A2— Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, Juna 21,19 M Livestock market and auction news Lancaster Market Monday, June II Report supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 1298 113 1112 109 Last Monday 64 931 125 1226 Last Year 992 70 1112 66 Monday’s Auction 1328 106 1068 106 Last Monday’s Auction 116 918 167 CATTLE: Compared to last Wednesday slaughter steers 1.00-1.50 higher; slaughter heifers steady to 1.50 higher; light supply cows steady to 1.00 higher; bullocks 2.00-3.00 higher; not enough slaughter bulls last Wednesday for accurate comparison. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 34 1100-1340 lb. 65.10-66.85, lot 67.10; Choice 241000-1325 lb. 64.00- mixed Good and Choice 241000-1275 lb. 63.50 64.50; Good 2-3 1025-1250 lb. 60.00- Good 2-3 Holstein 1150-1400 lb. 54.00-57.60. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 830-1100 lb. 60.75- 62.85, package 63.10; mixed Good and Choice 2-3 800-1050 lb. 58.00-61.00; Good 2-3 730-1100 lb. 55.00-58.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 2-3 47.5049.50, SPECIAL GRADED FEEDER CATTLE SALE FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1988 11:00 A.M. 300 HEAD ON SALE All Breeds - All Weights Prime - Choice - Good Grade Sold in lots of 10 or more Graded by Dennis Widga - USOA LANCASTER STOCKYARDS WEEKLY SALES SLAUGHTER SALES - MON. & WED. 1040 AJL VEALERS, LAMBS, HOGS - MON. & WED. 1140 A.M. HOG AUCTION - SATURDAY 940 AJL STOCKER & FEEDER— FRIDAY 1140 AJM. NEXT FEEDER PIG SALE - JUNE 24 WEIGHT CLASSES: 200-215 lbs; 216-230 lbs.; 231-245 lbs. 1 Lot of 10 Per Consignor PRIVATE TREATY DAILY LANCASTER STOCKYARDS, INC. (717)394-2611 few 50.00-52.00; Cutter 1-2 46.0049.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 2-3 950-1270 lb. 58.00-61.00, few 62.75-64.50; Good 1-2 875-1327 lb. 56.75-58.50. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1300-1800 lb. 60.0066.25; yield grade 2 1000-1400 lb. 57.75- 60.25. VEAL CALVES: High Good and low Choice 80-115 lb. steady. VEALERS: 19 head Choice and Prime special fed 300 lb. 102.00; Choice and Prime 150-280 lb. 90.00-98.00; Choice 130-275 lb. 80.00-95.00; high Good and low Choice 85- 115 lb. 65.00-80.00, 6065 lb. 50.0065.00. RETURNED TO FARM: 95-110 lb. Holstein bulls 110.00-125.00; 100-110 lb. Holstein heifers 140.00- 150.00. SHEEP: Not enough last Wednesday for an accurate market comparison. SPRING LAMBS: Choice and Prime 90-105 lb. 69.00 71.00; Good 90-105 lb. 61.00 65.00,4060 lb. 55.0060.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Cull to Good 16.0026.00. Vintage Livestock Tuesday, June 17 Report supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Sheep Today 1256 623 61 Last Tuesday 1042 574 64 Last Year 911 535 CATTLE: Compared to last Tuesday slaughter steers 1.00-2.00 higher; slaughter heifers not fully tested; slaughter cows steady to 50 higher; bulls steady to 1.00 higher. .Supply included 75% slaughter steers, 19% cows with the balance bulls and slaughter heifers. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 3-4 1090-1350 lb. 65.85-67.10, package 67.50; Choice 21050- 1325 lb. 67.00-68.00; Choice 2- 4 1050-1275 lb. 64.00-66.50; mixed Good and Choice 2-3 1075-1450 lb. 61.75-64.10; Good 2-3 60.5663.00; Stan dard and Good 1-3 Holstein 1150-1550 lb. 55.00-58.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Few Choice 2-3 850-870 lb. 59.1660.85, three head 62.75. SLAUGHTER COWS: Utility and Commercial 2-3 46.75-50.00, several 50.50- 52.75; Cutter 1-2 45.25-49.75. BULLOCKS: Choice 2-3 1075-1300 lb. 58.50-63.40, three head 64.50-67.25; Good 1-2 1030-1250 lb. 55.75-59.85; Standard 1-2 935-1125 lb. 53.00-55.00. BULLS: Few yield grade 1 1285-2210 lb. 58.00-62.00, individual 65.85. VEAL CALVES: Vealers steady to 2.00 higher. Supply included 439 in graded sale of which 60% sold to return to farm. VEALERS: Choice 150-310 lb. 86.00-98.00; high Good and low Choice 130-320 lb. 74.00- 90.00, 85-115 lb. 75.00-82.00, few 60-85 lb. 60.00-75.00. RETURNED TO FARM: 100-125 lb. Holstein heifers 173.00-205.00; 90-105 lb. 80.00- 138.00. 90-125 lb. Holstein bulls 100.00-127.00. SHEEP: Spring lambs and slaughter ewes unevenly steady. SPRING LAMBS: Few Choice 70-115 lb. 63.00-65.