Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 09, 1980, Image 142

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    D22—Lancaster Firming, Saturday, August 9,19*0
Chester Co. DHIA
(Continued from Page D2l)
Leon D Kurtz 3 38.8 86 5 49 3
J 4 L. Stanton B 3 25 5 931 46.8
Walmoore B 3 139 9 88 9 49 8
Harold J Ranck 3 512 82 8 45 1
B. Beiler &T. Barlow B 3 27 1 85 4 45 2
Mildred Seeds 4 13 7 92 3 33 6
H 4 R Mason 3 104 9 84 8 492
David K Stoltzfus 63 39 9 81 8 49 8
David 4 Tim Kauffman 3 27 0 80 0 48 5
Shattercane control
day scheduled
Fanner Program of the
Eastern Lancaster County
School District will conduct
a tour of their Shattercane
Weed Control Plots on
Friday, August 15, at 10 a.m.
The program will start at
the Union Grove School
where a bus will be provided
to tour the plots. Slides and a
description of the ex
perimental plots will be
briefly shown as will a
demonstration of setting up
sprayer equipment for the
pre-plant incorporation of
Shattercane has been an
increasingly tough weed to
control in corn and soybeans
and the control can be
dependent upon many
management factors. The
test plots include six dif
ferent herbicide com
binations as well as various
incorporation practices.
SAT., SEPT. 20th
9:30 A.M.
Turn your used equipment into cash
Consignments wanted
We will arrange pickup
Jack Wootton - Auction Manager
John Kachmar- Auctioneer
Call 431-3838
Route 33, Freehold
Monmouth County, NJ.
Of Fine Antiques, Min. Oil Lamps,
Tin, Iron, Agate & Crocks
Sale to be held in Al Starr Community
Building, Village of Willow Street, Pa. (Loc.
along north Rt. 272 behind new Fireball).
Walnut, marble top wash stand, marble top coffee
table, sewing cabinet. Mahogany, dropleaf table,
hanging comer cupboard Oak: kitchen cupboard,
dresser, wash stand, spool cabinet w/legs, cane chairs
& rocker Pine blanket chest; Cottage dresser; cherry
hanging what not shelf, half spindle plank chairs;
bench w/back. Pictures & frames. Good articles in
iron, tin, toleware, copper, wood, blue, gray, green &
bm. agate. Blue deco, jug; ext Ig. pewter plate; nest of
Roseville mixing bowls. Almanacs Wallace Nutting
prints; post card album; early sampler; half shade
milk glass G-W-T-W oil lamp & blue oil lamp. Fine ram
oil lamps (G-W-T-W) in red satin, Cosmo, gm. & pink,
gm case glass, pink & white quilted, milk glass
w/pewter base & 4 pressed. Fine amber oil lamp
w/pink sandwich base Hummels Merry Wanderer,
Friends & Bird Duet, B & G Xmas plates; John Frank
ceramic Xmas plates, Norman Rockwell “The Toy
Maker”, fine Haviland 12 pc. dinner set in Springtime
Fine collection of pairs of salt & peppers; fine
collection of mdiv salts Red R S Prussia, Limoges,
English & Chinese Orange, dark & green Carnival
glass Glassware & china in pressed, tea leaf lustre,
cut glass, Spanish lace vase, R S German, Limoges,
Custard, Chinese, Nontake, Japanese, milk glass,
ironstone, Nippon, Flo-blue, Belleek & German All
very good articles to be sold. NO OUT OF STATE
Howard Shaub, Auctioneer 464-3541
and Roy C Probst 464-3190
Donald Robinson and
Robert Anderson, Adult
Farmer Instructors will
conduct the tour with the
assistance of Wayne Martz,
Stauffer Chemical Co. The
herbicides for the plots were
provided by Stauffer
Chemical, Geigy Chemical,
and American Cyananud
Chemical Companies.
Those fanners who still
need to be Re-Certified for
their Private Applicator
License can use this meeting
to satisfy that requirement.
Dave Thompson of the
Pennsyvlama Department of
Agnculture will be with us to
do the recertifying.
The Union Grove School is
located near Terre Hill on
Route 625, two miles north of
Route 23. All interested
farmers and agn
businessmen are invited.
For additional information,
call 215/445-5041.
