—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 2,1979 10 COMMENTS By krieg, editor The old adage that good news is no news has been confirmed once again Last week an effort was made by some people to show that Penn sylvama’s farming communities were healthy In wake of all the reports and documentaries on the accident at Three Mile Island and its af termath that is certainly good news it’s welcome news - at least to most of us But evidently not to the big news chiefs around the country, and some stubborn individuals who are bent on believing nothing but the worst The wire services didn’t think that a story about healthy cattle near Three Mile Island was worth covering Dead ones would have been another matter When the stories coming out of the Harrisburg area were negative, everybody wanted to write and talk about it in the media Give’em a positive story and it doesn’t go too far Granted, some newspapers in the area carried the story, and they did so quite well, but that in formation didn’t reach New York and Chicago, etc where the positive THE W!LL OF GOD Lesson for June 3, 1979 Background Scripture 1 Samuel 13-16 Devotional Reading: “Destroy The Sinners” Psalms 40 4-6 Of course, Saul was There is a compelling disobedient to God, as TO BE ALERT FOR LEAF HOPPERS Weather conditions have' done as a preventative not been very good for measure, do not wait until harvesting the first cutting you see yellow alfalfa and of hay; however, by the tune then spray, it will be too this article is in the mail we late Sweeps over the young hope that many more acres growth should detect the leaf will be harvested, the local hoppers, if they are present, alfalfa is ready to cut in then the crops should be relation to stage of maturity sprayed Refer to the 1979 One of the most serious pests Agronomy Guide for rates to bother alfalfa growers in and materials RURAL ROUTE WHY DON'T WE CELEBRATE DAIRY month 8Y going fo THE DAIRY QUEEN ? Is good news really no news? temptation to skip the sharp edges of this story about Saul and Samuel It would be easy to focus upon Saul’s disobedience and greed Many people will study this passage and easily ignore its sharp cutting edge that ought to prick the con science of every person who acknowledges Jesus Christ as Lord and Master the writer of 1 Samuel believes that Saul is rejected by God because he has failed to obey the command to slay every Amalekite - man, woman, child, oxen and sheep’ i i/Mii Tl ir TUir By Max Smith!, Lancaster County Agricultural Agcnt3 NOW IS THE TiAfVE J this part of the country is the potato leaf hopper This insect attacks the second growth and makes it turn yellow and become stunted - The treatment is to spray when the new growth is 3 to 6 inches high. This should be effort is needed must And in all cases the good news didn t make page 1 in the daily papers Maybe that space is reserved for depressing and upsetting news only To many people that may not make much difference one way or another On the other hand there’s the lady in New York, for example, who refused to go to Allentown with her husband because she is convinced that Pennsylvania is contaminated with radiation For every person with such an attitude, I wonder how many rumors and fears are spread about our part of the country And I'm convinced that those type of people would never knowingly drink a drop of milk or take a bite of beef that came from Pennsylvania All that just because the negative stories get top billing and the positive ones get tossed out or buried on an inside page somewhere As a result, our image was hurt One newspaper columnist ob served that while the crisis at Three Mile Island was going on, the reporters and editors were anxious Samuel saw it But isn’t there something in this story more troubling than Saul’s disobedience 7 Saul is rejected as king because he failed to do an act which each of us, following our Christian conscience, would regard as nothing less than sheer barbarity Samuel, the revered prophet of God, earnestly believed that it was God’s will for Saul and his forces to wreak a holocaust upon the Amalekitc-s because they were regarded as a sinful people “And the Lord sent jou on a mission, and said, Go, utterly destroy the sinners, the Amalekites, and fight against them until TO PROTECTCORN CROP With the growing practice of no-till corn growing we can expect more corn insects to be wanting their share of the crop This is more true during wet weather than dry weather Cutworms are working on all small plants Corn stalk borers have been found in small plants In addition, we usually have some trouble with army worms eating corn as well as small grains Growers are urged to check their fields several times each week in order to keep on top of the to the point ut almost hoping that each day would give them a more sensational story When the reactor cooled down some news media personnel were disappointed in stead of relieved the writer ob served They were thriving on the negative Is this what