sale- 2 round corn
cribs, $4OO for both 215-
For Sale- 58 Trojan nippk s
waterers, good cond , all
58$ 150, used Auto-
Medic II Liquid Prooor
tioner, good cond $75
Susq Co. 717-553-2676
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 9,1980—847
For Sale- 9 ft spring
harrow $l7O, AC 1 row
harvester with grass head
$9O Stauffer 2 row
tobacco planter $B5
Sauder loader $65 Lane
Co 215-445-4730
For Sale- Approx 370
tomato baskets, 10 young
sows threeway cross, 1
York and Chester white
cross Boar Due in Sept
Benjamin B Esh,
Christiana RD #2
For Sale- Servel gas
refrigerator in good
condition, also red coat
seed wheat last year
certified Lane Co 215-
445 7117
For Sale-1 pair old mules,
sound work any place
Choice $450 each Lane
Co 215-445-5697 6 to 8
am or pm
For Sale-Sawdust Melvin
A Beiler, Gap #1 Pa
For Sale- Goulds deep
well submersible pump in
good working condition
$75 Samuel B Stoltzfus
V/z miles East of White
Horse along 340 Lane
For Sale- McCormick
engine driven corn binder
with short & long carrier,
wheel set out, good cond
John L King, So Belmout
Rd Paradise
Lancaster Farming
Please give us 3 weeks advance notice.
Attach label from current paper and at
tach in space provided; write in your new
address below. Changes will be made as
close to requested date as possible.
Entering a NEW Subscription?
Check the proper box and fill in your
name and address. Attach your check,
$7.50 per year or $13.00 for two years in
PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY. VA and WV. (All
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Wanted- Ground driven
corn binder in good cond
For Sale- Airplane
propeller, 4 Surge
milkers, 3‘large pails, 1
small and straps Sam B
Stoltzfus, Gap, RD 1 #458
17527 Lane Co
For Sale- John Deere $79
tank spreaker works good
$5OO Union Co 717-966-
For Sale- 3 nice Fox
ternor pups & feeder pigs
JK King Box 119,
Paradise, Pa 1 mi N of
For Sale- NH Super 717
harvester with one row
corn head and six used
farrowing crates Lane
Co 717-653-2819
Wanted- feet of 9 inch
silo pipe Also No 70 bale
thrower to fit No 315
New Holland baler 717-
For Sale- Grain 500
bushels Speltzs Schuylkill
Co 717-754 4101
Wanted- Used tin roofing
will haul away no charge
Lehigh Co 215-767-6323
For Sale- Martin manure
spreader, model V 1575
with 4’x6’ hydraulic lid,
Lely Roterra, model RH
400 with floating head,
both excellent condition
Tioga Co 717-353-6491