Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 03, 1979, Image 110

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    —Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, November 3,1979
EQB sets regulations on subsurface exploration
vironmental Quality Board
has adopted regulations
governing subsurface ex
ploration in natural and wild
areas, classification of gas
wells and water obstructions
and encroachments.
The board is a 21-member
independent panel of
executive agency officials,
legislators and citizens
charged by law with ap
proving all regulations to be
administered by Penn
sylvania Department of
nmental Resources
Secretary Clifford L. Jones
said today DER will require
more detailed en
vironmental studies of strip
mine operations that could
adversely affect state parts.
Jones said tbs information
would be requested under a
federal surface mining act
provision that requires state
agencies to consider whether
or not an operation will
adversely affect parUands.
The secretary stressed,
however, mat this is an
interim policy mat will be in
effect until the department
can draft a permanent policy
and procedures.
“There is growing
pressure for strip mining on
the borders of some of our
Aluminum drives
may benefit
the arrival of November and
the approach of the religious
holiday seasons, Penn
sylvania religious
organizations may earn
funds to support seasonal
activities by sponsoring
congregational aluminum
recycling drives.
The Reynolds Aluminum
Recycling Company
operates mobile recycling
units in Pennsylvania to pay
individuals and
organizations 23 cents per
pound for all-aluminum
beverage cans and other
recyclable all-aluminum
Besides all-aluminum
beverage cans and other
dean household aluminum
We Charge For Distant Pickups.
(717) 367-6026
Environmental Resources.
The new wild and natural
area rule will allow DER to
issue “non-development
leases” permitting direc
tional drilling for oil and gas
exploration underneath
these areas without
disturbing the surface.
Under the new gas well
classification regulation,
DER will classify each
existing and new gas well in
the Commonwealth after
application by the operator.
Classification will be
DER sets
on strip mine studies
most important and sen
sitive state parks,” Jones
said. “So I have im
plemented this interim
policy to give us time to
develop fair, uniform rules
and regulations.
“I realize this could slow
down the processing of strip
mine applications at a time
when we are trying to speed
up the process to help me
industry mine more coal
more efficiently.
“But we would rather
cause a small delay than
grant a permit that could
result in serious, long-term
damage to one of Penn
sylvania’s most precious
natural or recreational
Jones said strip mines can
do more than spoil the
products such as pie plates,
foil, frozen food and dinner
trays and dip, pudding and
meat containers, Reynolds
recycles certain, other
aluminum items - including
siding, gutters, storm door
and window frames, lawn
furniture tubing and
aluminum castings - which
are also worth 23 cents per
pound if properly prepared.
This aluminum must be free
of all foreign materials, cut
to lengths not exceeding
three feet and should not be
mixed with aluminum cans.
Information regarding the
nearest Reynolds’
Aluminum recycling
location operating in Penn
sylvania is available by
calling toll-free 1-800-228-
based .on criteria set by the
Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC) and
will allow the operator to
receive payment in line with
prices set by the 1978
National Gas Policy Act.
Before adoption, the
regulation, as approved by
EQB August 21, was
modified to incorporate
suggestions made by ex
tensive public comment and
to reflect FERC orders.
The new water obstruction
and encroachments
interim policy
landscape or cause water
“Heavy track traffic cm
cause dust and noise. A mine
could rain a lovely view. It
could destroy wildlife
habitat or a delicate water
table that helps sustain a
community of rare or
unusual plants.”
Jones said he will ask the
department’s Ad Hoc
Committee on Surface
Mining to join the DER staff
in developing proposed rales
and regulations to im
plement this policy.
That committee developed
amendments to Penn
sylvania’s surface mining
law that will bring me state
into compliance with federal
Mows up to 3 acres per hour
RD #4, Box 260, Fairview Road
Lltitz, PA 17543 Phone: 717-733-8506
Mon., Thurs., Fri. 9:00 to 2:00 and 4:00 to 9:00
lues., Sat. 9:00 to 12:00
regulation is an interim one
adopted to make the
department’s rules and
regulations concerning such
water barriers consistent
with the state Dam Safety
and Encroachment Act
signed this week by Gov.
Dick Thornburgh.
In other action, EQB
adopted recommendations
relating to its own
procedures. The board voted
to continue to exempt itself
and the department from
certain sections of The
requirements. The panel
also will review the
department’s implementing
The task force is made up
of surface miners, en
vironmental groups, citizen
groups and representatives
of the various DER bureaus
affected by the laws.
Jones said that an
operator will be required to
perform additional en
vironmental studies only
when DER’s Bureau of
Surface Mine Reclamation
decides that the proposed
mine could affect a state
park adversely.
He said the policy will
apply to all new and all
existing permit applications.
log splitter, other attach
merits American built since
1946 Get our down to
earth price
Pennsylvania Code’s
General Rules of Ad
ministrative Practice and
It also decided to
institute a mechanism
whereby certain- con
troversial issues could be
discussed at. special non
action sessions.
Should EQB be faced with
a controversial technical
matter on which it needs
additional “executive
summaries”, the board >
chairman will conduct a polr
of EQB members and will
convene a special session if
five members desire such a
meeting. Discussion at such
a, “no-vote” session will be
limited to the specific issue
for which the meeting was
EQB’s next voting session
will be in the Fulton Bank
Building, Harrisburg, at 10
a.m. Monday, December 10.