HUNTING CAMP-PERRY COUNTY REAL ESTATE AUCTION! nmrm.MnsiM The undersigned, located 1.8 miles North on Rt. 17 from Ickesburg, Perry Co., Pa. (Going toward Millerstown - turn left off rt. 17 at ‘High Chapparel’ Sign, go to the “Beaver House” Camp - watch for Sale Signs) will offer for sale the following: REAL ESTATE-ALONG THE FOOT OF THE TUSCARORA MOUNTAIN! “Beaver House” Hunting Camp, situated on ap proximately 4 Acres of Wooded Mountain Ground with a small stream “Excellent Deer Hunting Camp! ” Camp is a 16’x40’ Cabin with an BxlB wing. Bath, New Oil Furnace and New Hot Water Heater, Drilled Well, Aluminum Sidmg Sleeping Facility for at least 12 People Beds, Tables, Refrigerator, Stove and other furniture all go with the Property Tool Shed, picnic tables, even the pots and pans go tot he Successful Bidder Terms 20% Down, Balance within 30 Days Property Inspection Day of Sale or for Appt Call Art Klmg, 717 789-3883 245 Elizabeth Street Landisville, Pa. Sale by: K ling’s Auction Service Landisburg, Pa. 789-3883 PUBLIC SALE FARM MACHINERY SATURDAY, AUGUST 23,1980 Located: R.D. #l, Spring Grove, Pa. 1-3/10 mi. on Martin Rd., south of Nashville, (Nashville is located between Rt. #3O and Spring Grove on Rt. #116.) Watch for Signs. FARM MACHINERY TRACTOR - COMBINE - PICKER Farmall 766 Diesel w/3 pt ; Farmall 706 Diesel w/2 pt.; J D 3010 Diesel w/3 pt , Massey Ferguson 510 Diesel Combine, 13 ft. grain head, quick tach, air condition and cab; Massey Harris Pony tractor w/plow, culti., sickle mower, hyd. & PTO; New Idea 305 mtd. corn picker w/roll husking bed (mtd for JD 3010). TILLAGE EQUIPMENT I H.C 710 - 4x16 Automatic Reset plow, semi mtd ; J D 3x16 - 3 pt. mtd plow; White 252 -11 ft Transport disc; Oliver 241 10 ft. transport disc; Bnllion 14 ft. transport harrow w/fold up wings, J.D 7 ft Kilhfer disc; Ford 10’ transport disc; Bnllion 12 ft cultipacker w/wheel transport PLANTERS AND HARVEST EQUIPMENT- J D 494 A Planter (liquid or dry fertilizer); M F No 26,15 disc grain drill, (fertilizer & grass box); Kuker 8 row field sprayer w/centrifical pump; New Holland 69 Hay baler PTO; J D #2 Hay fluffer, New Idea Parallel rake, Paper No 12 Forage wagon w/8 ton gear; Kasten Forage wagon w/8 ton gear, J D. 34 forage harvester w/corn head; New Holland 717 harvester w/corn head; Ford 535 9 ft haybme; 2 Grove hay and gram wagons w/sides, False end gates and unloader; New Holland PTO Blower MISC. EQUIPMENT Paper #B7O Grinder Mixer, J D 34 Manure Spreader, Woods model 213 (13’) rotary mower (w/fold up sides), 150 bu auger unloading tractor, Brady 6 ft stalk beater, J D hay & gram elevator 40 ft Allied single chain hay elevator 28 ft, 14 ft aluminum portable elevator, 14 ft 4” gram auger, potato planter, potato plow, wood saw, horse harness, wooden pulleys, wooden wheel milk cart, cattle racks, (1 set for pick-up - 14 ft bed, rope, IHC suite case weights, hydraulic cylinders, tire chains, tow chains, tools, hardware, bolts, nuts, shovels, 60’ endless belt, single and double trees, utility box for pick up, gravity flow gas tanks w/stands, 240 amp welder, timothy seed, assortment of used lumber and many other items found around the farm AUCTIONEERS NOTE The machinery and trac tors were well maintained and are ready to go to work DON’T MISS THIS SALE if in the market for good equipment We will sell small items off wagon first, then tractor followed by equipment TERMS Cash or Good Check MR. & MRS. ERNEST MARTIN R.D. #l, Spring Grove, Pa. Ph. 225-4321 AUCTIONEER Blame N. Rentzel Emigsville, Pa Ph. 764-6412 