Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 24, 1979, Image 10

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—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 24,1979 .
Lancaster Farming says...
Farmers will have a chance to put
their money where their mouths are
in two referendums, one local and
one nationwide
In both cases farmers will have the
chance to do a little bit of positive
promotion for agriculture and their
own agricultural products
First on the list is the Maryland
Soybean Grower Investment
Program Farmers will vote Tuesday,
November 27, on whether to con
tribute one penny per bushel of
soybeans produced to market
development, research and
education on Maryland soybeans
The check-off would be made at
first point of sale, most likely when
the farmer moves his beans to the
Leon Schmick, the Preston farmer
who is a former chairman of the Mid-
Atlantic Soybean Association, figures
the referendum will raise about
$lOO,OOO per year in Maryland
As with any other referendum
deserving of support, the Maryland
Soybean program will be 100%
Lesson for November 25,1979
Background Scripture
Ephesians 5:21 through 6.24
Devotional Reading:
Ephesians 2 1-10
The other day in downtown
Dallas I was passing a large
Are you using the Penn
State Forages Testing
Service and the feeding
suggestions offered’ Many
local dairymen and livestock
producers have utilized this
testing service. Some claim
Support these two referendums
construction protect and saw
a sign that read, “IN THIS
couldn’t help but think back
to my college days when one
summer I worked on a
construction project
Starting in the ditches, I was
later promoted to be the
Safety Engineer’s assistant.
It sounded like a pretty
important job, but I didn’t
think so then, for I spent
most of my day walking
around the project and
remmiding the laborers to
wear their hardhats
The Helmet of Salvation
One of the things I quickly
that it paid them to do the
testing, rather than to cost
them $lO.OO per sample
Here at the beginning of the
winter feeding period we
suggest that producers get
their hay and silage tested.
This is the best way to leam
the real feeding value of
these forage crops With top
quality hay and silage
money can be saved by using
less commercial protein in
the mixture. Details of this
testing service and the
controlled by farmers Lancaster
Farming couldn't support it any other
The program will be managed by a
Maryland Soybean Board of nine
growers representing the entire
state and three ex-officio
representatives, one each from the
extension service, state Agriculture
Department, and the state
Department of Industry
All land owners, tenants or
sharecroppers who grow soybeans
are eligible to vote from 9am to 4
p m at their local extension office In
Western Maryland, voting will be
done only at the Frederick office
Another attractive part of the
program is the provision that far
mers who do not wish to participate
still can vote "yes" and get a full
refund of any money paid simply by
making a written request to the
Soybean Board
So, there is little excuse for
anything but a “yes" vote Since
those who don’t want to contribute
can get their money back, it wouldn’t
be fair for those few to deprive those
learned on that job was that,
although the safety
regulations were intended
for the worker’s own safety
and well-being, few liked to
co-operate with them -
particularly when it came to
wearing the hardhats. Most
workers, I found, thought of
accidents as something that
happen to other workers.
Therefore, not only did they
often not want to wear their
helmets, but they frequently
resented my enforcing the
Since those days I have
often noted that many people
manifest that same attitude
to any kind of safety
precaution, including
recommendations are
available at any Extension
Office in the state.
Almost any kind of a tree
plantmg will require ad
vance ordering of the trees.
