I' O' Curt Shreiner, Pa. Pork Cook-Out King receives his award for promotion from ugene Wingert. Pork Congress (Continued from Page A 32) spoke on handling new feeder pigs and finishing health problems. Gene Isler, an animal scientist from Ohio State University, gave suggestions on sow selection and culling. And two agricultural engineers covered methane gas generation from manure and solar energy in swine housing. Many of the women at tending the Keystone Congress were involved with the Porkette program. They heard from the National THINK OFUASAGLASSOFVfATER THAT WONT BREAK OR GO DRY. Simple, bnght ideas make Shenandoah products better Like our valves and troughs For proper dependable watenng, the valve simply has to work full time So our highly sensitive water level control makes sure the water doesn't go down And fewer moving parts mean there's less chance of it breaking down Then there are the little differ —. ences we bmld in like heavy duty frames and stainless steel troughs that make' our waterers so durable And your job so easy Pork Queen, Ann Starr, and had demonstrations on preparing their favorite meat in different ways. A lard recipe contest not only provided delicious goodies for the Congress participants to taste, but the monies collected from the contest will go to heart research and porcine valves. Instructions on how to do cardio-pulmonary resuscit ation was an educational part of their program. During their banquet on Wednesday evening, the ( ■ — AGRI- cattle - HOG - POULTRY EQUIPMENT STORE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5:30; Sat. 7:30 to 12:00 V Pork Producers honored Robert C. Hall, R 1 .Julian, Centre County. Hall was selected as the outstanding 4-H swine producer. Hall, a member of 4-H for eight years, helps his father on their 112 acre farm. They raise 250 to 300 hogs in their farrow *o finish operation, along with thirty purebred Yorkshire sows. Curt Shreiner, the Penn sylvania Pork Cook-Out King, was recognized for his outstanding contributions and promotional efforts. Dwight Younkin, a Penn State Extension animal scientist was selected as the outstanding man of the year. At Shenandoah, we make the best l! products we possibly can And that's a bnght If idea , . m if 0 Shenandoah (I Bnght ideas in farm equipment. » i<>« i «i»w! * ’ *-vti>3 Agri-Equip., Inc. OFFERS COMPLETE • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE equipment, INC. R.D.4, EPHRATA, PA. 17522 PHONE; 717-354-4271 Younkm has served as an Extension specialist since 1953. He received his degree m animal husbandry from Penn State in 1951, and while at Penn State was a member of the Block and Bridle Club, the livestock judging team, Phi Kappa Phi, and Gamma' Sigma Delta. He was honored by the swine producers of the state for his contributions to the industry through swine breeding, feeding, and related activities. After accepting his genuine pigskin jacket, Younkm stated that he en joyed working with the producers but all he did Commercial exhibitors Pork Congress. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 16,1980—A35 numbered close to seventy at the second Keystone Dwight Younkin was voted the outstanding man of the year. was just sit back and let them go. It was said that through Younkm’s foresight the first p ORK DELiaous and nutritious FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY bale l - BEDDING CHOPPER Use For: Chopping litter for cattle, whether kept tied up or in free Farms for stalling, spreading the * ,n hen house s to pro straw vide litter to replace between rows conventional bedding. Motor I Frame : Emptying : Wheels [Capacity [Dimensions j Weight I Guarantee inner iric Prodects Available; Motorized Sweeper Motorized Silage Wagon Motorized Feed Wagon erships Available in Pa., NJ, DeU Mi LET US SHOW YOU WHAT THE BEODINE CHOPPER GAN DO HORNING RDI, Stevens, PA 17578 PH: (215) 267-7208 Deal Pork Congress was held. And with the success and turn out for the second an nual event, there’s sure to be another next year. ★ Simple to run ★ Highly Efficient ★ Easily handled FEATURES: Gas 5 HP, 7 HP, 4-stroke, Electric 3HP Battery Steel 6' to 8’ 16” diameter pneumatic 1-bale/mmute 31” width 50" length 4601 b One-year on all parts, except blades Authorized Distributor PAUL