Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 14, 1980, Image 13
International Livestock Show schedules two f; LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Harold Workman, general manager for the Seventh Annual North American International Livestock Exposition, scheduled for November 8-22 this year, said he is expecting record crowds to turn out for the two-week long show. He announced that for the first time, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture will hold its Food Fair and Trade Show at the North American International. The fifth show of its kind in the state, it is scheduled to be held November 14 and 15. Other events include: Novembers: Junior Dairy Shows. All American Junior Jersey Show. National Junior Guernsey Show. Ayrshire Junior Show. Many growers resist the idea of double cropping because of the pressure of time. It’s time to think twice. With ORTHO PARAQUAT CL plus a residual herbicide you can actually harvest one crop and plant a second the same day. PARAQUAT is a fast-acting herbicide that kills a broad spectrum of unwanted weeds and grasses. You can plant land treated with PARAQUAT immediately. You plant right into the stubble of the proceeding crop with no fuel con suming plowing or discing. The savings on fuel are sizeable. You also save on time, labor, and equipment usage costs. For best results, apply PARAQUAT with ORTHO X-77® Spreader. DANGER: PARAQUAT is highly toxic if swallowed and should be kept out of the reach of children. To prevent accidental ingestion, never transfer to food, drink, or other containers. Read the label carefully and follow all directions, danger state ments, and worker safety rules. Restricted Use Pesticide. Use all chemi cals only as directed. Holstein Junior Show. Southeastern Regional Brown Swiss Junior Show. Jersey Pot-OGold Sale. Novembers Jersey Jug Futurity. All American Jersey Sale. Guernsey Sale. November 10 National Guernsey Show. Brown Swiss Show. Bluegrass Holstein Classic Sale. November 10-11 All American Jersey Show. November 11 Holstein Show. Ayrshire Show. November 11-15 National Suffolk Sheep Show and Sale. National Suffolk Sale. November 11-16 Junior Breeding Sheep Show. November 11-17 National Hampshire Show and Sale. National Southdown Show and Sale. National Hampshire Sale. National Southdown Sale. November 11-18 Dorset Show. Junior Market Lamb Show Dorset Sale. November 11-19 Columbia Show. Rambouillet Show. Montadale Show Columbia Sale. November 11-20 Shropshire Show. ComedaleShow. Cheviot Show. November 12-15 Quarter Horse Show. November 14-16 Great Lakes Circuit Rodeo Finals. November 16 North American In- Cl*vt*n 8 Ortho PARAQUATCL TM’S ORTHO, CHEVRON CHEVRON DESIGN-REG US PATANDTM OFF X 77 REG TM KALO LABORATORIES, INC ternational Ladies and Saddle and Sirloin Banquet and Portrait Presentation. Junior Heifer Show (all breeds). November 17 National Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest. Kentucky National Santa Gertrudis Show and Sale. National Angus Show. Shorthorn Show. R.O.M. Hereford Show. November 17-18 Kentucky National Beefalo Show and Sale. November 18 National 4-H Livestock Judging Contest. Junior Market Lamb Show. Alpha Gamma Rho Banquet and Reception. Kentucky National Charolais Show and Sale. National Angus Show. S.O.P. Polled Hereford Show. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14,1980—A13 weeks at Kentucky Santa Gertrudis Show. Ankina Show. National Ankina Sale. North American Polled Hereford Debutante Heifer Sale. National Oxford Show, November 19 Junior Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest. North American Feeder Cattle Show and Pen of Five Feeder Calf Sale. Kentucky National Maine Anjou Show and Sale. National Chiamna Show. Red Poll Show. R.O.E. Charolais Show. Eastern No. Amer. Top cows recognized KANSAS CITY, Mo. - A listing of 1234 registered Hereford cows have been afforded special recognition by the American Hereford Association. Cows in this elite group have combined the single most important economic trait of fertility, with the second most important trait of growth of her offspring. To be selected, a cow must meet very high criteria. She must be four years of age or older, must have had her first calf at 25 months of age or younger, have a calving interval of 370 days or less, and her calves must have weaned at least 5 percent above the average of her herd. Only about one-half of one percent of the nation’s registered Hereford breeding cows can meet the rigid standards to attain listing. “Because of different management programs, many cows do not have the opportunity to be listed, however those making the list are efficient, productive cows and are deserving of the snecial recoemtion ” AUTOMATIC HEAD GATE FOR CATTLE DANIEL Z. ZIMMERMAN Animal Health Suplies & Livestock Equipment Located between Leola & Talmage along Rt 772 RDI, Leola, Pa. 17540 Murray Grey Show. ’ Simmental Sale. November 20 Junior Steer Show. Kentucky National Limousin Show and Sale. Simmental Show Maine Anjou Show. GelbviehShow. Eastern No. American Murray Grey Sale. National Red Poll Sale. National Chianina Sale. National Gelbvieh Sale. November 21 Sales of Champions Breakfast. Limousin Show. Brahman Show. Hereford state H. H. Dickenson, executive vice president of the AHA. There are cows from 314 breeders from 30 states shown on the list. “This widespread distribution m numbers and areas further reflects the Hereford cow’s ability to adjust to different climates and management programs,” Dickenson added. South Dakota Hereford breeders ranked first in both the number of breeders and the number of cows, with 259 head from 47 breeders meeting the standards. Montana ranked second in both categories with 185 cows from 45 breeders, and North Dakota ranked third with 24 breeders and 132 cows. Two cows listed are 16 years of age, have weaned 14 calves, and still maintain the 5 percent above average for growth on their offspring. They are Alva Aster Zatone A, owned by Russell E. French, Oelrichs, S.D., and RC Evan Heiress, 53, owned by Ned Ray Purtle and Son, Hope, Ark. READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE MARKET REPORTS DAIRY SPECIAL 5% OFF ON ALL DAIRY SUPPLIES From June 9 thru June 18