Refreshments by Ladies Auxiliary of Nashville Fire co 7:30 P.M Owner EARL KULP 10:00 A.M Ag alums to meet at Ag Progress Days STATE COLLEGE - For the first tune the Penn State College of Agriculture Alumni Society is planning to get together at Ag Progress Days. The event is set for the first day of the Ag Progress Days exposition. All members of Penn PUBLIC SALE OF 97 ACRE FARM - MACHINERY & LIVESTOCK SATURDAY, AUGUST 23,1980 9:00 A.M. Located at Orrstown, Pa. Franklin County. In Shippensburg turn off Route 11 onto Orrstown Rd. west at traffic light 1 block south of Cresslers Food Market, and 4 miles to sale. Real estate to be offered at 1:00 p.m. consists of a farm of 97 acres, more or less, 80 to 85 tillable im proved with 2 floor bank bam, stable cleaner and new milk house, 8 room house with new coal stoker furnace, machinery shed, hog pen, and 3 car garage. Terms 10% down, 10% at final settlement m 30 days from sale. Owner will finance balance on a 5 yr. mor tgage payable in 10 equal installments beginning 6 mo. from time of settlement with interest at 10% per an num on unpaid balance. Other terms & conditions will be made know day of sale. For further information call 717-532-6384. Inspection anytime except Sundays. Listings of Personal Property will appear later. MR. S MRS. MARK E. GARMAN P.O. Box 160 Orrstown, Pa. Art. Rife, Auct. Ph. 776-3645 Joel Zullinger, Attorney PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 16 At 9:00 A.M. Woodworking Machinery & Antique Tools Located 2 miles off Route 322. Between Blue Ball and Ephrata, turn on Farmersville Road at Hinkletown, 1 mile East of Farmersville. Watch for sale signs on 322. Lancaster County, Pa. 3 Drill Presses, 2 Floor Models and 1 Bench Model; 2 Woodturamg Lathes; 3 Planers, 1-16 in.; 3 Knife Round Head, 1 -16 in 2 Knife Square Head, 1 Cabinet Planer with 4 Knife Round Head 4 Rolls Power Driven; 3 Shapers, 200 Cutters 1/2 - 5/8 - 3/4 in.; 3 Band Saws 36, 18, 14 in.; 1 Shaper Walker-turner with 3 In terchangeable Spindles; Small Saw Mill; 3 Power Units; 2 Wis. 25 and 20 HP, 1 with Clutch; Leroy 15 HP 2 Dodds Dove Trailer 15 Spindle and 20; 3 Jointers, 6 in. Delta, 18 m. Crescent 4 Knife Round Head, 12 in. Crescent 2 Knife Square Head, Tenorer Machine Motor Drive; Built In Large Belt Sander; Hollow Chisel Mortiser; Stanley Dowel Machine; Leather Splitter; Electric Welder; Metal Sheer Press for Chair Backs; Metal Brake; 2 Wood Trimmers, 1 Bench Model and l Floor Model; Walkertumer Radial Drill; Radial Cutoff Saw; Electric Bench Grinder; Power Grinder; Belt Driven Radial Saw; Power Metal Saw; 27 drawer mail cabinet. Shop Tools and Antiques Old Bow Gun; lots of Wooden Molding Planes; Wooden Planes up to 40 in.; Broad Ax; Adzes; different kinds of Drawing Knives; Hand Augers; Slate Tools; 50 Bar Clamps; 40 - C Clamps, different sizes; Wooden Clamps; Brace and lots of Bits; Socket Sets 1/2 and 3/4 m. Drive; all kinds of Wrenches; different sizes of Calipers; Electnc Motors, single phase up to 5 H.P.; Saw Table; Glass Cutting Table; Work Bench with Vise; New Emmert Universal Woodworking Vise. Old Pot Belly Stove Dated 1878 Blacksmith Forge; 2 Anvils; Platform Scales; Tire Shrmker; Star Window Shade Machine; Pamt Con ditioner; Stove Pipe Tools; Heavy Metal Sheers; Bolt Cutters; Linoleum Roller; 6 ft. Level and Smaller Levels, 8 in. Clipper Belt Lacer; 4 ft Metal Flancher Unit; Corner Chisels; Wide Chisels and many others; Coal and Wood Stove; Hot Air Furnace; all kinds of Hammers; Saws; Screwdrivers; Mitre Box; Metal Filing Cabinets, Adding Machine with Cash Register, Wooden Nail Kegs, Old Wooden Boxes and Cigar Boxes and many more good items. