Al6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 12,1980 £ O' |r. Shaded areas of this map from the Farm Director/ are those areas of Ephrata Township with prime farm land as defined by the Lancaster County Planning Commission's Comprehensive Plan. The proposed agricultural zone would cover County Ag Preserve Board takes first official action BY CURT HAULER LANCASTER Election of officers and formulation of plans to help Ephrata Township with its proposed ag district particulars highlighted the first meeting of the Lancaster County Agricultural Preservation Board. Elected Chairman at the Wednesday meeting was Amos H. Funk, R 1 Miller sville vegetable farmer Funk is serving a four year term on the board Vice Chairman will be Aaron Z. Stauffer, R 1 Ephrata Also a farmer, Stauffer is Chairman of the Lancaster County Con servation District Board of Directors He is serving a three year term on the Preserve Board Secretary will be Charles -r* - - »%■'>* J \~/\ Elected Wednesday as officers of the Lancaster County Ag Preservation Board are from left, Chairman, Amos Funk; Vice Chairman Aaron Stauffer; and Secretary Charles Conrad, Jr. EPHRATA TWP SCALE OF MILES % ii A# w ■>* J I |li Jl “i 5« S 3 p\ ttl & fill. Conrad, 1939 Millersville Pike, Lancaster. Also ser ving a three year term, Conrad is a registered ar chetict and member of the State Planning Board. He chaired the first Lancaster County Planning Com mission Funk told his fellow board members he hoped to see “a program, not a plan” to preserve agricultural land in the County. Most immediate item on the agenda was discussion of plans being made by the Ephrata Township super visors and planning board. There will be a meeting April 24 in Ephrata Town ship. The Lancaster County Ag Preservation Board agreed to participate m an advisory role with the Township and f~~yr- y’ 4* 'so ##fi# * !/:,& : ' ! j:! is ' y /;/' h "> 7 ;. ! ' f ' ftf S J iU m ■£i ******** *S 4" fcJHWJfT 1 * 4v V&4' ***rj •/ 4 0 <.r.l *** ■ lit* T to review any proposal the Township may come up with. The Board agreed to work with Gerald M. Heistand and the Ephrata Township solicitor in coming up with a proposal which most likely will be based on the Sample Ag District Zoning Or dinance Provisions and the Township planning com mission. Money for the program will come in part from the Resource Conservation Act funds m the amount of $18,600 appropriated for Lancaster County. Heistand, who has been working on land use maps for all of the townships in the County, explained how planners come up with areas <* 4^ r* K>> sS / 4* *7 4: / / w. ..‘J. //, tfl'o. fff/i'i s‘ (Turn to Page A 18) East c °CALICo & TWP t seJt \ .♦V %v {ij/ "’U-' •v iJ * y; ,*>r v k „ 10 <* similiar area. The Preserve Board has agreed to act in an advisory role to Ephrata Township supervisors and planning commission. SMUCKER'S SALES & SERVICE • Good used diesel engines LET ME BREATHE! for prompt Service call 717-354-4158 OR IF NO ANSWER CALL 717-354-4374. :>v > 777> \ 4/4 ' / / f ■v % #/ RO #2, BOX 21 NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 LISTER, PERKINS i W®' SUNZI DIESELS DISTRIBUTOR FOR: Install a blower fan for better diesel & refrigeration cooling. Longer life on diesel. >'• L £ -‘.V ;* «v 6s: Ac-i W *r> X- 4> il CWKJTIM • New Sputnik wheels and parts We mount diesels on balers, crimpers, cornpickers, etc. For lower cost per hour power, rely on Mstey DIESEL POWER '0? - # \V^ '•I- V I