Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 23, 1979, Image 10

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—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 23,1979
Dad stood by the side of the pick
up truck laughing out loud while
listening to our plumber’s
Never showing awareness of his
dry, comical wit, the middle-aged
plumber spoke matter-of-factly in a
low gravelly voice which went well
with his unshaven face. Mr Johnson
stared out the side window of his
truck and took a few draws on his
cigarette. You hardly ever saw him
without one. Pausing a moment, he
let each word come out riding on a
cloud of smoke.
“When you have so many things to
do that you don’t know what to do
first, you just go fishing,” he said,
returning the burning cigarette to his
Lesson for June 24, 1979
Background Scripture:
!Kings3:3-28; 4:29-34
Devotional Reading
Proverbs 3 13-18
In recent years the value
of bedding materials has
been extremely high;
therefore, a ready market
should be available for all
straw producers. Farmers
should make an effort to
harvest all of the straw. At
the present time, Winter
barley is being combined
and within the few weeks the
winter wheat crop will be
Wme from college With hih i
kids that's all SPACED out
S&ife on
the firm
by SSieter SfCriey , Editor
There is a story about a
man who found a bottle
washed up upon the shore.
Upon opening it, he found he
had released a genie who
offered to grant him three
wishes The man was
overcome with his great
fortune and foolishly wished
for the wrong things In a
short tune, he found himself
no better off than he had
been and the genie gone
God said “A5k....”
Some times that’s the way
it is with our prayers.
Although praying is not the
same as wishing, there is
some similarity in that both
normally grow of our
deepest desires Rightly'
conceived and practiced,
■k ■ Aii a ■/» t»| Ip- xll IP By Max Smith, 'Lancaster County Agricultural Agent
ready. If weather and weed
conditions permit, it is
suggested that the gram be
cut as low as possible in
order to harvest maximum
straw yield. If farmers are
not in position to utilize the
straw in their own livestock
operations, then there is
little doubt that the extra
will again bring a favorable
market price.
Too many’ of the calls
coming in to the Extension
Office during the growing
mouth the way George Burns uses a
cigar to plug his mouth after the
punch line
We could have been fishing all
summer long had we taken the joke
Aside from the usual chores in
volving livestock which can’t be
postponed, we had a delay in our
work schedules because of plumbing
problems and a heifer which needed
assistance with her calf We had
some hay to haul and two cows to get
in for the breeder They had been let
out by mistake after the morning
It was also time to get ready for silo
filling, which in itself would take up
most of a day - maybe more if a
prayer, as Harry Emerson
Fosdick once said, is meant
to be, not “a pious form, but
a vital transaction ” Prayer
can be a powerful force in
our lives and we must ap
proach this opportunity with
a due sense of respect and
ask for what it can mean to
Frequently, however,
prayer is approached in a
careless, indifferent man
ner. People pray in a per
functory way that indicates
they don’t really believe
prayer can make any
specific difference. Such
prayers are like expensive
long-distance calls in which
the caller is content to chat
aimlessly about the weather.
season relate to the
chemicals that have been
put on nearby crops. All
users of chemical weed
killers should read the label
on the container and follow
directions carefully. Also, it
is very important for
herabicide applicators to
recognize the possibility of
spray drift to nearby crops
and shrubbery. The
'reckless use of these
materials can develop mto
very poor public relations
and eventually to court
action. We urge spray
operators to realize the
danger of herbicide drift to
nearby property and crops.
By Tom Armstrong
Stick together
Hus is ui leteience to
Joyce Bupp s column in the
May ibth issue The way she
put it on the line about how
the poweis-that-be in
Washington want us to save
gasoline, really expresses
our feelings exactly
We must stick together or
those powers that be in
Washington will cause us to
starve them to death It is
time they realize how im
portant the farmer is, and
just where so much of the
food comes from that this
country lives on
Mr. and Mrs. A.Z. Haines,
Rising Sun, Md.
