Winning, lataWtay, July 2S, 1380 VUmeste*d imfet (Conlinuedirom pageCS) customers- we know them and they 3tnow us We enjoy our -ustomers’' Charles states. With IT acres planted .a vegetables, there iS always something to he done Mrs diaries smiles and says, ‘I see rery Jrtlle of he inside of my nouse during the week." Charles actotbwledges, ‘Tan never feel caught uo from he first planting until the first frost ‘ Hut ne does use several '•albwataig tricks hat ruaice the work easier “We ton’ilant so hick. I .eave wtoe rows to harvest ‘He also plants so all lie rows end at the oarn, for ease of onnguig n produce Charles notes, "W? could sell more han what we nave ont we don’t ulan co eauand m volume ’ They to Idea a try new hmgs oceassionaily, out sometimes it dresn t crave successful Mrs Char’es recalls oer experience tins year Hoam oeans, which sloe was encouraged to try When they wer* ready no one wanted to buy them, so hey donated hem » hue Mennomte noroe They are growing he new sugar snad peas, and say hat once ceaple toy hero hey *eaily hire hero 7Hp-,i stsr. iWJ» foriarAs varieties. They graw aiv'jr '.ue«n w»st »m **.7 as sesil as Astra grasn J*»t Star r/tnaatves anrf Prasrass >Jo & aul! seas. M Raymond Charles toandi a tot of time on this traotor brining produce from ha fields to the roadside stand hie and has #rrfe operate out of their barn They have a few raspliemes ami a few uuu. f uni,.s LiiacK hemes but these are mostly for the family Mrs. Charles enjoys preserving food in her freezer and she says the day before thfey open their hull pea fields for victr-vour-own she melts and freezes her own. Other vegetaiues sne woria. m cum. often freezes in tlie evening if there is something left unsold at die stand which might go to waste. While they hketo piclr produce m die morning, Charles says, 'Since we're more retired we don t get uc so early We're tryuig So ward down as we wind uc.’’ He also says ‘We don't run around so much in die summer but £ church work comes up we like so be avaiiatde." He says any vacations come ui the winter-after pumpiDns, another soeciauty Charles was pastor at die Chestnut Hill Menncnite Church for 23 years and is now Bishop for the Landismlie district. which mciudes five Mennomte congregations He also served as president of die Hasten Menncmte Board of Missions at its headquarters ui Sailings far 23 years. He has retired from dm. but he developed ‘a relationship with Meanomtes outside our region,” and contones ouildmg on those relaaonslups Much of die travel that Raymond and Anna Lois do involves caurchwork Four years ago diey visited Africa and South America, three years ago they went te Israel two years ago they went to die Camcean and Central America area, and .eat y ear diey traveled to Florida. Cne year, early in tneir marriage, Charles traveled around die world. The araad and nutter if fee sarr.i a a hraler ccers her. whicr. r.c.iises 45 30(1 cures annually The curds are nicer mntr act and racuira a cent ccurs erjery nr.riuig a;ic a :?'* cnecicj Sr rougheut l:e cay They ia-