I was g lad Dad wasn’t around on July 16, 1969 and a few days thereafter That's because the work routine was adjusted pretty much during that week Dad was never one to take time out or make post ponements for anything But as far as I was concerned, a lot of things would just have to wait while I watched television. Ordinarily I’m not at all excited about watching TV, but 10 years ago around this time the world was preparing to take ‘‘one small step for man, but one giant leap for mankind.” I’m an avid follower and supporter of the space exploration program, and I’m proud to admit it. And, if an important historic event such as the THE PROPHETS WE HATE Lesson for July 15,1979 Background Scripture 1 Kings 22 Devotional Reading: Psalms 86 1-13 f I JMHbX TO KEEP RECORD OF PESTICIDE APPLICATIONS The importance of keeping accurate record of all ap plications of pesticides comes to our attention at this time. As we all should realize, The Food and Drug Administration is constantly monitoring our feed and food crops. Some of the tests are quite accurate and can detect a very small amount of residue When these residues are found in excess of the tolerance level, the product may not be per mitted to be sold In these cases it is very important to have written record of the material that was used RURAL ROUTE I see mete the coll a D King Ahab had four mndred and one prophets, 'our hundred of these men pleased him greatly, but there was one whom he ieeply heated. Just one rophet among so iany...but that one man was enough to feed Ahab’s anxieties. Ahab, King of Israel, at tempts to persuade Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, to join him in a military campaign against Syria for the purpose of wrestling control over the city of Ramoth-gilead Jehoshaphat is almost persuaded, but, being a devout man, he ! — ! : ■ 1- ■ „v. NOW IS THE TIME .By Max Smith, Lancaster County Agricultural Agent ' J ' ■ 1 - 2 1 i : : - There could be moral and financial assistance if ap proved materials were used correctly These records should be kept on crop ap plications as well as on livestock. Don’t depend upon your memory for these important records TO CONTROL WEEDS All kinds of weeds are maturing and the battle continues for good control In the last few days we have seen Canada Thistle seeds blowmg m several localities This will surely bring complaints from the general public As we have men tioned previously, we urge every land owner to try and control Canadian, thistles on their property. Some local ordinances require the control of these weeds. We suggest more rigid en forcement of these or dinances. Farmers should take the lead in trying to blast-off of a Saturn rocket was to be broadcast on television, I made every effort to get to see it It never mat tered how many blast-offs I had seen previously They were all interesting and exciting. So I watched Werner Von Braun, the famed German-born genius of rocketry, Walter Oonkite, an chorman for CBS, and Christopher Craft, at “Mission Control,’’ among others, as they showed and ex plained what was going on As far as I was concerned, what I was watching represented one of the proudest moments of all history America may have a long list of significant achievements, but as far as my life-time was concerned, none could top a trip to the moon requests that they “Inquire first the word of the Lord” (1 Kings 22:5). Another Prophet? So Ahab assembles four hundred of his four hundred and one prophets and in response to his question, “Shall I go to battle against Ramoth-gilead, or shall I forbear’”, they reply: “Go up; for the Lord will give it into the hand of the King” (22 6) Four hundred prophets in agreement' That should have clinched the matter But something must have told JehosJwphat that four hundred pi onhets were not enough ‘ Is there not eliminate so many thistles At this tune of the year mowing is the best control Several weeks ago the spraying with some weed killer, when in the early bud development stage, would have prevented them from developing seed heads. Don’t be content to stand by and observe the thistle seeds blowing over the landscape. Folks are asking about the danger of Japanese beetle preventing the pollination of both field and sweet corn This could happen if the beetle eat off the silk before the corn pollinates. We urge growers to inspect their corn fields frequently in the next few weeks. If less than 50% of the stalks are in silk and if two or more beetles are found on these early silks, then some spraying could prevent loss of good TO OBSERVE CORN SILKS By Tom Armstrong The three astronauts aboard the Apollo space craft became heroes Their names - Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldnn, and Michael Collins - were household words at the time Now, unf ortuntely, they’re beginning to fade from memory The televison crews used to devote most of the day to broadcasting what was happening at Cape Kennedy and beyond As commentators talked, I watched the vapors excape fiom the powerful rocket many times taller and heavier than the biggest silo on any farm It was hard to comprehend that any such thing could get off the ground l In fact, that big beautiful thing was going to go all the way to the moon 1 It was fascinating, to say the least Words can’t describe the awesomeness of the project and how thrilling it was to see