Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 09, 1980, Image 145
( PUBLIC SALES ft OFFARM EQUIPMENT at our place of business six miles south of Chambersburg, Pa., one mile East of Marion, just East off Rte. 81 at Marion Exit 4, Rte. 914 on: THURSDAY, AUGUST 14 FRIDAY, AUGUST 15 SALES AT 9 A.M. SELLING THURS., AUG. 14 100 TRACTORS - TRUCKS - IND. EQUIPT. LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPT. - TOOLS - ETC. Tractors of various make inc. John Deere, Int. Fords, Massey Ferugson, David Brown, Oliver, Case, A.C., etc., some with loaders. Trucks, lawn and garden tractors, skid loaders, Ind. Equipt. expected, new and used tools, usual run of small items, tires, posts, etc. SELLING FRIDAY, AUG. 15 PICKERS - HARVESTERS - COMBINES HAY MACHINES-ETC. One and two row pickers, Harvesters, Blowers, Combines, Balers, Haybmes, Conditions, rakes, mowers, elevators, forage and other-wagons, drills, planters, grinder mixers, plows, disc harrows, packers, spreaders, rotary mowers, blades, post diggers, usual run of equipment, tools, bal. of misc. items. ATTENTION FARMERS & DEALERS - Brag in your surplus equipt. for this Two Day Sale. No equipt. accepted with hens against unless we are notified of this fact nor are we responsible for prices. When planning a sale of Equipt. or livestock our service can be valuable to you. Open daily 8 to 5, two evenings before sale until 7PM Next Sale Thursday, September 11,1980. Terms: Cash or Good Check, Lunch Served, Closed Sunday. Rentzel, Anderson, Wolgemuth, Upperman, Speicher, Martin, Gossert, Auctioneers Eberly, Harshman, Stull, Gossert, Rentzel, Clerks RALPH W. HORST, MANAGER Phone: 717-375-2824 Marion, Pa. 17235 \ .CMC AUCTION COMBINE -FARM EQUIP. JA(R -QUIP. & FEEDER EQUIP. The undersigned having discontinued a dairy business will the following on thp premises known as 2307 Putnam Rd , Hai' County, Forest Hill, MD (Putnam Rd off of Pleasantville Rd or off of MD RT iou Detween Jarrettsville & Upper Crossroads) ON SATURDAY, AIMS! 16,1980 J.D 4320 diesci-wide front end w/cab completely equip -standard smft, J.D 2630 diesel-wide front end completely .. -standard transmission; A.C gleaner (F) couiome w/cab, gas engine, 18 426 rubber & 2 - 4 row 38” com head & a 13’ gram head; J D 5 bottom 16” plow w/power reset, New Holland 200 gal tank spreader; 2,000 gal Badger liquid manure spreader, Badger P.T.O manure pump, Massey Ferguson Model 260 Forage harvester w/elec spout & elec knife sharpener w/2 row corn head & pick-up head; New Holland Model 27 forage blower P T O & rotary hopper, 4 chuch wagons - 2 A C chuck wagons w/heavy duty running gear & 2 Model 115 J D chuck wagons w/covers; 3 pt hitch spring tooth cultivator, 3 pt hitch 4 row cultivator; 8,000 gal steel storage tank, 6,000 gal steel storage tank; J D 12’ offset disk; J.D. 12’ cultimulcher roller harrow-pull type; J D 18 disk drill, chain harrow DAIRY & FEEDING EQUIP.; 20’ Patz silo unloader w/5 H.P. motor, A 0. Smith harvester 110’ belt feeder w/3 H P motor; 200 free stalls heavy pipe; complete 6 stall surge P T 0 milker & pipe line consisting of the following- 2 vacuum pumps, 1 milk pump, all 2” glass pipe hned-6 stalls & 2 prep stalls-elec. corral control gate-auto feeders & control (will be sold separately & as a unit, whichever brings the most money); steel window frames; 5 surge stalls; other glass pipe line; double wash sink - stainless steel, 5 ton round galv feed tank; and many other small items. