Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 21, 1980, Image 1

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    .In iRi mini il
25 Ho. 3* 3$
I Dairy
Ann Murren
Adams County
Carol Hawbaker
Tina Neufeld
York County
In This Issue
SECTION A: Editorials, 10; Polled Hereford juniors,
17; FFA, 4-H judging, 20; Ask the VMD, 22; Legislative
roundup, 24; Beef cookoff, 25.
SECTION B: Lancaster DHIA, 2; Is your dairy in
trouble?, 8; Ethanol blends, 11; West Snyder FFA, 12;
Freeze concentration, 13.
SECTION C: Homestead notes, 2; Joyce Bupp, 4;
Franklin dairy princess, 16; Ram sale, 19; Adams dairy
princess, 25; The milk check, 28; Sheila’s shorts, 34;
Conservation tour, 37.
SECTION D: Farm talk, 2; York dairy princess, 6;
Adams DHIA, 8; Dauphin DHIA, 10; Caving, 12; 480-foot
heifer barn, 16; Juniata DHIA,22.
Farms said secure as TMI vents
LITITZ - Officials at
Three Mile Island nuclear
plant have scheduled
Krypton venting for next
weekend, and so far the
public in this state and
surrounding states appears
to be calm. Farmers are not
expected to encounter any
hassles from the venting.
.Some hope for Farmland shippers
Eastern members move
to shake up management
TROY Members of
Eastern Milk Producers
Cooperative, apparently
seeking a brighter future
under their new president,
have mounted a campaign,
complete with advertising,
jto clean up the Co-op’s
operations? t
The main battle is going to
be over Arden Tewksbury’s
continued employment at
Meanwhile, independents
told by Eastern to join {be
Co-op or lose their market
found the first breaks in a
solid wall of northeastern
dairies who maintain they
have no room for more
members or more milk. Two
other co-ops have said they
would be willing to talk with
the Farmland shippers
looking for an alternative to
Focus of the Eastern
members’ advertising
Blue mold sporulation found
mold sporulation, the first
really visible sign of the
fungus on tobacco plants and
the stage at which it can
spread and reproduce, has
been detected in Lancaster
The grey-blue
discoloration on the un
derside of leaves was found
this week in a seedbed in the
Leola-Leacock area by
Arnold Lueck, county ex
tension agent. Presence of
the fungus was confirmed by
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 21,1990
While farmers felt the
brunt of public sentiment
during the TMI crisis with
customers in Maryland and
New Jersey turning away
from Pennsylvania
produced cdilk and products
temporarily, there is no sign
that tins will happen during
next weekend’s venting
program is the Eastern
Board of Directors which
meets Tuesday, June 24.
Ads appear tins week in a
number of farm and local
rural newspapers urging
Eastern members 'to
demand “new management
and cleanup of all
operations;’* " .
As Co-op President
Stanley Kprona explained,
Tewksbury served his limit
of nine yeans as a Board
member. Now, Co-op
General Manager Howard
McDonald has' hired
Tewksbury as Assistant to
the General Manager at a
reported $30,000 a year.
A resolution to limit
McDonald’s power to hire
ex-officials of the Co-op was
defeated at Eastern’s annual
meeting earlier this month.
But a number of members
say they resent Tewksbury’s
extended term in power, and
thus the first lines are drawn
John O. Yocum, agronomist
and tobacco researcher at
the Penn State Southeast
Research Lab, Landisville.
The blue mold was found
on plants left in a seedbed
after transplanting had been
completed. No field evidence
has as yet been found.
“It is a tune that growers
must remain vigilant,”
Lueck emphasized,
“We recommend that they
follow three important
“If transplanting is not
completed, continue to spray
the seedbeds until the
transplanting is finished
“As soon as transplanting
is completed, turn the
seedbeds under.
“Finally, keep a close eye
on fields for any visible
evidence of blue mold.”
Both Lueck and Yocum
stressed that blue mold
could “explode” in the fields
if certain weather conditions
all come together to provide
an atmosphere suitable for
its growth and spread.
