HELLERTOWN - The Wluch-Way 4-H club of ficially installed the recently elected officers on November 16. Betsy Bottle as president, Cathy Kotch as vice president, Kathy Ehlman as secretary, Bonnie Bottle as treasurer, Jeffrey Stuart as news reporter, Beth Rudnick as song and game leader, and Lisa Pinkerton as assistant song and game leader were installed Each of the officers held a lighted candle while being sworn in After the officers were installed, 4-B awards were distributed A past president’s award was presented to Bonnie Bottle BIG FARM POWER AMD EQUIPMENT BUT BEFORE YOU BUY, TRY A STEIGER ON YOUR FARM, IN YOUR FIELDS, ON YOUR HILLS... Because it has proven itself in the field* Which- Way 4-H installs officers at banquet who served as president this past year. Mr Leroy Dixon was presented with the Friend of 4-B Award for his cooperation in a joint action by the Which-Way and Spurs ‘N Burrs 4-B Clubs. The 4-B Junior Spirit Award was presented to Lisa Pinkerton and the Senior Spirit Award was presented to Louis Kozar Teen Leader pins were presented to Louis Kozar - one year; Bonnie Bottle - two years; Debbie Ehlman - two years; Cathy Kotch - three years; and Betsy Bottle - four years. Project Leaders Awards were presented to Mrs. Jack LOOK AT • •• LOOK LOOK • •• • •• m 2 STEIGER IS #1 Ask your neighbor - but see for Kotch, and Mrs. Jack Edgar - one year; Mrs. Clarence Bottle, Mrs Edward Yuhas, and Mrs Leroy Sutten - two years Pomona Grange Awards were presented to Lisa Pinkerton - General Crafts; Kathy Ehlman - Cedar Crest provides LEBANON - The Cedar Crest FFA sponsored a farm tour for the children m the St Andrews Church Boost Program The four year olds toured Jessie Copenhaver’s farm on Reist Road in Lebanon While at the farm they saw msny types of farm animals THE THE AT THE AT \ * Determined Crafts; Robert Swam - Rocketry, Dianne Kozar - Borticulture; Cathy Kotch - photography, and Jeffrey Stuart - Small Pets Other Grange Awards were Beth Rudnick - Ceramics, Diane Texter Rabbits, Bonnie Bottle - Doe including cows, hogs and chickens They saw some of the equipment used to raise crops and got to sit on one of Copenhaver’s tractors. They also, were able to see how a cow feeds its newborn calf. The children had the opportunity to feed a young INDEPENDENT TESTS! FEATURES! TESTIMONIALS! Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 8,1979 Cars, Carol Kozar - Self Determined Drawing, Betsy Bottle - Sewing, John Kotch - cooking and Sherry Kozero - Self Determined Book Rug. A Perfect Attendance Award for 4-B meetings was presented to Jeffrey Stuart. First year pins were children’s farm tour calf with a milk bucket. Ron Copenhaver explained how his family collects the milk from the cows and how the milk is stored After the tour the young students were treated to milk and cookies. The teacher of the Boost students is Ms Jeamne Bienner yourself!.... presented to Jeffrey Stuart, Douglas Watterson, Keith Mason, Lisa Pinkerton, and Robert Swain. The club will go Christmas caroling at a senior citizens home in Quakertown on December 7. A party will be held afterwards. Cedar Crest FFA mem- bers conducting the tour included Ron Copenhaver, Bob Bomberger, Dawn Shirk, Joe Malm, and Bruce Brandt. After the tour the FFA members took the excited students back to St. Andrews. 15