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS DAY OF SALE ALL ITEMS SOLD AS IS TERMS- CASH OR CHECK WITH PROPER IDENTIFICATION WILLIAM H. AMOSS, Auctioneer Complete Auction & Appraisal Service 2037 Pleasantville Rd., Fallston, MD (301)879-7272 At 10:30 A.M. TRACTORSSEQUIP. Owner EDWARD G. RAHLL, JR. ruy sell trade on rent through the W NdUl ’M- 1 -J^ PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 | FARM MACHINERY AUCTION FRI. EVE., AUGUST 15 5:30 P.M. Good line farm & construction equipment Con signments welcome. ROY TEITSWORTH, INC. Geneseo, NY Livingston County 716-243-1563 BROOKS END & PAR-KAY FARMS WILL SELL TESTED BOARS AT THE PA EVALUATION CENTER THE EVENING OF WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20,1980 6:30 P.M. AND AT THE DELAWARE STATE FAIRGROUNDS THE EVENING OF TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1980 6:30 P.M. Yorkshire & Landrace Boars with Excellent Test Records Will Sell. 2 yrs ago our Alpine Sire produced the top indexing pen at each of these test centers Richard Miller of Spring Grove purchased the top pig at the Delaware center for a price of $lBOO This $lBOO winner now has pigs bred by Richard Miller on Test at the PA center This $lBOO winner produced not only the top indexing pen but each of the 2 top indexing individuals over all breeds at the Penn State Test center Average daily gam 2 40, days to 230 lb 136; back fat 0 85; Lorn eye 5 07; percent lean cut 61.4; feed conversion 2.26 For the best in boars where the guesswork is eliminated and the records speak, see these boars sell Help yourself to better bloodlines Write or Phone BROOKS END OR PAR-KAY FARMS RENO PARK MAt 717-658-5821 717-658-6544 717 658 7007 717-658 7304 717-658-6702 COMPLETE CATTLE CeSPERSAL Dav i c oster, Georgetown, NY THURSDAY EVE., AUGUST 14 8:00 P.M. Sharp David has leased the farm and will sell all the cattle at the farm, located on Rt. 26, 1 mile north of Georgetown. 51 GRADE HOLSTEIN CATTLE This herd consists of 25 milking cows, 12 bred heifers, 3 yearlings and 9 started heifer calves. The dairy is in the following lactations: 10 recently fresh, 6 due Sept. & Oct, 5 due Nov. and 6 due December. The balance m various stages of lactation. Artificial breeding with better Curtis and Eastern bulls have been used and the sale wil include daughters of Carl, Alpine, Minute Man, Kirk, Lewie, Neil, Andy, Cockney, Chiefton, Rock, Albert, Hallmark, and Kmg Arthur. Service sires in clude East Star, Jo-Dan, Lee, Sunset, Elstan, Pabst, Kirk, Cherish, Ted, Aquarius and Lewie Outstanding Individuals Include: 1. An Earl daughter due m Nov. to Ted that made 18.912 M, 630 F last year m 305 d and proj. to 18,520 M and 598 F this year. 2. A 3 yr. old fresh m Feb. and bred back that made 17,358 M 550 F last year in 305 d and is now proj. to 18.887 M 605 F. 3. A 5 yr. old fresh in May and bred back, milking 76 lb. on last test. She made 17.786 M 548 F m 305 d last year. 4. A 4. yr. old cow fresh July 7 that gave 95 lb. of 3.5 milk for the tester in July MANAGER’S NOTE- This is a well managed herd that is on DHEA test with good fall bred heifers and well grown started heifer calves. All cattle vet. examined for pregnancy, blood and TB tested ready for interstate shipment night of sale. Also shipping fever and lepto shots. Terms: Cash or good checks. I.D. Required. Lunch Available. Phone, DAVID FOSTER 315-837-4666 Jack Wood's Livestock & Auction Service Sales Manager Cincinnatus. NY 607-863-4141 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 9,1980—D25 Sale Reports The 3rd Annual Perry Co. Pnncess Promotional Sale was held August 1 at Klmg’s Sale Barn, located 15 miles north of Carlisle, Perry Co., Pa. The top cow was consigned by Dumbelle Farms, Lan disburg, Pa. and was sold for $4BOO to Ane Breedyk, Chino, California. The 2nd high cow was consigned by Kenneth R & Jane P. Benner, Millerstown, Pa. and was sold for $4OOO to Robert Bailor, Mifflmgtown, Pa. The 3rd high cow was sold for $3600 to Wit-Lane Farms of Mercersburg, Pa. and was consigned by Richard