Hand paints optimistic future for Inter-State dairymen MOUNT JOY Members Paul E, Hand, assistant of Inter-State Milk general manager and Producers’ Cooperative economist for the Co-op, told District 7 were given a peek members they would have to at the group’s future at their plan today to protect the annual meeting here on farm way of business in the Thursday. changing world. At C.E. . \ V . • *■* < At- <4*T *--• «W> V * N A • h| £L&; -.;. ;t? <&. 0&W- *- •'' :<'■ -'.. 0 THURSDAY I FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28 & 29, 1980 ,*« *3™ INFLATION FIGHTER BONUS! SAVE MONEY! Fight inflation now. Buy the new equipment you’re going to need in the coming months. And, receive a Sperry New Holland “Inflation Fighter Bonus” check in the mail! Bonus amounts range from $4O to $3,000 depending on the machine you buy. See us for complete details € SPECIAL PRICE ON EQUIPMENT TILL MARCH 1 Remember - “The Early Bird Catches the Best Buys” C. E. WILEY & SON INC. 101 S. LIME Ready For Spring The erry New Holland Way WILEY & SON, INC. <• < v. SUPER SPECIALS M Tfl3W YOUR HOLLAND DEALER QUARRYVILLE, PA. And Director Daniel to push milk consumption. Martin told dairymen In addition, members of present about the need for the Donegal, Lititz, and milk promotion. He revealed Lebanon County locals a “soft, soft drink” ad- elected officers vertismg campaign which delegates for the coming will begin this coming June year. DISCOUNT ON CASH PARTS SALES on Feb. 28 & 29 Only Pancakes & Sausage (How Sweet It Is!) * Movies of S|| Equipment In Action ★ DOOR PRIZES ★ Guaranteed Used Equipment PHONE (717) 786-2895 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 23,1980—A13 Hand told farmers their Co-ops should be like a family: strong, trusting, growing, and lasting. He said the best way to keep any family intact was through good communications. He pointed out several of the changes which have taken place in the past few decades. Inter-State membership has dropped from 6000 to 3000 farmers. But milk shipped has grown from 850 million pounds to 2 bilhr~ ids if Inter-State Economist Paul E. Hand told District 7 dairymen the Co-op intends to maintain a strong reserve and good equity position. Listening to Hand’s talk is Director Daniel Martin. Elected delegates from the Donegal Local were Harold S. Brubaker, left, and Paul N. Brubaker. Third delegate is Paul Sauder, not present. year. That means producers are now roughly five times as big as they were 20 years ago. Hand said Inter-State is growing at a steady rate of five percent in demand for milk. He said the Holly plant, which splattered red ink on Co-op ledger books, was constructed with Maryland Co-op to handle the changing demand patt ?m for milk. He said the plant was (T-ntoPageA33)