Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 09, 1980, Image 104
Cl6—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, August 9,1980 Frey bull is reserve Sr. champ LOUISVILLE, Ky. - A full-house crowd packed the Kentucky Fair and Ex position Center to witness the debut of many of the Angus breed’s leading contenders for the 1980-81 show season from July 28-29 at the 33rd American Angus Breeders’ Futurity in Louisville, Kentucky. Doug Parrett, University of Illinois, Champaign, selected the champions from a field of 137 entries m one of the most competitive Futurities ever. Bnarhill Jay, grand champion bull, captured the supreme championship for owners James J Hicks, MD , Union Springs, Alabama; Picket Fence & Lincolnland, Grayslake, Illinois; and L.B. Pierce & Sons, Inc., Creston, Illinois. The May 11,1978, bull tipped the scales at 2,015 pounds on show day and measured 58.25 inches at the hip. Creston Mr America stood as reserve grand champion bull The May 2, 1979, bull is owned by Weaver Angus Farm, Peona, Illinois; and Mr and Mrs W B Henley, Paso Robles, California He weighed 1,445 pounds and stood 57 inches at the hip R&J Duchess 1239 moved into the grand champion female spot The April 26, 1979, heifer was a joint entry of R&J Ranch, Briggs, Texas, Empire Angus, Pleasant Hill, Missouri, TORQUE AMPLIFIER, CLUTCH & WATER Rebuilt TA assemblies for 1H tractors from SMTA through 1586 Water pumps, Dyna-Life dutches and pressure plates from A, B, C through 1586 and for many of the combines. 101 303 through the 915 If you are operating a shop or are a farmer who does his own mechanical work, then you will do well to compare the parts which I have to offer Complete rebuilt TA assemblies for 706 1586 are priced from $525 00 and come with a Dana Co heavy Duty Sprag clutch instead of the usual IH sprag These TA units are being installed in many of the leading IH shops across the country instead of the IH units Also have available assorted parts for TA's which are not available individually through new parts at IH I am prepared to do complete! installation at competitive prices and will match any guarantee that is offered on TA units or rebuilt clutches pressure plates & water pumps I will also install original factory parts on request For a no obligation estimate or for information and references write or call me Dealer Inquiries Invited With Parts shipped UPS, Bus or Air J. EDWARD LEAMAN RD # 1, Box 474 Willow St., PA 17584 717-464-2874 Competitive Gallagher’s Farm, Inc., Ghent, New York; and Picket Fence Farm, Grayslake, Illinois. Her hip height was 53.73 inches. Reserve grand champion heifer honors went to Ar chies Emma, a January 18, 1979, entry of Premier Beef Cattle, Fowlerville, Michigan; and Buck & Barbara Stevens, Point Reyes, California. The reserve champ measured 54 inches. Most of the group awards went the R&J Ranch way. They topped the Best Six VANGARD < > jj • 1 lyhts summu decline c msc-d h\ <md)Mv.m)sc • Pimcn \ icld le.idu • I ml\ m.i(inii\ iceunvth • ChhhJ wilt lesistaiice • kmc stemmed Icat\ lot age • Vailahle with Cmo/one 1 " Seed I rmn North \mencan Plant Breeders P. L ROHRER & BRO., INC. v ■ 1 z > ■gSMOKETOWN. PA CD ALFALFA VARIETY • NAPB ALFALFA PUMP PARTS & SERVICE Futurity Ahead in yields and anthracnose C oatme \n ailable now at 1980 Angus Breeders’ staged Head class and put together Premier Jackpot progeny to take first in the senior get-of sire class. R&J won th* l Produce of Uaill aWdlll Wllh OHSpriilg ui Albern Duchess 5773. The offspring were grand champion female R&J Duchess 1239 and reserve intermediate champion bull R&J Ike, the same two animals that earned the McCorkle Challenge Trophy given to the best bull and best female shown together and owned or co-owned by one exhibitor R&J Ike is co- PH; 717-299-2571^ in Louisville owned by R&J Ranch and Bnarwood Farms, Curtis W. and Ann H. Long, Butler, Missouri. Bnarhill Angus Farms, Union Spring, Alabama, owned the top junior get, sired by Bnarhill Bartman, and also won the Premier Exhibitor award. Continental was the serve senior champion bull en tered by Continental Associates, Phelps, New York; and Fred C. Frey & Sons, Quarryville, Penn sylvania. Champion of the junior bull division was Sum mitcrest Puritan, jointly owned by Summitcrest Farms, Summitville, Ohio, m CL < Z fertilizer tanks Livestock manure is valuable So it makes sense to keep as much of that value in the ground as possible A Calumet 2 or 4-shank soil injector does just that Teamed with a Calumet liquid manure spreader, the injector puts manure as deep as 12 inches This can help retain four times the nitrogen thats lost with surface application, as well as reduce odors and runoff. See the full line of Calumet spreaders from 1625 to 4500 gallons, and Calumet 2 and 4-shank soil injectors at Sls jte' The Calumet Company, Inc. CALUMET & NESSETH DISTRIBUTOR F. ERNEST SNOOK RD 3 - Box 84, Mifflinburg, Pa. 17844 - Phone: 717-966-2736 and Bnarwood Associates, West Bend, Wisconsin. Reserve junior champ was Rosebank Connection 69, owned by Rally Farms, Millbrook, New York; Rosebank Angus Farm, Germantown, New York; and Timber Valley Farms, Dawn, Missouri. Skarship Farm, Hillsdale, New York, took bull calf champion honors with Skarship Pnmemover. Jane Dawes, Urbana, Indian, stood in reserve with DD Black Stud 929. Leland J Boggs, Claverack, New York, led out the intermediate champion heifer. Sir Wins Patricia 982. Mr. and Mrs Switch toa Calumet liquid manure spreader with soil injector. Sayre MacLeod, Phelps, New York, took reserve intermediate honors with Blackcap 434 L of Sayre. Heifer calf champ was Bnarhill Joan, co-owned by James J. Hicks, M.D.; Bnarwood Farm; Lovana Farms, Inc., Clarksville, Georgia; and Picket Fence Farm. George Fincher, Auburn, Alabama, owned the reserve heifer calf champion, Bnarhill Blackcap 969. Bill Avery received the Robert L. Asher Memorial Trophy for being the out standing herdsman at this year’s show. He’s herdsman for Premier Angus, Inc.,, Cloverdale, Indiana. USED TANK V 2250 CLAY *2BOO