Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 17, 1980, Image 91

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    Know over-spending’s
six danger signals
UNIVERSITY PARK —At careful you may end up deep
what point are you spending in debt without realizing
more than your income until it is too late, says
should allow? Or, when is it Marilyn Furry, family
time to stop charging and resource specialist at Penn
start saving? State.
These are questions that More and more families
you should be considering are using credit to keep up
with every credit purchase with inflation and this, says
you make. If you are not Furry, can lead over
■ i ■
As soon as all the governmental red
tape & details are completed, we will
be having an OPEN HOUSE on a
farm in Lebanon County showing the
in operation with trucks, tractors and
furnace running on ag fuel.
We are also planning to have an inter
esting educational meeting in a local
auditorium with a few well qualified
Please don’t ask to see the
equipment which is oper
ating now, before Open
House. We are too busy
getting ready and setting
up production. Thank you.
mm *1 hsless iisvi UHfil I lIUI. 1^=""
iTiHUiin mo i iudu i uno, mu.
spending to the point where
there isn’t enough income to
pay the bills. Each month
becomes more difficult than
the last. However, according
to Furry, there are several
warning signals that can
avert fmancial disaster.
The National Foundation
for Consumer Credit has
listed six warning signs of
impending credit disaster.
Answer these six questions
and rate your credit stan
Do you charge small day
to-day expenditures, such as
groceries and toiletries,
because you don’t have the
money to pay for them?
Have you recently post
poned paying a bill until next
month due to lack of funds to
cover it ?
Do you have to borrow
money to pay fixed ex
penses, such as quarterly
tax payments, insurance
premiums, even loan in
stallments 7
Are some of your
telephone calls or letters
from creditors demanding
payment of overdue bills?
Do annual payments on
long-term debts amount to
more than 20 percent of your
annual mcome?
Are you unable to say
exactly how much money
you owe on installment and
other long-term debts 7
If you answered no to all of
these above questions, you
are in good financial shape.
If you answered yes to two
of the questions you have
potential problems.
* District Sales Manager
* Dealers to Sell &
Service Equipment
* Manufacturing Plants
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 17,1980—0il
If more than three of your
answers were yes, you are Finally, if you still find The U.S. is the world’s
already in trouble. yourself in trouble you lading cheese producer.
If you are having fmancial should consider some kind of Output reached 1.7 million
difficulties. Furry advises fmancial counselling, she tons last year, according to
you to work out a budget and said. the Department of
stick to it. If you cannot , Agriculture
make all of your payments in For the first time, U.S.
a given month contact some cotton exports may exceed
of your creditors and make domestic use this year,
other arrangements. Don t predicts the Department of
just skip some payments. ” 1 Agriculture.
Ex-Dairy Princess weds Lititz farmer
Twilla F. Brubaker, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brubaker, Manheim,
and the 1977-78 Lancaster County Dairy Princess (second runner-up in the
Pennsylvania Pageant) was married Saturday to H. Dale Rohrer, who is em
ployed farming on the farm of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton F. Rohrer, Lititz.
The ceremony took place at Erisman's Mennonite Church, Manheim. The couple
will reside at 750 Doe Run Road, Lititz.
Martin Ag Fuel System produces
160 Proof Ethanol (alcohol) From Corn
■ Completely Automatic - Continuous Flow
with safety backup, testing instruments
and supplies.
■ No Operator needed - Nothing like it.
Patents Pending.
■ Various sizes from 25 to 5000 gallons per
day capacity.
■ Very low operating cost - Approximately
50 c gal. considering corn at $3.00 bu. and
the value of the high protein fuel, (mash)
■ We provide and prepare federal and state
permit and zoning applications plus local
service dealer training operations and
8 Mash dryer, small hammer or roller
N mill, prefab insulated building, dry and
high moisture grain storage equipment,
| grain storage augers, fuel tanks and
m a m a hiAU n a * m a
PHuNE / 17-566-4906