Livestock market an St. Louis Cattle Thursday, January 17 Receipts this week Week Ago Year Ago As compared to the previous weeks close, yield grade 2-4 slaughter steers .50-1.00 lower, 3-4 lots 2.00- 2.50 lower. Yield Grade 2-4 Slaughter Heifers .50-100 lower; 3-4 lots fully 1.00 lower. Cows steady to 1.00 lower. Bulls weak to 1.00 lower. Slaughter supply mainly Choice 2-4 Slaughter Steers, with several lots 3-5 Slaughter Steer and Heifers; Around 35 percent Heifers and 15 percent Cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Mixed Choice and Prime 2-4 1050-1275 lbs. 66.00-68.00, part load and package yeild grade 3 1075-1100 lbs. 68.25- 68.50 early, closing sales (? REVERSE CAGE LAYER SYSTEM * «. ★ MINIMIZES FEED WASTE ★ LET US SHOW YOU A REVERSE CAGE SYSTEM IN OPERATION AGRI - CATTLE - HOG - POULTRY EQUIPMENT R.D.4, EPHRATA, PA. 17522 PHONE: 717-354-4271 STORE HOURS; Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5:30; Sat. 7:30 to 12:00 66.00- 3-4 1150-1350 lbs. 63.50- 3-5 1175-1375 lbs. 62.00- 4-5 1200-1400 lbs. 61.00- package s’s 1600 lbs. 54.00. Choice 2-4 950-1300 lbs. 65.50-67.50, closing 65.50- 67.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-4 900-1200 lbs. 64.50- 66.00. Good 2-3 900-1150 lbs. 62.50- Standard to Good 2-3 1075-1400 lb. Holstems 59.00- SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; Mixed Choice and Prime 2-4 875-1050 lbs. 65.00- closing 65.00- 65.25, Mostly 65.00; 3-4 925- 1075 lbs. 63.00-65.00; Couple packages Yield Grade 51075- 1150 lbs. 52.50-55.00. Choice 2- 4 800-1050 lbs. 63.50-65.50, closmg 63.50-65.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 700-975 lbs. 62.50-64.00. Good 2-3 700- 950 lbs. 61.09-63.00, few 900- 1050 lbs. 60.00-61.00. 5,300 6,900 5,000 COWS: Utility and Commercial 2-4 43.00-48.00. n i% h iIIJUL nr. ★ LESS BIRD STRESS EQUIPMENT, inc. Boning Utility 1-2 47.00-50.00. Cutter 1-2 43.00-47.00. Canner and low cutter 1-2 39.00-43.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1-2 1050-1800 lbs. 56.00-60.00. Yield Grade 1 1500-2000 lbs. 61.0062.00. FEEDERS: (including around 1,600 at the regular Thursday Auction.) Feeder Steers 1.00-4.00 higher. Feeder Heifers 1,00-3.00 higher. Demand good with large buyer attendance. Supply mainly Medium Frame 1-2 400-800 lb. steers .and 300-600 lb. Heifers. FEEDER STEERS: Medium Frame 1: 300-400 lbs. 88.00-99.00; 400-500 lbs. 84.00-92.50; 500-600 lbs. 77.00- 88.50 ; 600-700 lbs. 73.00-79.25; 775-1050 lbs. 67.00-73.50. Medium Frame 1-2 and some Small Frame 1— 350- 450 lbs. 80.00-84.75 ; 500-625 lbs. 70.00-76.75; few lots The system has been design ed for bird comfort! Each bird has her place at the feed trough. Each has easy access to water Obstruction to light and the flow of air have been greatly reduced, providing more uniform ventilation and lighting for every bird Com bined with Chore-Time’s auto matically controlled air mlettmg system, you get a layer house environment designed tor biro comfort and the resulting better production. Medium Frame 1-2 960-975 lbs. 62.00-66.00. HOLSTEINS: Large Frame 2 525-675 lbs. 66.75- 73.00; lot 919 lbs. 61.00. FEEDER HEIFERS; Medium Frame 1: 300-350 lbs. 78,50-81.75; 400-500 lbs. 73.25-77.25 ; 500-600 lbs. 71.00- 76.50 ; 600-700 lbs. 68.75-71.00; few lots 700-800 lbs. 63.25- 66.00. Medium Frame 1-2 and some small frame 1: 375-450 lbs. 71.50-73.25 ; 500-550 lbs. 66.00-68.50. East Coast Carlot Wednesday, January 16 Compared to Tuesday’s close: Inmsted sales prime special fed veal firm. Good and Choice boning veal generally steady to firm on limited sales. Lamb 55 lbs. down steady. Boneless beef Not only the physical shape of the feed trough, but the operation of the feeder has been engineered to reduce feed waste. The trough shape cuts down on feed loss from “raking” and “billing," while the feeder has been specifically designed for Chore-Time’s programmed and performance feeding concept. AGRI-EQUIPMENT INC., OFFERS COMPLETE • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 19,1990—J19 auction news demand light, limited sales immediate ship generally steady with last week’s bulk. VEAL CARCASS HIDE ON Prime (Special Fed): 180- 240 lbs. 186.50-190.00 LTD firm. BONING TYPE Good and Choice Northeastern Suppliers: 65-75 lbs. 112.00-120.00, all mostly steady, bulk 114.00- 118.00; 55-64 lbs. 110.00- 118.00, bulk 112.00-116.00; 45- 54 lbs. 108.00-116.00, bulk 110.00- 35-44 lbs. 106.00- bulk 108.00- 112.00; 34 lbs. down 104.00- 112.00, bulk 106.00-110.00. Inshipped; Including some late yesterday. 70-80 lbs. 116.00- all firm; 60-70 lbs. 114.00-115.00; 50-60 lbs. 112.00- 40-50 lbs. 110.00- 30-40 lbs. 108.00- LAMB CARCASS Choice & Prime 3-4 2 Loads 55 lbs. down 138.00 LTD, steady; 60 lbs. down 134.00 PARS SOIL SERVICE HAS A NEW SOLUTION TO AN OLD PROBLEM. (LIQUID CALCIUM SOLUTION) For Correction of Calcium Deficiency in Crops BULK DELIVERY AVAILABLE ON YOUR FARM For Information Call: PARS SOIL SERVICE Box4BB, RDI SJL2JS Elizabethtown, PA < W l | 4 r<& 717-367-2667 or 717-872-7342 V/fl XP EARLY PAYMENT DISCOUNT AVAILABLE —► NOW! i EARLY PURCHASE PERIOD AND WINTER APPLICATION Corn Starter Fertilizer • Prom. Grades ■ with Mg.S. Other minor elements added on request Pre-Payment incentives Your money wrnlis all winter You take delivery in season Pesticides: Anything for Corn. Limestone: Field spread. Apply: Ammonia & P & K this winter. | OPEN Mon, thru Fn. 7:30 to 430 Ji f BULK BLENDS ORGANIC hmumm plant * [ ANHYDROUS AMMONIA J pQQQ QQ 2313 NORMAN ROAD. LANCASTER, PA. PHONE: 717-397-5152 LTD; 55 to 65 lbs. 129.00 LTD. BONELESS BEEF Vh Loads 90 pet chem lean, fresh 138.50; 75 pet chem lean, fresh 110.00, part load. CURED AND PROCESSED MEATS 7 Loads Skinned Hams: 16-19 lbs. 70.00-72.50, generally steady. Semi Boneless Hams: 14- 17 lbs. 86.00 weak. No. 1 Sliced Bacon Vacuum Pack: 83.00 weak. Thomasville Auction Thomasville Auction closed due to fire.