—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 22,1979 12 Livestock morket and auction news Oklahoma Cattle December 20,1979 Feeder Steers steady. Feeder heifer firm to 1.00 higher. Trade fairly active. Bulk supply medium frame 1 and 1-2 300-750 lb. feeder steers and heifers. Moderate showing of 750-850 lb. feeder steers. FEEDER STEERS: Medium Frame 1 300-400 lb. 96.50-105.00; 400-500 lb. 89.00- 98.50, lot 445 lb. 101.00; 500- 600 lb. 81.00-88.00, lot 500 lb. 89.50; lot very thin 585 lb. 87.80; 600-700 lb. 78.25-83.50; lot thin 665 lb. 86.05; 700-800 lb. 76.50-80.50; lot 730 lb. 81.50; Load fleshy 800 lb. 75.50; Load fleshy 850 lb. 73.70. Large Frame 1 990 lb. 73.70; 1075-1115 lb. very fleshy 66.00-67.00. Small Frame 1270 lb. 111.00; 340 lb. 99.30: 375-425 lb. 88.00-90.00. Medium Frame 1-2 265 lb. 103.00; 300400 lb. 90.00-98.50; 400600 lb. 85.5069.50; 505 lb. 85.25; 565 lb. 78.75; 675-750 lb. 77.75-79.25. Large Frame 1-2 596 lb. 78.25; 840 lb. 73.00; very fleshy 1160 lb. 63.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium Frame 1 250-300 lb. 85.00- 300400 lb. 81.00- 86.50, few 78.75-81.00; Lot 335 lb. 87.50; 400-500 lb. 76.50- 81.00; Lot 420 lb. 82.75; 500- 600 lb. 73.00-76.50; 600-700 lb. 73.00- ; 700-800 lb. 69.00- 73.00. Small Frame 1 300-350 lb. 84.75-86.50; 380 lb. 79.00. Medium Frame 1-2 300-400 lb. 75.50-80.00; 400-500 lb 70.00- 500-600 lb. 68.00- 74.00; 600-750 lb. 67.50-71.00; Lot 845 lb. 60.20; Package 980 lb. 53.50. Medium Frame 2 300400 lb. 71.00-76.00; 400-500 lb. 67.25-70.25 ; 500-700 lb. 64.00-68.25. FOR THE WEEK: Feeder Steers under 500 lb. 2.004.00 higher; over 500 lb. steady to 1.00 higher. Feeder heifers firm to 1.00 higher. Closing feeder demand good. Slaughter cows steady. Bulls firm to 1.00 higher. Late demand on both cows and bulls moderate. Late sales utility and commercial 2-3 slaughter cows 45.7549.75; YG 34 46.0046.10. Cutter 1-3 43.5048.25. YG 1-2 Bulls 1150- 1900 lb, 60.00-65.50; Thin 900- 1350 lb. 56.25-59.00. Salable receipts this week near 9500 head compared with 13,997 head last week and 9990 head the comparable per Christmas week last year. Feeder steers and heifers comprised 85 percent of this weeks receipts; cows and bulls 15 percent. Omaha Cattle December 20,1979 Closing prices on slaughter steers were mostly steady with the previous midweek, but weak to .50 lower than limited late sales. Heifers were steady. Cows Closed steady to .50 lower and buls were steady, in stances .50-1.00 higher. Four Day Receipts 17,200; compared 11,800 week ago; and 15,700 a year ago. Fed cattle supplies were moderately expanded overmost recent weeks, but marketings were very well distributed over the trading period. Buyers were fairly aggressive early for num bers to meet immediate requirements and prices edged upward on fairly liberal supplies; however, midweek trading was quite uneven as most interest sought to match inventories with the upcoming holiday period. In addition, carcass trading dulled at midweek as immediate needs were met. The overall finish of the steer and heifer supply was attractive with a liberal percentage Choice and a moderate volume Choice and Prime although many consignments were mixed 3- 4 and some carried a modest amont of mud. Steers made up approximately 42 pet and heifers 32 pet. Cows com prised 11 pet and feeders 12 pet, part of these fleshy steers 1050-1125 lbs. suitable for January delivery. STEERS: At high tune Tuesday, eight loads choice and prime predominantly 3 1070-1024 lbs. 69.00-69.25. At midweek load choice 3 1196 lbs. 69.00. few loads and part loads choice and prime predominantly 3 1125-1188 lbs. and load choice 2-3 1271 lbs. 68.25-68.50. Choice 24 1000-1250 lbs. 67.00-68.50, some large share 4 65.00- 66.50, load choice and prime 4, few 5 1386 lbs. 64.00. Mixed good and choice 2-3 1000-1250 lbs. 66.00-67.00. Good 2-3 63.00-66.00. Good and choice 2-3 1250-1450 lb. Holstems 63.5063.50. Good 60.5062.50. HEIFERS: Load choice and prune 34 1045 lbs. 68.00 on Tuesday. Moderate volume choice and prune 34 885-1050 lbs. 67.00-67.50 during week Lnoicc -4 875- 1050 lbs. Closed 2567.00. Mixed good and choice 2-3 850-1050 lb> ■)! 5066.00. Good 2-359 0063.00. Chambersburg Auction Chambersburg, Pa. December 20,1979 CATTLE 222. Compared with last Thursday’s market, Utility and Com mercial si. cows grading strong to 2.00 higher; Canner & Cutters 1.254.00 higher. SI. steers one Choice 69.35; few Good 64.00-68.75, few Standard 60.00-64.60. SI. heifers Standard 60.00. Utility & Commercial si. cows 51.00-57.00; Cutters 52.75-57.75, few 58.85; Canners & low Cutters 49.50- 52.50; Shells down to 46.75. Choice si. bullocks two Good 62.25, and 65.25; few Utility 52.50-58.75. Few Yield Grade No. 1 1700-2000 lbs. si. bulls 67.0069.00. CALVES 431. Vealers 4.00- 10.00 lower. Standard & Good 1.00- higher. Prime vealers 117 lbs. Choice 104.00- Good 90.00- 105.00, Standard & Good 90- 105 lbs. 81.0066.00; Standard 7065 lbs. 74.0060.00. FARM CALVES: Hoi. bulls 90-125 lbs. 85.00-131.00, few to 137.00. Hoi. heifers SO HO lbs. 120.00-175.00. HOGS 70. Barrows and gilts 2.00-2.50 lower. No. 1-3 205-260 lbs. 39.3540.00, a lot No. 2-3 275 lbs. 36.75. SOWS US No. 1-3 275450 lbs. sows 28.50-34.00, couple BOARS 22.00. FEEDER PIGS 23. A US No 1-3 25 lbs. feeder nius 17.00 per herd. One lot 45 lbs. 25.00 per head. SHEEP 24. Wooled si. lambs Choice 65-100 lbs. 58.0065.00, few Slaughter ewes 23.50-25.00.