AlB—Lancaster Fannins, Saturday, June 14,1980 Kempton County Fair slated for next weekend KEMPTON - What’s a good country fair made of? At the Kempton Country Fair, scheduled for Friday evening, June 20 through Sunday, June 22, it’s many traditional things and then some. Like sugar-dusted funnel cakes and hot chewy pretzels...the best weekend, this side of Nashville, in musical en tertainment...more than 100 exhibitors and at tractions...and a midway with whirling ndes. And then, more. Tractor big farm power and Equipment , ' . - WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN A FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE Oil cooler. Lets Transmission withstand heavy load FINANCING A STEIGER IS NO PROBLEM! atC* uS * HOOBER'S ARE BIC POWER SPECIALISTS! pulls, a baking competition, jeep rodeos, a fireman’s water hose contest, Children’s Day with a magical act aimed to delight the small fry. Topping it off, there is the crowning of Es Lieblischt Maedel, the Pennsylvania Dutch Queen who for three nights has been one of the contestants in various on stage programs. In its 26th year, it’s a mighty project planned and manned by volunteers with all proceeds returned to the COMPARE STEIGER: Twenty-g transmis Gives ezi the right! for the t •'ally auto aosmissli also avail ight Balanced to 50/50 over fn and back wh underload Kempton Community Center and a fair with something new every year. Opening Friday evening at 5 p.m., visitors are en couraged to bring their own chairs or blankets for watching many of the events. Highhght of the evening is the musical program of Big A 1 Downing who will perform at 7, 9 and 11, followed by two programs, a casual and a costume fashion show, presented by this year’s entrants in the Queen Cab. Pressurized, insulated and specially mounted to reduce noise and provide operator comfort Contest. Fnday’s schedule also includes the moderate and super stock class B pulls held under the auspices of the Pennsylvania Tractor Pullers Association. Com petitions start at 6:30 and last until midnight. Events on Saturday in clude the 16th annual baking contest beginning at 1 p.m. Entries are submitted by boys and girls up to 16 years of age in the junior division, and in the senior division, from cooks of both sexes. Power divider. Directs power to front and wheels. Oscillation. Flexes to fit the Samples of their culmary skills will be on sale during the remainder of the af ternoon for fair-goers to sample. Children’s Day, a highhght of the fair for youngsters, is planned for 2 until 4 p.m. with rides on the midway offered at a reduced rate and a very special entertainment planned for them at 4 p.m. Gennaro and Jane, skilled in sleight of hand with their doves, will captivate an audience of all ages. Tractor pulls m the farm sixain. % I * i ‘ 4 tractor class (for Berks and Lehigh counties only) start at 1 p.m. and Saturday evening, the farm sanc tioned class tractors will take over from 6:30 until midnight. Other events include attractions and exhibitions of more than 100 craft speople and specialized vendors who will bring mini flea market items, hand made crafts, local products and other such items. (Turn to Page Al 9) THE KEYS TO COMPARING 4WD TRACTORS. Drawbar horsepower The most basic c. itenon is how much can it pull as measured in hoisepowei at the drawbar This is more important than engine horsepowei because the drawbar is the working end of the tractor Cost per drawbar horse power This is the real way to measure what you te getting foi the money Just divide the cost by the tested drawbar horsepower and jou ve got a figuie you can use to com pare all maKeS and types of tractors Fuel consumption How much work can the machine squeeze out of a gallon of diesel fuel” 5 While man} people gauge fuel eftic lency by gal lons per houi this is not the the best measurement The best wav amount of work per gallon 01 moie scientifically hoisepowei houis/gallon y. Drive tram ratio Divide thediawbai horsepowei byen gme horsepowei The result expi essed as a per centage indicates how much powei is actually available to do woi k at the diawbai Weight to horsepower Gen ei ally speaking thehighei the weight to hoi sepowei ratio thi moiepowei thetiac lot will ultimately deliver You might ask why doesn t everyone build them real heavy* 1 The answer the cost of steel But like in eveiy thing else you can find quality if you look foi it Noise All nianufactuieis have a decibel rating on their cabs One Steiger foui wheel di ive has been pi oven to be as quiet as 75 5 decibels undei full power and load That s about as quiet as a pick up truck A quiet tiacloi reduces opcialoi fatigue improves pi oduclivitv
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