Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 24, 1980, Image 34

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    A34—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 24,1980
Live fowl cholera
vaccine licensed
for chickens
U.S. Department of
Agriculture officials have
granted a license to
American Scientific
Laboratories of Madison,
Wis., to produce the first live
vaccine for pasteurellosis, or
fowl cholera of chickens.
Fowl cholera is a costly
and increasingly important
poultry disease caused by
the bacterium Pasteurella
Robert J. Price, senior
staff veterinarian,
veterinary biologies, with
USDA’s Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service,
said the new product was
licensed for use in chickens
after USDA-required testing
demonstrated its safety,
punty, potency and ef
The vaccine, to be
marketed under the trade
name Avichol, is ad
ministered by stabbing a
needle dipped mto the
vaccine through the wmg
web. The initial vaccination
is recommended at 6 to 12
weeks of age and repeated at
(Continued from Page Al)
to whether the bags had the
required green tag for
priority handling attached
The missing tag, the Post
Office said, could have
added to the delay
But Inter-State said it
knows of no post office that
does not open first class mail
The Lancaster Post Office
did indicate it was sorry for
the delay. A Post Office
spokesman said they will
continue to look into the
problem and try to come up
with a solution.
But Inter-State
management and shippers
are hardly placated.
The Co-op said its
problems go back two years.
At that time a small group of
checks almost regularly
ended up in Dallas, Texas.
Sometimes one group of
checks would be misrouted,
sometimes another.
Smce the ZIP-code area
involved was 175 and since
the Dallas ZIP-code is 752,
Orders Taken For Beef Sides Wrapped
And Ready For Your Freezer
Attention Farmers:
We Do Custom
Beef Slaughtering
PH: 768-7166
Directions 1 block east of Intercourse on Rt 772
Reg Hours- Thurs 9-5; Fn. 9-8: Sat 8-5
18 to 20 weeks. Immunity
develops within four days.
Price said this is the first
successful, government-ap
proved live injectable fowl
cholera vaccine developed
for chickens. Such a vaccine
was attempted by Louis
Pasteur over 100 years ago
but did not prove successful
outside of the laboratory.
Before development of this
new product, fowl cholera
vaccination of chickens was
possible only with killed P.
multocida bactenn, ad
ministered by needle and
syringe injection. The
disease causes mortality in
poultry flocks, and also
reduces egg fertility and
All vaccines, bactenns
and other veterinary
biologies marketed in in
terstate commerce must be
licensed by USDA under
provisions of the Virus-
Semm-Toxin Act of 1913. The
new vaccine, Avichol, is one
of more than 800 products
manufactured by some 40
firms under USDA licenses.
' -
Inter-State producers’ milk checks mailed to ZIP-code areas starting in 175
and 176 apparently sat in a mail sack here on the loading dock of the Lancaster
Post Office, thus delaying the scheduled May 20 payment.
the mail handlers presumed
the first number on the code
was not being read. Instead,
they figured, the second pair
of digits was being looked at
and the mail was going to
The ZIP-code location on
the letters was changed and
this helped for a while, Inter
High voltage
(Continued from Page A 32)
headaches, nervous
exhaustion, drowsiness, and
blood disorders.
“As a result,” said Ponte,
“the Soviet Union has strict
rules over the amount and
duration of microwave
emissions from radio
transmitters and radars a
person can safely absorb.
The U.S. by comparison, has
no legal restriction for
exposure, only an informal
Ponte was referring to the
guidelines set in 1966 by the
U.S. American Standard
Institute that says any dose
not exceeding .01 of a watt
per square centimeter of
exposed flesh is safe.
He recalled the discovery
of the CIA in 1962 that the
Soviets were beaming radar
like microwaves into the
U.S. embassy in Moscow.
“The radiation was .002 of
the intensity the American
guideline calls dangerous,
but it was deliberate,
aimed at the office of the
U.S. ambassador from two
buildings across the street.”
In what was named the
‘Moscow Signal’, Ponte
explained the CIA duplicated
the radiation effects through
experiments on monkeys.
“Within three weeks there
were adverse effects on the
animals’ nervous and im
mune svstems
State said.
Deliveries into Lancaster
County and nearby areas
again continued smoothly
until the latest incident this
Inter-State said it was
particularly upset because it
figures the checks were
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“Embassy personnel were
not informed of the
irradiation. Instead, they
were asked to give blood
samples to ‘test for a disease
in Moscow’s water’. The
tests revealed that a third
had white-blood-cell counts
almost 50 percent higher
than normal often a
symptom of severe infection
and also a characteristic of
“In 1976, the U.S. State
Department declared the
Moscow embassy an
‘unhealthful post’, and metal
window screens were put up
to shield against the
microwave beams. But 14
years had already gone by.
“Today those former
embassy personnel exhibit a
higher rate of cancer than
the American average, and
two U.S. Ambassadors in
Moscow subjected to this
microwave radiation have
died of cancer.
Ponte also cited dif
ficulties with the U.S. Navy’s
plans to build a radio system
that would allow the
President assured com
munications with undersea
submarines m the event of
war. Referred to as Project
Sanguine, Ponte said a
massive underground an
tennae with 30 million watts
of power was studied.
Scientists doing the study
available for distribution to
local post offices and rural
routes but never made it off
the Lancaster loading dock.
The Co-op mails checks
twice a month—an event
anticipated by dairymen
throughout the Co-op’s
strongest county.
/or £,ree
found that the antennae
effects could cause ducks
and geese flying overhead to
become disoriented, Ponte
noted, and could cause high
blood pressure in dogs.
The Navy’s proposal,
developed in 1968, was op
posed by environmentalists
in 1973. Voters at public
meetings rejected the plan in
1976, said Ponte.
But, the Navy had begun to
operate a miniature
Sanguine in Wisconsin,
Ponte noted, in order to
prove the project’s safety
and efficacy. Their plans
“Navy technicians ex
posed over tune to Ex
tremely Low Frequency
transmitters showed ab-
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normally high levels of
serum triglyceride, a
symptom associated with
strokes and coronary
problems. While under the
influence of the electrici
smog from the transmitters,
some sailors suffered a
decline in the ability to
perform simple addition. ’ ’
Are electric power lines
absolutely safe for people,
animals and plants? If one of
these high tension lines
crosses your farm, do you
notice a difference m crops,
livestock, or yourself?
Scientists at Penn State and
other universities continue
to study the effects of
electrical fields, and could
benefit from m-the-field
*. >y