—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 22,1979 122 Don’t neglect nutrition minute holiday shopping and preparations usually become as hectic as a merry-go-round ride that won’t stop, and short-cuts are often the order of the day. But short-cuts shouldn’t be taken when it comes to our food choices, says Dairy Council Inc., Southampton, Pa., especially at this time of year when extra energy and stamina are needed to keep the pace. It is always important to eat the right amounts of the right kinds of food, but even more so during the holiday season when schedules are tight and meals are skipped. Packer, stockyard rules to be reviewed WASHINGTON, D.C. - All existing regulations issued under the Packers and Stockyards Act will be reviewed.under-a plan an nounced Monday by U.S. Department of '-Agriculture officials. Comments on the proposal will be accepted until February 11. Paschal 0. Drake, acting deputy administrator of the department’s Agricultural Marketing Service, said a schedule for complete review of the regulations will be announced after the comment period is com pleted and all comments are reviewed. The act and regulations govern the business prac tices of those who buy and sell livestock, meat and poultry. Under the proposed plan, all P&S regulations are divided into three categories - those acted upon during the last three years and believed not to need review now, those proposed for deletion and those proposed for complete review. Drake said comments are invited on tfheUier the regulations are in the proper categories, and on the needs and reasons for any changes. YDLETIDE GREETINGS UNDERGROUND LIQUID MANURE SYSTEMS >N —Last The Basic Four Food Groups should guide your choices - no matter what time of the year. These groups include meats and other protein foods, milk and other dairy foods, fruits and vegetables, and bread and other grain foods. Fast foods are probably depended upon more during the holiday season than at any other time of year. These foods are convenient for busy schedules, with no preparation or clean-up time needed, informal with a limited menu and quick service, and relatively inexpensive and filling. The proposal is scheduled to appear in the Federal Register today. Comments may be sent to Paschal O. Drake, Acting Deputy Administrator, Packers and Stockyards, Product registration (Continued from Page 121) testified for four hours during the hearings. Shapp made statements to the press that Baker’s data, in some cases, proved Agrispon’s point. He also implied some of the Penn State data had been tam pered with to favor the Agriculture Department’s stand against registration. The Ag Department said the Penn State data was not their sole basis for denying the registration. They said their position was based on hard data and included information from other states and research centers. The Department’s position was that the Penn State test was made on many products, including Agrispon. Penn State’s results could have been Agrispon’s clinching research had they proven the product’s claims, the Department said. The Department and Penn State maintained the tests did not substantiate the claims. “There is nothing wrong with fast foods, per se,” says Dairy Council, and adds that a large variety of these foods are now available that in clude tacos, chicken, and sandwiches. But last-minute shoppers should bear in mind that fast foods alone cannot provide the needed daily requirements of a balanced diet. If you plan to eat on the run while holiday gift buying, make sure the foods you eat before hand come from the milk group, the grains group, and the fruits Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DJC. 20250. All comments will available for public spection. The burden of proof in the hearing was on Agrispon to prove its claims. The Department did not have to disprove any of the claims made by the product’s manufacturer. Much has been made of the fact Shapp, McHale, and Alexander are Democrats and the current ad ministration is Republican. But politics would seem to have little premeditated play in the matter since Shapp actually signed the Fertilizer Bill into law himself. One other topic which comes up often is the sup posed chub between miracle products and standard commercial fertilizer. Here pundits may have more fertile ground to work, since people on both sides of the question leave little doubt how they feel about the opposition. The decision, when given by Klein early next year, probably will guide official position on product claims for several years at least. His decision will be one of the hotter topics of debate as the new year begins. during hectic holidays and vegetables group. You will then have the daily requirements of calcium, fiber, and vitamins A and C that are low in fast foods, and you can enjoy a burger, fries and shake. Snacks are also a quick Worn Chain? Replace it with genuine Rati links You cai Patz lir free pc year models dard v and th weighir your Hi check v links cai to most equipmi PA4817 DISTRICT MANAGER GEORGE HEATH, 472 Woodcrest Dr., Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 717-737-9400 ALEXANDRIA MAX ISENBERG 814-669-4027 BALLY LONGACRE ELECTRIC 215-845-2261 BELLEFONTE LUCAS BARN EQUIPMENT 814-383-2806 BELLEVILLI MACLAY & SON 717-935-2101 CAMP HILL MILTON !£®Xi-fV=I? BAUGH LANDIS FARMSTEAD FINDER SERVICE CO 717-737-4554 AUTOMATION 301-348-5263 717-437-2375 CHAMBERSBURG VALLEY FARM AUTOMATION 717-264-3814 ELLIOTTSBURG CARL BAER 717-582-2648 fSEASONS GREETINGS | pick-me-up during the last minute frazzle. Protein-rich snacks are lunch meats, nuts, poultry and fish tidbits. Enriched bread sticks, toast rounds, and crackers are from the grams group. Bite-sized pieces of fresh HAMBURG SHARTLESVILLE FARM SERVICE 215-488-1025 LEBANON MARVIN J. HORST DAIRY EQUIPMENT 717-272-0871 SANER FARM SYSTEMS 717-463-2606 MILLERSBURG LANDIS LABOR SAVERS 717-692-4647 OUARRYVILLE UNICORN FARM SERVICE JAMES E. LANDIS 717-786-4158 PIPERSVILLE MOYER FARM SERVICE 215-766-8675 fruits and vegetables served with a dairy dip are extra nutritious. Don’t take short-cuts with your diet, says Dairy Council, and your health is likely to stand up to the strain of the holiday rush. TERRE HILL TERRE HILL SILO CO. INC. 215-445-6736 WILLIAMSBURG LONGENECKERS, INC. 814-793-3731 ERVILLE STREET. MD P&SEQUIPMENT, INC. 301-452-8521 MARYLAND DEALERS HAGERSTOWN. MD TRI-STATE FARM AUTOMATION 301-790-3698 MD KENNEDYVILLE LINEBORO. MD WERTZ GARAGE, INC. 301-374-2672