Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 22, 1979, Image 118

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    US—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 22,1979
past summer Karen Long, a
Penn Manor High School
sophomore, had quite an
achievement. She broke a 4o
year record at the State
Poultry Judging Contest,
sponsored by agricultural
education teachers in
cooperation with the Penn
State Department of Poultry
This is one of the most
comprehensive contests in
Holding a racing pigeon in Rentavin Loft, Karen
enjoys explaining the techniques of pigeon racing.
Long prepares for the local fair season
the nation, according to
Herbert C. Jordan, Ex
tension specialist in poultry
science at Penn State. In
order to break the record,
Karen earned a 91.7 per cent
total composite score
judging nirtte classes of
poultry and eggs plus giving
near perfect oral reasons on
a class of four laying hens.
She competed with 43
other students in judging
exterior shell eggs, as well
as interior quality of broken
State FFA poultry judging champion
out eggs. Each competitor
candled eggs, and judged a
class of leghorn pullets and a
class of hens for egg
production. Ten poultry
ailments were identified by
each studenat and a class of
pullets and one of layers was
judged' on a keep or cull
basis. .
Karen does not live on a
poultry farm; therefore, a
great deal of studying was
needed to prepare her for the
competition. She studied
various poultry texts and
practiced at area poultry
farms. A county competition
was held at Weaver’s of New
Holland ip which Karen
placed ninth. She then went
on to beat the county com
petitors at the state contest.
As the Pennsylvania’s
highest scoring individual,
Karen is looking forward to
attending the National FFA
Convention at Kansas City in
November. In the mean
time, Karen is quite busy
preparing for the West
Lampeter Community Fair.
Although she will not have
to judge poultry at the fair,
she will be kept busy
preparing her animals for
livestock contests.
Karen lives on a 20 acre
farm south of Willow Street,
and has occupied the barn
and meadow with her swine,
sheep, and Aryshire calf, all
of which are FFA projects.
Her interest in animals
and FFA began in the sixth
grade at Marticville Middle
School when Karen decided
to join the Junior FFA Club
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during an activity period. Karen has entered her hogs FFA hog show.
She convinced her father to in the West Lampeter Fair. Through her achievements
purchase a hcg for a project. This past year she competed with the hog project and her
Since the seventh grade, in the Lancaster County (Turn to Page 119)
Karen Long received an Ayrshire caif as a chain animal to help begin aim
FFA project. She is looking forward to showing “Annie" at the community fairs.
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