* AGRI EQUIPMENT INC. also recom mends that a Choretime Posi-Flow be coupled with its Feed Collector so that its slowly revolving disk and wisker will in sure that the first feed in is first out. Result; no build up of moldy or stale feed, no bridging, no Medication Residue. Having Problems Feed Separation ★ FEED COLLECTORS INSTALLED ★ AGRi-EQUIPMENT INC HAS THE ANSWER SPECIAL DESIGNED FEED COLLECTOR HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: Instead of feed being blown in at high velocity at an angle causing the fines to drop on one side of the bin and the coarse particles on the other side, Agri-Equipments’ Feed Collector allows feed to decelerate and drop gently into the center of the bin leaving you with a balanced ration as shown in the diagram below. BEFORE FEED COLLI AGRI- CATTLE HOG POULTRY EQUIPMENT RD 4, EPHRATA, PA 17522 PHONE: 717-354-4271 ★ SERVING PA, N.J. and N.Y. With Bridging And In Your Bulk Bin? With Their ECTOR f POSI-FLOW I * \ EQUIPMENT, INC. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 24,1980 AFTER FEED COLLECTOR AGRI-EQUIPMENT, INC. OFFERS COMPLETE SALE, INSTALLATION, SERVICE STORE HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 7:30 to 5:30; Sat. 7:30 to 12:00