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE Woodworking Machinery and tools in excellent condition. Tools at 9 00 A M , Machinery at 1 00 P M No out of state checks In spection one day before sale only Terms by ENOS S. WEAVER Auctioneers Leroy S. Horst and Paul W Horst Clerks - Horst and Shirk Refreshments will be served Not responsible for accidents if any should occur State’s College of Agriculture are encouraged to gather at a 12 noon lun cheon on Tuesday, August 19. Alumni will meet m the big red barn at the Rock Springs site of the show near Ag Progress Days Headquar ters. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 9,1980—D27 According to Henry Nixon, president of the College of Agriculture Alumni Society, the program will include a brief meeting of the Society and remarks by Ag College Dean James Beattie. Interested alumni should send their checks for $3 for the box lunch to Milk Lynch, 318 Agriculture Ad- Public Sales Register AUGUST SAT, AUG 9 10 30 AM Public Sale of Household, Anti ques, Collectibles, Tools Mr & Mrs Stafford Randall Owners Located Rt 87, V/z miles SWof Dushore, PA, or 9 Vz miles NE of Forksville, PA, Warren Piaster Auctioneer BROOKS END AND PAR-KAY FARM FIFTY-SEVENTH SALE 1980 SUMMER OFFERING FRIDAY, AUGUST 29 1:00 P.M. At the Farm • Beavertown, Pa. 260 head of SCOTCH & IRISH and other foreign bloodlines • Many Imported from Scotland YORKSHIRE LANDRACE Bora and raised on our farms from our parent im ported stock. 100 ★ Bred gilts - most of which carry Scotch or Foreign Blood Litters. 50 ★ YORKSHIRE - Many carry Scotch litters 50 ★ LANDRACE - All carry Scotch or Foreign Blood Litters. 50 * BOARS 30 * YORKSHIRE - New Scotch Bloodlines as well as Irish and American Bloodlines. 20 * LANDRACE - All 100% SCOTCH, IRISH or other foreign blood 100 * Commercial Open Gilts - Mostly Irish & Scotch blood. Scan-O-Probe Loin Eye & Back fat figures. Production tested - Certified Meat Proven & Show Ring Champion Stock. Certified brucelosis free & pseudorabies free. Health charts sale day for entry into any state. 4 big production wins of recent shows top indexing Yorkshire, Pen of boars, PA test station feed con version 2 55, rate of gam 2.52 Top indexing Pen of boars, Del. test station feed conversion 2.24 rate of gam 2.44 Second high indexing Pen over all breeds Del. test station Landrace feed conversion 2.48, rate of gam 2.05. Ohio production barrow show we had both champion and reserve champion on foot winners They were York, Landrace crossbred barrows 1980 PRODUCES NEW FIRST PLACE TEST STATION WINNERS. SUCH RECORDS WILL BE AVAILABLE SALE TIME. OUR BREEDING STOCK CONTINUES TO BRING HOME TOP OF THE LIST WINNERS IRISH BOARS and GILTS of this great Dam will sell. Greenback 3044, one of our foundation Irish Yorkshire Sows. RENO PARK MARK 717-658-5821 717-658-6544 717-658-7007 717-658-7304 717-658-6702 Catalogs Available Mark Pickle, Wingate, IN - Auct. ministration Building, University Park, PA 16802 by August 11 for reser vations. Or, call Lynch at 814/863- 0331. Nixon reminds alumni this is their chance to meet and visit with other ag alumni, and encourages all to attend. SAT AUG 9 10 30 A.M Public Sale of Shop Equipment Located 2Vz miles south of New Holland, Brimmer Ave , South from Rt 23, along the New Holland Rd, on the Jacob E Beiler Farm, Lancaster Co, PA Jesse B Riehl, Abe Diffen bach Auctioneer 1 Owr.srs: RENO & PARK THOMAS & MARK STEHR