Kreibel of Millerstown. The 4th high cow was sold for $3350 to Ralph Albright, Landisburg and was con signed by Duane Richard of Landisburg. The average of the 42 head of registered Holstem animals sold was $2439. Klmg’s Auction Service, Mgr. & V. Art Klmg, Auct. XXX A Public Auction of real estate ans household items was held August 2 for the Homer B. Readmger Estate along Forgedale Rd., 4 miles south of Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa. PUBLIC AUCTION 3 TRACTORS - FARM MACHINERY - GRAIN BINS S.P. COMBINE-TRUCKS THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 21,1980 At 6 P.M. Sharp Location; One (1) and a half (Vz) miles east of intersections 113 & 401 on Rt. 401 at turnpike bridge, Chester Springs, Chester County, Pa. Agri King Case model 1370, 24 5 tires, 930 hours, air conditioned cab; David Brown model 990 with Case hydraulic loader, 1350 hours, MIW . odel 335 tractor; N H P T O model 1002 Stockhner bale wagon, N H P TO. model 78 baler; N H 256 rotobar rake; N H model 479 haybme, Kuhn hay tedder N H u Kiel TR -70 Self-Propelled combme 4 row 30 in com he,, sed acres, Diesel, air-conditioned cab, New style rotary cylinder, N H model 371-P T 0 tandem ,ank spreader, Husky transport tandem tank PT O with liquid manure injectors, holds 3250 gallons, Badger BN-180 PTO liquid manure pump; Oliver semi mounted 5 bottom hydraulic reset plow; Kewanee transport cultimulcher 14 ft; 3 pt rotary mower, Bnlhon transport harrow 16 ft ; Danhauser 3 pt back blade, Int model 400 cyclo corn planter 8 row no till; Int model 400 cyclo com planter 4 row no till, both corn planters take liquid and dry fertilizer; Midwest transport disc 12 ft; Farmec transport liquid manure tank; 2 pt Eagle hitch; 3 pt lift crane; 2 Lit Forage self unloading wagons; 2 wheel 14 ft. trailer, 3-135 gallon plastic liquid fertilizer tank; 3 GSI galvanized gram bms, 48 ft. in diameter 26 ft high, 42,000 bushel capacity with drying floor and 8 in. unloading auger, 36 ft. in diameter 26 ft. high 21,000 bushel capacity with 8 in. unloading auger; 7 Mayrath and Snowco 8 in gram augers, 18 to 53 ft long with motors, 3 phase with electrical switches; M-C model 600 B-10-P T O con tinuous gram dryer mounted on tandem wheels; gram cleaner; Transport P T.O generator 100 KW; 1968 Mack truck tractor R-600 twin screw, 10x20 tires; 1969 Ford 800 16 ft stake dump body; 1955 Chevrolet 2 ton stake dump truck; 1967 Ford van; 2-275 gallon skid tanks; 1-400 gallon gas tank double tool box for pickup truck; Fuel tank for pickup truck; Air compressor; 60 calf stalls unassembled; chemicals; Hydraulic cylinder: 200 ft Big Dutchman champion self feeding trough with chains; Miscellaneous farm accessories not mentioned Food TERMS C-A-S-H or approved check By order of Sale conducted by: Whitford Sales Co. L. Robert Frame, Auct. Box 98 Uwchland, P.O. Eagle, Pa. 19480 215-458-5060 Chester County’s FOREMOST Auction Company” The 43 acres of sloping land with 30 acres of open farm land was sold for $61,000. Other prices received were: AC 5040 D Tractor $4200, Ford 9N Tractor $llOO, N.H. Mower $440, Gram Elevator $230, Tractor Saw Buck $290, Rotary Mower $510,1973 Ford Pickup Truck $3lOO, Oak Sideboard $l5O, 16”x25” Safe $240, Secretary Desk $350, 3 pc. Oak Bedroom Suite $125. Auctioneers were John D, and George D. Frey. A Cow Dispersal was held July 29 by Rod Parthemer and Butch Watkins, Jr. on Canoe Camp Creek Rd., 5 miles from Mansfield, Pa. There were 3 grade Holstems which sold for $l9OO each. The 2nd high cow brought $1775 and the 3rd high was $1675. The average of the 100 animals sold was $1375. Auctioneer was Arlow Kiehl and Sales Mgr was Gordon Wood. SEVEN OAKS FARM, INC. Chester Springs, Pa. Phone office 215-363-8810 Home 215-827-7764