Birth goat BY PAT KAUFFMAN HARRISBURG What do one letter, one man and one legislator equal’ Goats at the Expo. Snugly bedded down in the West Wing of the Farm Show Complex, 43 head of goats representing all five breeds, made their debut While the animals themselves were con tentedly munching hay in the spacious blue pens, their owners spent time talking goats and explaining to bystanders how they came to be'mcluded in the Expo this year. According to Sally Rehng, it all started at the monthly meeting of the Blue Mountain Dairy Goat Association in January. discussed the Absence of goats at the State Farm Show and what they could do to correct it A decision was made by some of the club members present that the most ef fective method of obtaining 1 ♦ Get Top Price for £ ♦ Your H °g s at m ISM t ♦ New Holland * t Sold in sorted lots the auction way. See them ♦ weighed and sold and pick up your check. ♦ SALE EVERY MONDAY -8:00 A.M. \ •I NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. I * Phone 717-354-4341 ♦ + Daily market Report - Phone 717-354-7288 | ♦ Abe Diffenbach, Manager a ♦»♦■»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< iHFMC of twins marks debut at Expo space for their animals was a letter-writing campaign to their legislators As is typical with all good ideas, the tune between outset of idea and actual practice tends to grow Thus, it was approximately two weeks or around the beginning of February before Sally’s husband, Ed, got around to writing his letter To everyone’s amazement, only three business days passed before the Rehrig’s received a call from officials of the Expo Furthermore, while the club’s initial aim had been to include the goats in the State Farm Show, officials con vinced them that the most direct route to that objective was to sponsor a show at this year’s Expo, thereby getting their foot in the door The club then found themselves with the dilemma of organizing a showing before Expo and _ * , f Jd rf'AiSXJ AJC.) *»*-»«4.*S* LAiJIAi *** 4k *.* ?*tfi v (mZ.L between monthly meetings of their club After many phone calls, officers established two facts. First, that time would not permit organizing a show. And second, that sufficient numbers of club members were willing to move quickly to permit them to set up a display. Three facets of the club’s exhibit elicited the greatest public response. The first was the birth of two kids on Thursday which drew an audience of ap proximately 50 on-lookers The second was the LaMancha goats which are bom without external ears. And the third was the goat milk products available for purchase. Sherry Moyer, editor of the club’s newsletter Goat Notes, explained the suspense around the pen during the birth of the kids was so great that nearly all sales of products ceased However, once the kids were safely delivered and the tension eased, a real run on the ice cream supply oc curred Available to hungry Expo goers were cottage cheese, hard cheese, two flavors of fudge, and three flavors of ice cream While the flow of visitors was a disappointment to the club members, sales seemed proportionately high. And all emphasized that customers often made repeat pur chases. Asked about their schedules during the Expo stay, all emphatically agreed they’d like to do it agam However, while those present indicated they had been approached during their stay about organizing a show for inclusion in the Livestock Expo in the Fall, a spokesman for Charles Itle, Farm Show Manager, in dicated this week that at this time he has not been ap proached by and has no knowledge of any plans by the club to be included in that Exposition. So while goats and their owners may have one foot in the door toward their ob jective, it appears they need to walk right in and have a chat with Farm Show of ficials if they hope to be included in any future functions r WHITE WASHING I ’ with | DAIRY WHITE I -DRIES WHITE I - DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY X - NO WET FLOORS * -IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT AND FLY SPRAYS I - WASHES OFF WINDOWS & PIPELINES EASILY I ALSO BARN CLEANING SERVICE I AVAILABLE WITH COMPRESSED AIR | To have your barn cleaned with air it will I clean off dust, cob webs & lots of the old lime. 5 This will keep your barn looking cleaner & I whiter longer. " MAYNARD L. BEITZEL I Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 | Barn spraying our business, not a side-line | Spraying Since 1961 | 1 u HISH PRESSURE WASHING AND jj DISINFECTING POULTKY HOUSES I The stars of the Blue Mountain Dairy Goat Club’s Expo display were these kids born before a crowd of about fifty spectators. West Snyder FFA shows colors A large display billboard was erected by West Snyder FFA along Route 522 east of Beaver Springs. This was one part of the club's support of National FFA Week. In addition, the club erected a display booth in the High School and donated placemats to Jo-Lees Restaurant at Troxellville and Rayauda’s Restaurant at Beaver Springs. Several members presented a program on Food For America to the fourth grade students at Beaver Adams and West Beaver Elementary School. These students will also be taken on a field trip to the farms of Larry Frey, Beaver Springs and Larry Troxell, Middlecreek. First gasohol license presented KLEINFELTERSVILLE The gasohol farm still of Floyd Horst, Lebanon County, is back in operation legally. AND VEAL PENS. j Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 8,1980—A13 The first gasohol license to Production of gasohol on be issued by the Penn- the Horst farm was halted sylvania Liquor Control last November by the Liquor Board was presented in Control Board pending special ceremonies held on legislation. Subsequently, the Horst farm near the State Legislature ap- Klemfeltersville on Friday proved a bill to permit on moming. farm production under state license. LIVESTOCK SCALES For Hog Operations TRUCK & PLATFORM SCALES ALSO AVAILABLE GARBER SCALE COMPANY 121 Witmer Rd. Phone Lancaster, Pa. 17602 (717) 393-1708 ALL SCALES STATE APPROVED. A- -A '*■4 XI M K A .'Lr* A—w