C36—Lancaster Fannins, Saturday, March IS, 1980 Beelerendum Butchered Beef producers locally and nationally spoke loud and clear in their opposition to the Beef Research and In formation Order. It was a question of a minority deciding the issue for everyone. But of those who registered to vote and were eligible to do the decision making, they were overwhelmingly against it. In Pennsylvania, far less than half of the eligible producers bothered to register. With only 8,977 farmers registered, - only 10 percent were in favor of the order. Nationally there were only 231,032 ballots cast, again a minority of the fanners eligible, but only 35 percent voted in favor of the order. That was far from the 50 percent of the voters required for adoption of the order. That was even worse than the 56 percnt of the voters who favored an order back in 1977 when the legislation required two thirds of the voters to get adoption. It was certainly a giant step backwards in an in THE PATZ SOLUTION: Controlled Manure Management Mora farmara art turn Ing to controliad manura msnagsmant to save vaiuabia nutrlanta and to maka manura handling aasiar And has tha aqulpmant to halp you mova, atom, spraad and Injact manura on your farm Tha Modal 100 manura pump handlat (raa (lowing manura and slurry with tlna-cul baddlng A thick ataal alaava glass tha plungar rigidity, and both tha plungar and plungar alaava can ba sanrlcad without concrata braakup Tha Modal 200 com prassad air manura movar laaturas a manually oparatad hatch covar and a ona way valva at tha bot tom of tha undar-ground tank, so waar is minimal An air compraaaor pro vldas air pr*aaura to agitata manor* in tha 1 700 U $ gaflon coMac tion tank and than air prassura movot manor* to your ttorag* facility Want to know mor*? Your PaU d*al*r will show you how to maka daily manur* handling puah button aaay with PaU SEE IT ON DISPLAY AT THE DAIRY MANURE MANAGEMENT SEMINAR, MARCH 17, 1980, FARM & HOME CENTER, LANCASTER, PA TERRE HILL SILO CO. INC. Serving The Farm Community For Over One-Haff Century TERRE HILL, PA. 17581 PH; 215-445-6736 or Salesman - James Esbenshade - 717-464-2090 dustry that provides, by its own admission, the lowest percent of the sales for promotion of any group of producers selling un processed products to consumers. But apparently that’s the way they want it because it was mostly those who were against the order who bothered to register. Those who were for it but not registered didn’t get counted. Beef producers as a group have traditionally been the most independent of anything that even hints of government assistance. While this program was planned to be financed and managed by producers, the fact that the referendum was conducted by the USDA and was to be operated with the “advice” of USDA may have been the important factor in its defeat Let’s see what the Monday morning quarterbacks come up with next month. Overwhelming If the beef producers were something less than en thusiastic about a • beef research and education order, dairymen were Aatz Slurry Manur* Pump (t** an* C*m*rM*«* Air Kanwr* U*v*r (Wtt*m ptwta) Patz Pound Wisconsin 54161 USA Performance Strong as Steel overwhelming in their response to the USDA request for comments on the need for a hearing on the proposals of the Community Nutrition Institute to deregulate powder used to make reconstituted milk in Federal Orders. According to Pat Healy of the National Milk Producers Federation in Washington over 10,000 pieces of mail had been received by USDA, with 90 percent of the letters indicating opposition to taking even that first step of opening a hearmg on the question. He said the response was unprecedented in his experience, and the bureaucrats and congressmen were certainly impressed with the dairy industry’s vigor in op position to the hearing. However, no one knows yet whether the flood of mail is sufficent to turn the tide and cancel the hearmg because the decision has become a political issue and there aren’t any precedents to follow. So, if you haven’t written your letter yet and want to make a contribution to the effort there is still tune. Even though the February 29 deadline, set by USDA has passed, there is still an opportunity to make an unpact in the White House and the Congress so send your comments there. It isn’t likely that anything will be done at least before April 1 when the new support price is announced But even that date is not a deadline so just get it done before you get all wrapped up in field work when warm weather comes to stay. PA&U Hoii North Dakota is nam i m—i -I ■ 1 ' ■■■■■■ ■ ——, this building costs 40% less! L “ 1“-*-! JuUj[>‘ YES, it costs 40% less than conventional steel buildings ! PARTY CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 1218 Steuben St. Utica, N.Y. 13501 315 -724-5593 ed from the Indian word dakotas, which means allies ALL TYPES OF FARM BUILDINGS • Broiler Houses • Layer Houses • Pullet Houses • Hog Houses • Cattle Borns • Horse Barns And Many Others Will Design To Your Needs REYNOLDS & YELLOT CO., INC. 12800 Gores Mill Rd. Reisterstown, MO 21136 Over 24 Years Experience 301-833-1840 Cati: m