life is all about 7 We have no choice m accepting unfortunate circumstances when they happen But why must we be deprived of the opportunity to read and hear the good news when we or others are fortunate 7 Is there no room for encouraging reports 7 My hat is off to those individuals who have done what they could to be a positive and honest source of in formation The general public needs am bassadors who are willing to give all the facts, not just the negative ones A tip of the hat is also due to the many scientists and researchers and official spokesmen who worked and are still working on the question of whether or not radiation may have actually damaged our agriculture or they are consumed’ ’ 1 1 Sam 15 18) This is not the only place in the Old Testament where we find God represented in a way that seems to quite justify a violent and vengeful course of action upon people judged as evil and sinful We tend to justify those bloodthnsty commands because the victims are ‘sinners,” people who ap parently do not merit mercy or compassion This is ob vious even in the case of Saul who, although apparently repentent, does not receive forgiveness or reconciliation with Samuel Although he pleads, "Now therefore, I pray, pardon my sm, and insect infestation Pesticide dealers and Extension Agents can give suggestions relative to materials to use Unfortunately, some of the more effective insecticides on these insects have been removed from the maiket Sevm, Diazmon, or Guthion may be used to keep down the infestation TO BEWARE OF WOOD TICKS Reports indicate wood ticks to be quite common this spring These are usually found on bushes and trees near wooded areas Theyaie dangerous from the stand- By Tom Armstrong worse yet our families They are working not only with the problem of finding and identifymg and assorting and answering What they do takes time A simple sample of soil sent to Penn State for example takes two weeks to return sometimes longer What’s more, these scientists are also working with the human elements of emotionalism and i suspicion They must sift through all of that, and more and come up with realistic, honest answers They assure us that nothing was damaged Such news deserves a triumphant headline, and I hope it will come But so tar the scientists and official spokesmen aren’t getting the type of headlines that were given to damaging reports That’s a shame Good news is important news We must share it And we thank and congratulate those who make an honest effort to spread the encouraging happenings of life return with me that I may worship the Lord,” Samuel replies coldly, T will not return with you for you have rejected the word of the Lord, and the Ixird has rejected you from being king over Israel” (15 25,26) Beyond Bitterness? No less evident is this malevolent spirit when Agag, the king of the Amalekites, is brought before Samuel We are told that Agag came to him cheerfully,” saying ‘Surely the bitterness of death is past ” But Samuel replied As your sword has made women childless, so shall your mother be childless point they may be carrying the Rocky Mountain Fever infection Parents are urged to inspect their youngsters after being to picnics, hikes, or in wooded areas They often attack a person around the head at the hair line Pets are also often infected with the wood ticks Sevm and Diazmon can be sprayed on trails, picnic areas, and on the grass in recreational areas The dust of Sevm or Rotenone can be used to treat pets carrying the wood ticks TO PLANT TEMPORARY FORAGE CROPS Livestock and dauv Farm Calendar loda>,June2 servatiuii District t tiestei Counts Dans meeting, 730 p m in the imi ess Pageant Bpm Kai m and Home Centei at ttie Kimbeitoii Ine links Counts Sheep and Wool Grow eis luesda\ Junes Association annual wool 1 aslun Milk Pmiuttis pool, 7,10 a-m to 1 .10 toopeiativi annual pm at Fulpehocken meeting S>rat ise.N Y I-arms Wednesday June b i tUit i 1 (>\ifi f 'on [V among women ” And Samuel hewed Agag m pieces before the Lord in Gilgal” (15.32,33) The history of Christianity is full of such scenes the inquisition, the crusades, and pogroms against the Jews, to mention only a few Destroy the sinners” is a cry that has been frequent on the lips of Christians Yet, we seldom stop to question whether the Father of Jesus Christ could ever have given those commands, whether such passages could ever fit into the New Testament, and whethei such barbanty could evei i epresent the will of God idimeis who die ahull ul summer forages might consider the planting of either Sudangrass or one of the Sudangrass-Sorghum hybrids These hot-weather crops will grow rapidly and be ready to graze or green chop in 6 to 8 weeks They have the ability to grow well during extremely hot, dry weather One word of caution - in the fall after a killing frost, both of these crops should be handled very carefully, they may contain harmful amounts of prussic acid and poison livestock However, during the sum mei they aie very productive (Turn to Page 39)