it all happen In recent weeks we were all reminded of the phenomenal dimensions of the space program Not only did we read about Skylab and its death over the Indian Ocean and Australia, an unmanned spacecraft is sending sharp pictures of Saturn back to Earth America's flight to the moon represented a project which here another prophet of the Lord of whom we may inquire’” (22-7). There is nothing subtle about Ahab’s petulant response- “There is yet one man by whom we may inquire of the Lord, Micaiah the son of Imlah; but I hate him, for he never prophesies good concerning me, but evil” (22-8). Obviously Ahab judges a prophet by one criterion alone whether or not he tells him what he wants to hear' Ahab hates Micaiah, not because he is not an authentic spokesman for the Lord, but because he disturbs Ahab with his prophecies pollination If 75% or more of the stalks are silking when the first beetle are noticed, then it is doubtful if spraying will be needed. Insecticides such as Sevin, Diazinon, or Malathion can be used to kill Japanese Beetle. In most cases field spraying is not practical for the control of beetles. Some gardeners may want to spray in order to get perfect pollination TO BE CAREFUL WITH SEED WHEAT Many local growers have reported poor kernel development in the wheat heads Some are lacking any normal wheats kernels; others developed kei£|}s. This condition is caiim by two possibilities, onepwiown as Scab and the othlnfe Glume Blotch Both vt these diseases can cause poor seed head development. Also, there is some possibility of benefited more than science and industry Just as important, or perhaps even more so, was the fact that the project gave us all something we could be proud of There was, and still is opposition to the space program, but for the most part it was an undertaking which had the backing of the entire country We don’t have much of that anymore But that’s exactly what we need to help solve the problems we’re facing Yes, life on the farm was changed temporarily for me when a powerful Saturn rocket left Earth And when you think of all the technological advancements that have come about since those famous days of July, 1969, you realize that farming itself has changed because of what was learned through the space program The fancy tractors and milking parlors with cumputenzed circuitry and space-age plastics are just two examples Next Friday will be the 10th an niversary of man's first moon landing. I’ll be observing it with pride And if there are any televison documentaries about it, I’m hereby giving notice of my intentions to watch as many as possible But Jehoshaphat prevails upon Ahab and Micaiah is summoned to prophesy on the campaign. Ahab is shocked when Micaiah mimics the advice of the four hundred prophets “Go up and triumph, the Lord will give it into the hand of the king” (22 15) At last, Micaiah has told Ahab what he wants to hear but Ahab doesn’t believe him He suspects that the prophet is poking fun at him and asks Micaiah how many times he will have to ask before the prophet tells him the ti uth toxicity in these poorly condition of their wheat developed kernels, we aie heads and be careful about investigating this item In using the wheat for seed the meantime we suggest purposes this fall without that growers observe the disease treatment Farm Calendar Today, July 14 Polled Hereford Field Day, Spring Bottom Farm, Fairfield, 9 a.m. Lancaster County 4-H horse show, 9 a.m. Lancaster County Riding Club, Columbia Pike, Lan caster Alternate Energy Fair, 11 a.m. tofip m., Fellowship House Farm, Fegleysville, east of Pottstown. Colonial Charolais Junior Show and Field Day, Myers Charolais Farm, Clear Spring, M - Monday, July 16 York County 4-H hor ticulture picnic and tour, Harold Raubenstem farm, Hanover, 6pm Wednesday, July 18 York&County .„4rH dress re#e, at thwkH Center, 9 a.nt: Soil Conservation Field Day, Donald Mowrer farm, Marietta. Thursday, July 19 Land use workshop, Capitol Campus of Penn State University, Middletown, lOa.m to 3:30 p.m. Land use laws and legislation, Didn’t I Tell You? He doesn’t have to wait long and when the prophet tells him of his impending defect and death at Ramoth gilead, Ahab turns trium phantly to Jehoshaphat “ Did I not tell you that he would not prophesy good concerning me, but evil’” (22 18) Later, when it was too late, he would learn that Micaiah alone of the four hundred and one prophets had spoken the truth But, really, is Ahab’s reaction all that hard for us to understand'' Do not most of us have some prophets whom we hate - for much the same reasons 7 government’s role in land use control and control techniques such as taxation, transfer and purchase of development rights, agricultural districts and the free market place will be discussed. Friday, July 20 Pennsylvania Seedmen’s Association Summer Meeting, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Hershey Parkview Manor, Hershey (next to Chocolate World). State Conference of DHIA supervisors, Keller Conference Center, Penn State University, today and tomorrow Farmers Market opens at Liberty Village parking lot, Hunterdon County, N.J. Harford County Farm Bureau picnic and Farm Queen Contest, Rocks 4-H Camp Grounds, af ternoon European farm tour slide program, open to all persons interested. Free admission, Fulton Bank, Mam Street, Akron, 7 p.m.