26 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 30,1979 Excellent field conditions reported HARRISBURG - Penn sylvania farmers were busily making bay as ex cellent weather continued through most of the week ending June 24. All areas reported at least six days suitable for farm fieldwork. A majority of time was spent in hayfields. but other activities on the farm in clude filling silos, planting soybeans, combining barley, cultivating and spraying. Harvesting was concluded in strawberry and sweet pea crops, while continuing in sweet cherries and pod peas. Tight supplies of gasoline were reported by 51 per cent of the respondents, 79 per cent more than last week. Ten per cent of the farmers GRAIN SYSTEMS THAT WORK... Heavy Gi Access Oi 5 Or Door Grain Bin FARM reported deficit supplies ot gasoline. Deisel supplies are also decreasing with 48 per cent indicating tight sup plies, up 19 per cent from the previous week. Twenty per cent of the farm respondents reported tight supplies of LP gas, with a few reports of deficits. Reports from across the state indicate a wide range of corn heights. On the average, corn is 10 inches tail in the north, 13 inches in central counties and 18 in ches tall in the south, with an average of 13 inches statewide. Com height is four days ahead of 1978. Soybean planning is vir tually complete, with only a small amount to be planted. 4 Sub Floor Aeration o 00000 GALVANIZED ELEVATOR LEGS KIMMICH EQUIPMENT CO. P.O. Box 5190, NeHsville, PA (Lane. Co.) Phone 717-684-3829 or 684-3830 1 Truss Rafter System for Strength 2 Extra Strength Bolting LET US HELP YOU DESIGN AN ECONOMICAL GRAIN SYSTEM TAILORED TO YOUR SPECIFIC NEEDS. ★ FACTORY DISCOUNTS STILL IN EFFECT! REDEX DRYERS • High Quality Drying •Low Drying Cost GUARANTEED CAPACITY! This puts the 1979 crop on a par with last year. Tobacco is 90 per cent planted with all reports indicating good growth. To date, five per cent of the barley crop has been harvested, mostly in southern areas. Forty-one per cent is ripe in the south, 13 per cent in central counties and five per cent in the north, for a statewide average of 20 per cent. Wheat is five days ahead of last year, at 36 per cent turning. Sixteen per cent is turning in the north, 38 per cent in the central region and 54 per cent in the south. The south is also showing a small percentage of wheat ripe. Oats are five days Low Profile Roof Means ■"vator-Hcight •quipmcnt Z Bar Stiffeners /all Sheet {not two) lot Shown trostatically Jer coated) ormed Heavy Gaqe mtzed Steel for Life ;ities up to )00 Bushels* •very Aerating rying and Conveying Accessory You'll Need WE STOCK A FULL LINE OF GRAIN BINS AND GRAIN HANDLING EQUIP MENT. ahead with 45 per cent headed. In the north, 31 per cent of the oats are headed, while central and southern areas show 55 and 54 per cent headed, respectively. The south reports five per cent turning yellow. First cutting of alfalfa is now four-fifths completed with a few reports of second cutting hay being made. Clover-timothy hay is two thirds complete. Hay quality is reported ds two-thirds good and one-third fair. Pastures are providing an average amount of feed in most locales. Vegetable crops are growing well, with sweet corn tasseling and tomatoes setting fruit in southern AS HARD AS YOU DO! 1 Safer 1 Ladder with available 3 Heavy Gage Access Door 5 Aeration Fai In Tank An THE HOPPER GRAIN TANK FROM areas. Potatoes are in blossom with scattered reports of Colorado potato beetle and potato leaf hopper problems. Sweet cherries and black cherries are being harvested with some bud damage reported. Grapes are Handrails FT. A 4 Rack and Pinion / Material Flow Valve I would like to learn more about the following products: □ GRAIN BINS □ ELEVATORS □ DRYERS C HOPPER GRAIN TANKS NAME ADDRESS beginning to develop and apples are sizing well with only a few reports of apple scab and fire blight. Nearly one fourth of the respondents reported soil moisture supplies as short, with the remainder repor ting adequate conditions. ZAi 2 READS Unique Leg and Z Stiffpn p r {§j