Alo—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 2,1980 Lancaster Farming says... Despite the air of confidence displayed by many co-op leaders and farm organization representatives, the future of any milk security fund in Pennsylvania is in doubt There has been so much fighting within farm ranks tnat many non farm legislators are bewildered and somewhat scared to touch the topic While the issue is far from dead, their insecurity may eventually doom any milk security fund in the state All farmer factions seem to agree that dairymen need protection. But although legislators have made it clear the co-op proposal is unac ceptable, many organizations still push solely for that idea These leaders seem determined to fight to the death for their plan even if it means ending up with no plan at all Failure to get a plan could only be read as the worst kind of defeat for farmers A meeting, tentatively slated for this week and closed to the public, is going to bring all of the factions together The Agriculture Depart ment, Grange, Farmers’ Association, WOMAN OF SAMARIA Lesson for February 3,1680 Background Scripture: John 4:1-42. Devotional Reading: Psalms 42:1-8. TO POINT LAMBS FOR THE EASTER MARKET Easter comes a bit late in the spring this year, April 6, so there is tune to get early lambs ready for the highest market of the year. This is usually around Easter when RURAL ROUTE , IDOMT TORN THE UNLOADER ON. .IT 'SJ FROZEN SOLID f Make your insecurity known This week, that recognition goes to the State Farm Show Commission for the excellent job they did on con trolling the tremendous crowds inside the complex during the week long show Prior to the annual event, Farm Show exhibitors expressed concern over the lack of security in previous years, They cited instances where cider jugs were hurled to the floor of the large arena from the upper rows of the peanut gallery And cherry bombs were thrown by spectators who seemed to delight in the chaos Recently I had a speaking engagement ui a small city m North Carolina. The pastor of the host church, in a gesture of ecumenicity, invited his ministerial colleagues of the town to a special luncheon for the purpose of meeting me and sharing in my topic. When the meal was over and the discussion began it soon became evident that one of the clergyman was there for the sole purpose of arguing. He seemed compelled to demonstrate to all of us that the differences between us could not be healed short of adopting his own point of view. Only the good grace of our host kept the gathering the demand for lamb is excellent. Producers are urged to provide creep feeders for their lambs in' order to get maximum weight gams. A mixture of corn and oats in the creep along with their Mother’s milk should put them into excellent market condition TO CARRY SURVIVAL EQUIPMENT . Due to the lack of snow and ice so far this winter, this a.-a- co-ops, and other parties to the security fund proposal have been invited to sit down and try to come to agreement on direction We urge farmers to contact their fieldmen and organization officers to A note of thanks We always feel it’s good to give somone a pat on the back for a job well done from becoming a disaster. Jews And Samaritans Jesus’ experience with the Samaritan woman at the well of Sychar was of much the same type. His request was for a simple drink of water. Instead of making a simple response, however, the woman promptly named some great barriers that divided them: “How is it that you, a Jew, ask a drink of me, a woman of Samaria?” (4:9). The writer of John promptly explains that “Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.” As big a barrier was the fact that she was a woman and that he was addressing her in a public place! idea might seem a bit out of place However, winter is not over and emergency conditions can still appear Folks that are on the road and travel some distance from their homes might be prepared for road conditions causing them to be stranded on the road. Extra boots and clothing are always useful. A few items of canned or dried food m the car might come in very handy. impress upon their leaders that the security fund proposal could be in danger of falling apart Lancaster Farming still likes the idea of 10 day payback where dealers pay promptly and the need to secure the explosions created during the beef shows The exhibitors called for more consideration from the Commission and offered suggestions on im proving the security Proof that it pays to be up-front with your problems came at this year’s Farm Show More security guards and state police patrolled the large arena Trouble-makers were asked to leave, and the upper sec tions were roped off until the lower sections of chairs were filled Less trash came down onto the arena floor during shows, and no explosions scared the wits out of animals and exhibitors Thanks for a job well done But there are other barriers, too. It is not just that she is a woman, but the kind of woman she is. Jesus sees that the woman comes to the well at a strange tune of the day. Instead of coming with the other women of the village, she comes when the well is likely to be unat tended by anyone. She is an outcast of the village. Why 9 Jesus knows: “You are right in saying, T 'have no husband’; for you have had five husbands, and he whom you now have is not your husbahd ...” (4:16). As a good Jew, Jesus should especially avoided all contact with this tainted woman. As I recall over the years when I did have need to help some drivers that were stuck, they were dressed too lightly and did not have any boots or extra footwear Be prepared for the worst. The problem of starlings, or other birds, in farm buildings and in feedlots is quite common and one that is very difficult to solve. At our Cattle Feeder’s By Tom Armstrong (piNY OTHER IDEAS ? i a & O BY CURT HARLER, EDITOR TO KEEP OUT WILD BIRDS K 55 days milk is eliminated along with farmers footing the interest payment for that period Biggest disadvantage at the moment is it would need to be in stituted on a regional level, something which might steal some local thunder PFA objects to the 10-day program because “dealers would be spending over $8 million annually to finance payments to farmers within as it said this week Where is that financing coming from today 7 It works out to $512 a year out of the pocket of each of the state’s 15,500 dairymen Objections to competitiveness with other states would be eliminated if the pl%n were regional, or order wide Many smaller dealers now pay every 10 days and are doing well Obviously, milk security is a many sided question Despite our close ties to co-ops, we feel they, and their allies, must show some willingness to compromise, some moderation in their stance Political realities and farmers’ need for security dictate that much “You Say... We Say” Disturbed by Jesus’ amazing insight into her personal life, the woman attempts to turn the en counter into a theological discussion. Pointing to Mt. Gerezim, you remind him that it is the Samaritans’ holy mountain and place of worship, while for Jesus, a Jew, the holy mountain of worship would be Zion in Jerusalem. By highlighting an area of theological disagreement, she hopes to deflect this man’s judgement from her own personal life. She would rather argue with this man than let him heal her. meeting last week it was noticed that over half of the feeders attending reported having a problem with birds. One of the speakers at this meeting suggested the use of special baits, such as Starhcide, to keep down the population; there may be other products that can be used. The use of window screen over open ducts, windows and doors is another way to keep them out of buildings. For the open feedlot the control is not easy Farm Calendar Today, February 2 Ephrata Young Farmers annual meeting & banquet, 6 30 pm, Mt. Airy Fire Hall Dauphin Co 4-H Baby Beef Banquet, 7 pm, Susquehanna High School York Co Baby Beef Banquet, 630 p.m . Shrewsbury Fire Hall Although she does her best to lift up the barriers be-, tween them, Jesus patiently pulls them down, one by onA) Though she and ttm Samaritans worship on the nearby mountain and Jesus’ fellow Jews worship in the temple on Mt. Zion, Jesus tells her: “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth” (4:23-24). When at last she took her eyes off the barriers and stopped arguing, she found the Christ for herself. Birds not only eat feed, but are unsanitary, and could bring diseases to the farm. TO TOPDRESS WINTER WHEAT WITH MANURE Due to the lack of snow cover to date, it might be in order for wheat growers to spread some strawy manure over their wheat fields. This could be especially helpful on fields exposed to the prevailing winds. Th>s could also be done in winter barley fields, if the danger of lodging does not (Turn to Page A2O) Monday, February 4 Farm Equipment Manufacturers’ Assoc, of Pa. meeting, 5:30 p Ay. Sunnyside Restaurant, Carlisle Tuesday, February 5 Gasohol meeting, 7 p.m.‘, Dover High School Auditorium (Turn to PageA2o) %