problem arose One of the silage
wagons had a flat tire but that wasn’t
really a problem The distributor had
to be hauled up to the top of the silo,
equipment had to be cleaned,
greased, and oiled, the filler pipe had
to be connected, and fields had to be
A section of fence by the woods
If prayer is not to be a
wasted opportunity we must
be sure when we pray that
our K rams are in gear before
we press down on the ac
Solomon, King David’s son
and successor, is a case in
point One night early in his
reign, he dreamed that God
came to him, saying, “Ask
what I shall give you ” To
Solomon as well as to us it
seems a magnificient offer
Put yourself in Solomon’s
place suppose tonight you
should dream that God made
such an offer to you l Yet, is
that really so strange an
idea? Isn’t that what Jesus
tells us God is always saying
to us 9 “Ask, and it will be
Since the harvest of the
strawberry crop is nearly
over, it is a good time to plan
for next year. In most cases,
plants that have yielded two
or more crops again cannot
be expected to do as well in
the future However, if the
current planting is to be used
for another year we suggest
that the rows be narrowed by
the use of mechanical
cultivation and followed by
top dressing of fertiher.
These practices will keep the
berry plants in row and
encourage additional run
ners to increase next years
a —-
A dairyman likes his
cows, he is proud of them
He even finds en
couragement through
watching his animals when
the times get rough
The weather is so bad -
farmers could be mad,
Mud and water, fog and
cold - but his Guernsey cows
seem bold.
Thriving on the wettest
crop - color in the milk
comes up
Grass is still their favorite
chow - really smart the
Guernsey cow.
Eating, chewing, licking
salt - nothing seems to be at
given you; seek and you will
find; knock, and it will be
opened to you” (Matthew
7 7)
An Understanding Mind
Solomon takes the offei
seriously and he responds
with a'request that is both
well-thought-out and in
dicative of what is in his
heart ‘ Give thy servant
therefore an understanding
mind to govern the people,
that I may discern between
good and evil.” (1 Kings
3 9). Unlike many who
might foolishly ask for
riches, power or comfort,
Solomon asks for something
that he really needs
But Solomon, we say, you
missed a chance to ask for
yield In the case of a new
planting of strawberries you
are urged to fertilize the
area during the month of
June and again early in
August. This extra plant food
will enable the setting of
runner plants which will help
increase yield next year.
Some attention to
strawberries during the
summer months will in
crease monetary results
next year
Even though we are at the
beginning of the Summer
months it is still not too early
to be ordering supplies for
Farm Calendar
Today, June 23
Pennsylvania Cherry
Growers Annual Meeting,
Lamp Post Restaurant,
Sunday, June 24
V /
Dairy goat picnic and
demonstrations, Vaughn
Solomon farm, Fairfield,
11 a.m
Ephrata Aiea Young Far
mers family picnic,
4 /
Guernseys praised
Guernsey cows are s<
content, rainy weather won’
Keep the Guernsey Milk on
flowing l It is certainly worth
knowing That this milk has
taste appeal and a
trademark as a seal
Goodness is in every sip, you
can feel it on your lip Milk
refreshes; drink it cold! It
gives strength for young and
(Note: Mr. Linde’s letter
was written in early June
when rain was a part of
nearly every weather
needed mending, the lawn needed to
be cut, and Mom wanted some help
picking cherries ' .
It’s a good thing none of us in the
family ever went fishing We pever
took time to find out what it’s like and
by this time didn’t bother to think
much about what we may have been
the things all of us are dying
to possess! God doesn’t see it
that way at all First of all,
he will give Solomon
precisely what he has asked
for But because he asked for
the right thing, God will
throw in the other things as a
kind of “bonus ” “I give you
also what you have not
asked, both riches and
honor, so that no other king
shall compare with you, all
your days” (3:13) The
words are reminiscent of
those of Jesus: “Seek first
his kingdom and his
righteousness, and all these
things shall be yours as
well” (Matthew 6.33).
That is the bonus that is
given tor a sincere and
thoughtful prayer
late Summer and Fall
planting. In about six weeks
many alfalfa growers will be
making their August
seedmgs, winter grains will
be seeded during September
or October. Some of the best
experiences in farm plan
ning m order to seed supplies
months in advance of the
time you will need them.
When this is done the
products will be more likely
to be the variety of seeds
desired. Do not be guilty of
putting off the ordering of
your supplies until a few
days before they are needed.
This practice usually helps
in having the kind of crop
that is desired.
12 30 p.m , Ephrata
Community Park.
National Holstein con
vention, Denver, Colo
Activities through
Farm Visitation
Monday, June 25
FennAg Industries
Association grain
(Turn to Page 46)
K.D. Linde
✓ Oxford, Pa.