Experience shows that many
nurseries are experiencing a
strong demand for all of
their trees and often run out
before the plantmg season. If
any evergreens are to be
planted next spring for
who wish to support the program of
the opportunity to do so
Further down the road, but on a
much wider scale, is the proposed
It’s a fancy name for the beef
referendum Again, Lancaster
Farming supports the idea
Check-off will be made on a value
added basis Each producer pays his
share, 0 2%, or 20 cents per $lOO
value added to the animal each time
the animal is sold
Thus the cow-calf man, the feeder,
the man finishing cattle, all will
contribute to the fund
All money will be administered by a
national beef board made up of
When the beef referendum last
was proposed in 1977 it was soundly
turned down in states like Penn
sylvania, New York, Wisconsin and
other dairy areas A new provision
assures that breeding cattle and
cattle used for commercial milk
production will be exempt from
assessment until time of slaughter
seatbelts on both airplanes
and autos, regardless how
often it is proven that these
safety precautions save lives
and prevent serious injury
Certainly one of the reasons
must be that, as with my
fellow construction laborers,
they assume that there is
really no danger to them
selves, accident statistics
We are likely to make the
same king of miscalculation
in our spitirual lives too,
quite oblivious to the fact
that there is alwyas the
possibility of spiritual
danger No longer regarding
evil in the guise of the per
sonalized “Devil,” we tend
Christmas Trees, re
foresting, or for natural tree
windbreaks, they should be
ordered this fall Most
nurseries will offer either
seedlings or transplants in
most of the species of
evergreen trees The buyer
has a choice when the order
is placed far m advance of
shipping dates.
In this part of the country
farms are smaller and very
By Tom Armstrong
to underestimate its power.
The writer of Ephesians tells
us, however, that the danger
is real and often present
“For we are not contending
against flesh and blood, but
against the principalities,
against the powers, against
the world rulers of this
present darkness, against
the spiritual hosts of
wickedness in the heavenly
places ”
Put On The Whole Armor
Regardless of how you
visualize or conceptuzhze
the nature of evil, don’t
make the mistake of un
derestimating its demonic
power' We are not talking
about a few mistakes of
close together Also, our
poultry and livestock
population are very dense.
This means that stray dogs
and cats can travel to
several farms in one day or
night. When this occurs
there is a great danger of
spreading various diseases
and infections from one
premise to the other. The
only way to reduce this
Farm Calendar
Monday, November 26
York County 4-H
organizational leaders
training session, 7:30
pm at the 4-H Center.
National Young Farmer
Educational Institute
opens today through
Thursday in Toledo, Ohio
Tuesday, November 27
Soybean Referendum voting
at Maryland County
Agent’s office.
Clothing Construction
Workshop by Hunterdon
County, New Jersey
This will do away with pesty
assessments at each stage of a cow’s
life and will mean an ultimate
assessment at her value for beef
rather than her worth as a milk
As with the Maryland Soybean
program, the Beef Program has a
provision for a full refund to any
farmer who feels he does not want to
support his industry
Voting on the Beeferendum will be
held in February
Promotion pays If you doubt that,
look at how the value of Sears stock
fell two years ago when some penny
wise executive made the pound
foolish decision to cut back on ad
vertising for the national chain store
Perhaps the ultimate proof of the
value of advertising is resting right
now in your own hands LANCASTER
FARMING Advertising works for
each and every one of the many
farmers and dealers in our pages
It'll work for soybean and beef
producers if farmers vote to give it a
judgement or some willful
indiscretions, we are talking
about a power of evil that is
able to corrupt lives and
destroy nations
Therefore, a disciple (ffitfi
Jesus Christ is admonished
to guard himself from this
insidious evil by putting on
‘the whole armor of God,
that you may be able to
withstand in the evil day ”
(6 13) Just because we
cannot see the danger does
not mean we can afford to
neglect protecting ourselves
As it is dangerous to work in
a hazardous area without a
hardhat, so it is foolhardy to
live in this world without the
whole armor of God
danger is to reduce the
traffic of wild or
animals between fan®))
buildings. This is one good
reason to keep dogs at home
rather than to allow them to
roam at large. Cat control is
more difficult because they
are permitted to be out
without license or leash. The
use of firearms to eliminate
Extension Service, 9.30
Thursday, November 29
York County 4-H family
movie night, 7:30 p.m. at
the 4-H Center.
Lehigh Co. Mini-Farm Show
at Trexler Mall today
through December 2.
Friday, November 30
Lancaster Co. 4-H’ers Dance
at the Farm and Home
Holiday Workshop aL
Hunterdon Co., NWr
Jersey Extension Center,
7.30 p.m.
(Turn to Page 39)