Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 26, 1980, Image 111

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    Successful on millions of ocres where
corn is the major crop, the Donvel +
Lasso herbicide combination can give
you "near perfect" (90-100 percent)
control of o wide spectrum of grassy
ond broodleof weeds, when
used according to label
Bonvel + Lasso herbicide is
compatible with most fluid
fertilizers. It needs no
- '
Pre-emergence tank-mix
combination controls both
grassy and broodleof weeds
Danverf Lasso
q giant first step toward total
weed control in field com
(Continued from Page C 22)
morning has been given.
Then the proper amount of
hay to be fed to the horse is
placed on the clean cement
floor outside the stall door.
In the morning, someone
from the division stops m at
5:30 a.m. and feeds the
The patrol which has only
been m active service for
two weeks, initiated as a
request from the pohce
department for donations to
cover the expected cost. In
response to that request,
sufficient horses were
donated to the patrol. In
some cases, Deibert noted,
the horses were judged to be
unsatisfactory for pohce
Deibert stated that a horse
had to have some age to it,
that youth m a horse tends to
give it more vim and vigor
than is desirable for day-to
day patrol work. He noted
that 2 of the mounts are over
15 years of age and the other
two are both over 10 years of
Selection of the 4 horses to
be schooled was made with
the help of the Wilmington,
incorporation. There is no carryover.
Take o giant step toward total weed
control. Call about the Banvel + Lasso
combination. Remember, the "near
perfect" herbicide is the one you
build...starting with Banvel
herbicide...from Velsicol.
•The combination is effective on all major soil
types except light sandy soils Losso is o
registered trademark of Monsanto Company
To achieve best results be sure to read
understand ond follow the label
Picking hooves is only one of the chores officers must perform daily to keep
their mounts in shape. Here Officer Kuhn, left, works on Red while Officer
Deibert works on Riley.
Delaware mounted
People were anxious to
donate their horses to the
force for two basic reasons.
The first was a desire to see
a horse that had become a
friend go to someone who
would use and care for it
properly. The second was
the tax deduction. Kuhns
noted that they also were
careful to avoid any chance
(Turn to Page C 24)
PH: 717-299-2571
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 26, 1960—€
Officer Deibert is shown in front of one of the
saddle horses in the tack room at the park. The
tack room keeps the equipment neat and clean
between shifts.