AT 10:00
Sale by,
Round Top Farm ' B 3
Paul Smoker G 3
BrecK A-De Farm 3
J Harold Bare 3
Dale Hostetter B 3
Harry Freese & Son 3
David Windle B 3
Kim Fm Sch Inc 2
Mast Stoltzfus B 3
Walmoore #3 B 3
Elmer A Mast B 8
Charles H Gable 1
Dennis Bush B 3
Hypomt Acres B 3
Samuel B Acker B 3
Robert W Campbell 1
Calvin R. Blank B 3
Samuel B Acker B 3
Allen S Hoover B 3
SR &MJ Matthews B 3
Harvey C Waltz B 3
Ronald F Elliott B 3
J Raymond Harmsh B 3
Omer S Smoker B 3
Donald M Horning B 3
Earl Mast 3
J Elmer Lapp 3
Harold F Pyle 2
Sheeler Farm B 3
Dale Clymer B 3
E E Hershey 3
Timothy Kauffman #1 3
J L Hicks 4 Sons B 3
Eh K Stoltzfus B 3
Due to the death of her husband, Mrs. Joe
(Dorothy) Obert wishes to sell at public auction
her property located at Mill Street, Route 87,
Dushore, Pa. and contents of household &
Real Estate consisting of 8 Elm. House, full
basement, attic, garage, on approx. % acre. Home in
excellent condition.
Real Estate to be auction bid at approx. 1; 00 P.M. on
day of sale. Partial Listing of Contents:
6 chair dining room set, buffet and china closets;
heavy oak 1 drawer kitchen table; kitchen chairs;
plank and cane bottom chairs and rockers; Norge elec,
stove with broiler oven; Philco refng; hi back walnut
sec’y desk; Empire chest of drawers; oak chests of
drawers; Moms chair; Red Mohair chair; Electrloux
cleaner; Singer sew machine; mte stands; wood and
metal wardrobes; 2 drawer kitchen table; Maytag
washer with laundry tubs; Philco radio record player;
T.V.; records; library table; occn’l chairs; wash
stands; dressers; very old vanity dresser with Yoke
mirrors; ornate design heavy metal bed; end tables;
floor, table, hurricane lamps; pictures and pic.
frames; boxes of very old books; old medical dr.
books; very old Otwater-Kent radio with big horn;
Stromberg-Carlson radio; Hi-Fi radio, stereo record
player; wood and metal porch chairs; heavy wood
lawn chairs; carved back arrow and spindle back
rockers; hooked rugs; quilts; dishes, pots, pans,
utensils; portable radios; canning jars; enamel
canners; elec, motors; elec, heaters; bread and cut
ting boards; French fryer; crocks & jugs; child’s
rockers; very old wicker baby carnage with wooden
wheels; baby stroller carriage; kids bath tub; china
chamber pot; china pitcher and bowl set; wedding
gown, veil, tram, pearl crown; old set of shoe lasps;
cast iron kettle; cast iron bell; shoulder-cany mg
yoke; kerosene lanterns; R.R. lanterns; old Davis
drop-leaf treadle machine; beautiful old Japanese
parasol; tin and wood boxes; large old Mahogany
tobacco chest with copper lining; set of rose bud design
Imperial Austrian china; other antique dishes;
glassware, cut, pressed, stemware, crystal, gold
lipped; old army flags; old trunks; carpenter tools,
saws, elec, hand saws; mason tools; hand & garden
tools; Blacksmith vise; Blacksmith shoeing box; set of
Stewart horse clippers; motor and push reel lawn
mowers; jet pump; 24 inch Lombard chain saw; radial
saw arm; old muskrat, fox & skunk traps; guns; nice
Kentucky rifle; Hams & Son double barrell; 8 MM
army nfle; Marlin 38-40; Win 03 30-old; shot & ball
muzzle loader; boxes of shells; double barrell musket;
Jap. W W. 2 nfle; Jap officers dress-sword; old marble
game, wood & alum, exten. ladders; step ladders;
much and many more items of a life-time collection
and living All items in very good condition.
Sold as the property of Mr & Mrs Joe Obert,
Dushore, Pa For information or inquiry about sale and
property, call Robert Obert at 717-928-8858 or 215-327-
1286. Real Estate can be viewed and inspected on Sat
and Sunday Aug 9th & 10th or on Friday, Aug 15
before sale Owner reserves the right to accept or
reject any and all bids on Real Estate on day of sale,
but if accepted sale day, terms of 10% down and
balance in 60 days with deed settlement
Terms of Sale, Cash or Check with I.D. Lunch by
Church. Bring chairs; Not Responsible For Any Ac
Warren Fiester Auction
Forksville, Pa 18616
10:30 A.M.
Dushore, Pa.
