don’t just happen. They’re planned for. That’s why you need YOUNG’S forage testing and computerized feed programming service. Using the forage analysis results our FEED MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT will formulate a ration balanced in all the nutrients peak per- formance from your dairy herd in- cluding the RIGHT YOUNG’S PREMIX to balance those critical minerals and vitamins. And that’s how balanced rations happen. - »• * * T* Bala need Rat ions Plan to visit at our booth Learn how your YOUNG’S Feed Management Consultant can help Y-O-U young’s, tne. Livestock Nutritional Services YOU AND YOUNG'S - PARTNERS IN PERFORMANCE STOP AT THIS SIGN OF WELCOME AT THE PENNSYLVANIA FARM SHOW young’s / '! Headquarters at Roaring Spring, PA. V,,- MILL-FRESH PREMIXES I Sv % Q / mM Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 5,1980—Cl -1 O z y ? trace Minerals