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Utility and Good 16.00-23.00. Lancaster Auction Wednesday, June 18 Report supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 729 53 916 0 Last Wednesday 703 23 1173 0 SALE EVERY TUESDAY -11 A.M. HOG SALES WEEKLY: WED. & SAT. - 9 A.M. HAY & STRAWTALE DISCONTINUED UNTIL NOVEMBER Get caJvesjn early for grading & weighing No weight loss FOR MARKETING INFORMATION PHONE 717-768-8204 HOME PHONE 215-458-5060 L. ROBERT FRAME, MANAGER Paradise, PA 10 miles East of Lancaster on Rt 30 Box 100 Last Year 1343 44 1462 2 Wednesday’s Auction - 42 623 45 1025 0 Last Wednesday’s Auction 712 CATTLE: Compared to Monday slaughter steers weak to 50 lower; limited supply slaughter heifers 25- 50 lower; cows steady to 50 lower; bullocks 1.00-2.00 lower; bulls not fully tested. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 3-4 1060-1350 lb. 65.00-66.50; Choice 2-4 1000-1375 lb. 63.85- 65.75; mixed Good and Choice 241050-1390 lb. 62.00- 64.00; Good 2-3 900-1350 lb. 60.0063.50; Standard and Good 1-3 Holsteins 1025-1450 lb. 54.50-57.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 825-1030 lb. 60.25- 62.60; few mixed Good and Choice 2-3 770-1030 lb. 57.25- 60.25. COWS: Utility 2-3 46.75- 49.75; few Cutter and low Utility 1-2 45.0(M6.75. BULLOCKS: Good and Choice 23 900-1195 lb. 54.75- 59.75, three head Choice 61.00-64.00. BULLS; Few yield grade 1 1200-1885 lb. 58.00-59.75, individual 67.10 VEAL CALVES: Light supply vealers steady. VEALERS: Few Choice 120-275 lb. 80.00-85.00; few Good and Choice 85-115 lb. 65.00-80.00, 60-85 lb. 50.00- 65.00. RETURNED TO FARM; 105-120 lb. Holstein bulls 110.00-120.00; 100-115 lb. Holstein heifers 140.00- 155.00. SHEEP: None- New Holland Livestock Thursday, June 19 Report supplied by USDA ’» CATTLE: 1427. Demand Moderate. Compared to last Thursday; Slaughter Steers 50-1.50 higher. Slaughter heifers not fully tested. Slaughter Cows 1.00-2.00 lower. Bulls 50-75 higher, Bullock about steady with last Thursday’s limited sales. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prune 3-4 1100-1350 lbs. 65.85-66.60. Choice 2 1050-1300 lbs. 67.00- 68.50, Choice 2-3 950-1375 lbs. 64.00- Mixed Good and Choice 2-4 1000-1300 lbs. 63.00- Good 2-3 60.00- Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. BULLS, STEERS. BUTCHER COWS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION 63.00. Standard and Good Holsteins 1-2 1100-1400 lbs. 53.00-57.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; Three packages Choice 2-3 950-1060 lbs. 62.50-63.00. 25 1339 12 COWS: Utility 2-3 45.00- 48.75, several 49.00-51.00. Cutter 1-2 45.0048.25. BULLOCKS: Choice 2-3 1050-1375 lbs. 58.25-61.85, several 62.50-64.75. Good 2-3 900-1375 lbs. 54.00-58.00. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1450-2325 lbs. 58.00-61.35, individual 64.10. VEAL CALVES: Demand Moderate. Vealers steady - 2.00 higher. VEALERS: Few Choice and Prime 150-300 lbs. 99.00- 107.00. Choice 140-275 lbs. 06.00-100.00, High Good and low Choice 130-270 lbs. 75.00- 8600 90-115 lbs 73 OWJ2OO. 65-85 lbs. 69.00-79.00 RETURNED TO FARM- Holstein Heifers 95-120 lbs. 108.00-136.00, few 140.00- 165.00. Holstein Bulls 95-125 lbs. 91.00-123.00. SHEEP; Spring lambs - 1.00- lower . Spring lambs: Choice 70-85 lbs. 60.00- Good 40-70 lbs. 56.00- SLAUGHTER EWES: Good 28.00-34.00. Utility 20.00-28.00. CATTLE CO.^ RDI, Marietta, PA r 17517 I 2 OSkePiune: | (717)65W1M | | Specializing In * I Stockers & Feeders I ? JOHN BOWMAN ! NEW HOIiAND The Action Auction AMAfIAUO make the difference in nUOIIUWo marketing livestock! unit UAIIAiin makes the difference WCW rU/li/WI/ in auctions! MONDAY’S AUCTION: 8 00AM - Fat Hogs 10 00 A M Horse Sale 11 00 A M - Hay, Straw 4 Ear Corn 1 30 P M - Fat Steers, Bulls Cows & Veal WEDNESDAY'S AUCTION -12 00 Noon - Dairy Sale 130 P M Feeder Pig Sale THURSDAY’S AUCTION -11 00 A M - Beef Sale Order of Sale, Bulls, Fat Steers, Cows, Veal 3 30PM Calf Sale NEW HOUAND SALES STABLES INC. New Holland, PA Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager Phone: 717-354-4341 Lancaster Co. Weekly Friday, June 20,1980 Cattle Calv This Week 4650 12 Last Week 4880 u Last Year 4658 l] CATTLE: Demai moderate to good, compart to last week daughter steei 1.00- higher; slaught heifers .75-1.00 higher; cov steady to 2.00 lowei bullocks 2.00-2.50 highe bulls 1.50-2.50 higher. Supp included __ 72 per cei slaughter steers, 13 per ce cows, 8 per cent bulls, 7 p cent heifers. SLAUGHTER STEER! High Choice and Prime 3 1075-1350 lbs. 65.1067. H Choice Grade 2 1050-1325 lb 67.0068.50; Choice 2-4 100 C 1375 lbs. 64.0066.50; mixe Good and Choice 24 100 1400 lbs. 62.0064.50, Good 2 60.00- Standard an Good 1-2 Holsteins 1100155 lbs. 54.0058.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 2-3 825-1100 lbs. 60.25 62.85, mixed Good an (Turn to Page Al 4)
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