Continued cool, cloudy
Boyd Gartley, director of
member and public relations
for Inter-State Milk
Producers, said the Co-op
routinely tests the milk it
receives. He said that there
was no significant rise in the
test during the TMI crisis,
and that since Krypton is a
noble gas, it will not enter
the food chain and therefore
in the battle to turn Eastern
Hie advertising, paid for
out of the pockets of in
dividual Eastern members,
(Turn to Page ASS)
Pseudorabies bars
breeding swine from shows
Pseudorabies, the con
tagious diseasethathas been
cropping up in Southeastern
Pennsylvania, has affected
the state’s breeding swine
herds in a way similar to the
cholera 'outbreak several
years ago, said John Henkel,
Strasburg, director of the
Pennsylvania Pork
Producers Council.
Henkel was referring to
the fact that the state’s
weather, coupled with the
addition of a moisture film
over a few day’s period
would be ideal for blue mold.
While temperatures have
been cool, the bright, sunny
days and relatively dry
(Turn to Page ASS)
12 infected swine herds
confirmed in 4-coimty area
more Lebanon County swine
herds were found to be in
fected with pseudorabies
this week.
This brings the number of
infected herds in the four
county area of Lancaster,
Lebanon, Berks and
Dauphin to 12, according to
Dr. John W. Cable, Chief of
the Pennsylvania
Agricultural Department’s
Swine Health Division.
In addition, a thirteenth
herd is under quarantine due
to exposure to the disease.
should not show up in the
Gartley also said that milk
routinely gets the brunt of
public sentiment, because it
is monitored for radioac
tivity. But he said, it is the
only product produced fresh
daily so it provides the most
ready medium lor testing.
A 1 Zimmerman from
Quality Control Labs,-which
handles the testing for Inter-
State, said that right now the
lab is only performing
routine tests, and that during
the venting,, they will consolt
with the state.
Extra tests will only be run
if the state advises QC it is
necessary. Zimmerman said
he did not expect this to
Dairy farmers near TMI
have received no word of
extra testing procedures.
Mrs. E. Wayne Besbore
Department of Agriculture
has recommended that
breeding swine classes be
curtailed until February,
This recommendation,
which was sent out to all
county fair associations on
June 12, was the result of a
meeting held on May 30
between the swine producers
and the state government.
The producers and of
ficials met to discuss the
pseudorabies problem m the
state, and what effect it
could have on the show and
fair season.
The producers were
represented by Clyde Me-
Conaughy, Smicksburg;
Clayton Weinbart,
Rochester Mills: John
Henkel, Strasburg; Ken
Fetterolf, Centre Hall; Reno
Thomas, Beavertown; and
Dennis Grumbine, Myer
stown. 2
According to Grumbine,
The two new confirmed
cases in Lebanon County
involve neighboring herds to
the original infected herd in
the Myers town area. Dr.
Cable said.
Besides the three Lebanon
County cases, there are
single infections diagnosed
in Dauphin and Berks and
seven in Lancaster County
currently. The infected
Lancaster County herds are
concentrated in the Ephrata-
East Earl section of the
northern part of the county.
Thus far, no common
$7.00 Per Year
whose family operates a
dairy farm within the 5 mile
radius of the plant said that
while their dairy and the
state and federal govern
ments collected samples for
months after TMI, it is not
aware of any intention to
collect samples during the
Krypton venting.
Tony Evans from the
Maryland Department of
Agriculture said he doesn’t
anticipate any consumer
resistance in his state. He
noted that they’ve been
testing milk for over 30 years
and know more about it than
almost any other product
He did mention one phone
call recently from a con
sumer concerned about the
venting and be said be
suspects there may be others
like her but that he has not
had any cells from them.
(Turn to Page A 27)
president of * the Pa.
Cooperative Swine Breeders
Association, there were
“ump-teen many doctors
from PDA, Penn State and
USDA” present at the
meeting, too.
Max A. Van Buskirk, Jr.,
V.M.D., who heads PDA’s
Bureau of Animal Industry,
was there along with several
other veterinarians.
Grumbine noted there
were also representatives of
the dairy industry there. He
mentioned that they were
concerned about the disease
infecting the cattle exhibited
at fairs where hogs carrying
pseudorabies might be
exhibited, too.
“They have a right to be
concerned,” added
Grumbine, “because cattle
don’t usually make it
through the disease—for
cattle it's a sure death.”
(Turn to Page AI8)
denominator has been found
to indicate the original
source of the disease, Dr.
Cable explained.
“We still have the three
different, separate groups
that were diagnosed as
original cases in the out
break,” Dr. Cable explained.
“We haven’t been able to
find any cross-links so far
between these original cases
in Dauphin, Lebanon and
Lancaster counties.
“The other confirmed
(Turn to Pat* A 34)