Household, Antiques, Guns,
Collectibles, Tools ft Real Estate
John L Neyman G 3 43 7 90.0 43 8 3.5 1.55
Enosß Peifer B 3 50 7 90 5 40 3 3.8 1.55
Enosß Peifer B 3 50 1 90 2 41 7 3 7 155
Robert H Ambler B 8 47.0 88.6 412 3 7 154
Walmoore 1 B 3 152 2 84 8 41.5 3 7 152
BenjaminK KauffmanS 391 90 9 38 8 3 9 152
EKentHigh G 3 1233 887 390 39 152
Delphi Farms 3 84 3 86 3 42 6 3 6 152
DamelS Stoltzfus G 3 43 6 89 1 44.7 3 4 1.52
Hargret Dairy Inc B 3 50 0 82 6 40 6 3 7 152
J Kenneth Landis B 3 43 6 78.2 418 3 6 152
Elvin P Graybill B 3 51 3 92 9 42.1 3 6 151
Simon Z Zook G 3 43 0 79 1 40 3 3 7 151
Kauffman Bros 3 64.4 871 417 3 6 150
Jay E Graybill B 3 60.6 70 4 39 4 3 8 150
Joseph 1 Kulp B 3 53 0 80 6 42 6 3 5 150
Daniel M Stoltzfus G 3 42 7 86 2 40 6 3 7 150
1:00 P.M.
9:00 A.M.
Located; 5 miles North of York, Pa. Along old
111 (or Susquehanna Trail) on Left.
1:00 P.M.
This real estate consists of 76 acres, w/large frame
barn, frame house, com bam, hog pen & other out
buildings. This land is all tillable and lays very well.
Having 377.85 ft. frontage - 2998.71 depth, and width
across rear of property is 1105 ft. This real estate is ap
proximately Vi mile long. The buildings have all metal
roofs and are frame. There are no conveniences in the
house except electric and the property has spring
water. This farm is only 3 miles from Exit 12 of In
terstate 83 - minutes from York and is m Manchester
Twp. If you are in the market for purchasing a farm to
farm or an investment this is the one you should cer
tainly look into and see the possibilities. For inspection
of real estate Ph. 266-2943, 755-1576 or auctioneer
TERMS: 10% down sale day, other conditions made
known sale day.
Ford 860 tractor, 1 owner showing 1420 hrs., Dear
born 3 bottom plow, Ford 515 mower 7 ft., BMB 6 ft.
Rotory mower, Dearborn 2 row Culti, JD rotory Hoe,
Ferguson com planter, Sub soiier, Spring Harrow, all
being 3 pt hitch equip. J.D. KBA 24 blade Disk, Steel
wheel wagon, Portable aluminum elevator w/motor,
New Idea #7 com picker. Double cultipacker, hay rake,
McDeermg 8 ft. Gram Binder (like new), walking &
riding cultivators, Shovel plow, J.D. 15 disk Gram
Dnll, McCormick 4 wheel Spreader, Gram cleaner,
Buggy wheels, Sprayer, Com Sheller, Ford Belt
Pulley, Homelite Electric Cham Saw, Tools, Garden
tools, Wedges, Axes, Shovels, Forks, Lawn mowers,
Grass seeder, Fly nets, smgle trees, 2 horse poles, old
car parts, Harness, Fencing, wire, Hog troughs, Bar
rels, old Hit & Miss, engine on truck, Bolts, Screws,
Nuts, Iron and used lumber and many items found
around the farm.
1964 Rambler Station Wagon, 4 Dry sinks, old comer
cupboard w/16 panes m doors, wooden barrels, Ice box.
Regent Cook Stove, Columbia Cook Stove, 5 leg Oak
Table, Iron Kettles, Platform Scales, Milk cans, butter
chums, Reed rocker, chairs, wooden buckets, wash
stands, picture frames, old sled, Butcher tools, meat
grinder, sausage staffer, 2 Cherry drop leaf Tables, old
pump Organ, Mantle clocks, Plank Bottom chairs,
wash tubs, old Living room furniture, Treddle sewing
machine, stands, radios, Oak bedroom furniture. Lane
chest, trunk, Doll & Doll mb, Love seat and chair, Iron
bed, Reed stand, clothes tree, oval frames, High Top
Hat, Coon Skin hat, Durby, Boston Rocker, Dinner bell.
Guns, Savage 303 leaver action, Marlin 12 gauge pump,
22 long rifle, 2-12 gauge smgle shots, Library table.
Deer heads, Deer horns, Red Fox hide, deer hides, Oak
stands, stand w/Ball & claw ft.. Butter scales, crocks,
lanterns, slaw cutter, meat saws, Flax wheel, spinning
wheel, apple peeler, tin milk pail, old toy cap guns,
Flat Irons, high poster bed, high chair, Quilting frame.
Wooden butter bowl, canning jars, old glassware,
sugar & creamer set, Carnival, cut & pressed glass
Goblets, mustard cup, souvemer items, curtains,
towels, bedding, baskets, mirrows, side board, bear
bank, and many more items of interest.
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: The Reynolds family lived
here for 60 years and most of the items here are anti
ques and we only mentioned a few. We will be selling at
two places for awhile.
Estate of
Executor; Ken Hoover 266-2943
Iva Hoover 755-1576
Auctioneer; Blaine N. Rentzel
Emigsville, Pa.
Refreshments by York Co. Farm Women #6