Junior Cooking Edition (Continued from Page 84)' COCONUT CREAM PIE 1 package (20 to 22 squares) graham crackers 2 tablespoons granulated sugar 6 tablespoons butter or margarine Filling: 1 cup granulated sugar V* cup cornstarch % teaspoon salt, 2% cup scalded milk 3 egg yolks % cup shredded coconut 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 egg whites Mix the graham cracker crumbs and sugar. Stir into melted butter and mix well. Press firmly on the bottom and sides of a nine-inch pie pan. Bake crust in a moderate, 375 Degrees F. wen about seven minutes and cool before filling. To make the filling, mix % cup sugar, cornstarch and salt. Stir gradually into scalded milk and continue stirring over boiling water until mixture thickens. Beat egg yolks, adding one at a time and continue stirring for two minutes. Stir in Vz cup coconut and vanilla. Pour into crust. Fold the remaining'sugar into the egg whites and continue beating until very stiff. Place on top of filling close to the edge of the crust. Sprinkle the top with remaining coconut. Bake in a moderately hot oven, 425 Degrees F. about four minutes until lightly browned. COCONUT CUSTARD -2 cups granulated sugar 3 tablespoons flour butter, size of walnut 4 eggs 4 cups milk % pound fine coconut 2-8 inch unbaked pie shells Separate the eggs. Cream the sugar and butter. Add the egg yolks and milk. When mixed, gradually add the flour. Sprinkle the coconut in the unbaked pie shells. Pour batter over the coconut. Bake at 400 Degrees F. for 10 minutes. Turn back oven to 350 Degrees F. for 30 to 40 more minutes until a knife comes out of the center clean. COCONUT MIST CAKE 1 pound confectioners’ sugar Vz pound butter 4 eggs, separated 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla V* teapoon salt 1 cup coconut 3 cups flour 3 teaspoons baking powder Cream sugar, butter and egg yolks. Add milk, vanilla, sifted dry ingredients and coconut.'Blend well. Fold in egg whites which have been beaten stiff. Bake at 350 Degrees F. for 30 to 40 minutes. Ice as desired. MENS 6 INCH VINYL SAFETY TOE BOOT WITH OIL & CHEMICAL RESISTANT SOLES SUPER $0 no X 0.30 LADIES AND TEENS SURFER SANDALS COLORS: BLUE, RED & YELLOW SUPER SPECIAL PRICES 198 . *4.98 BOYS COACH CONVERSE BASKETBALL SNEAKERS COLORS; BLACK AND GOLD ONLY - REGULAR PRICE $9.98 SUPER 07 SPECIAL Hi PRICE Af LADIES AND TEENS LEATHER CLOGS S I49R PRICE I IIVU Wilma Martin Litltz,Pa. LADIES AND TEENS POPSICLE STYLE COLORS: GREEN, WHITE, BONE & BROWN super 07 SPECIAL /S f PRICE lull f Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, May 12,1975—15 MA’S COCONUTCAKE 3 cups granulated sugar 1 cup butter 1 cup sweet milk (or half coconut milk and half sweet milk) ! 5 eggs, separated 4 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda Vz of a grated fresh coconut 2 teaspoons cream of tartar Cream together the sugar and butter. Add sweetened milk and egg yolks. Gradually add flour, salt and baking soda. Mix well. Add the grated coconut. Stiffly beat the egg whites with cream of tartar and add to batter lastTUse three cake pans or an extra large size pan. Bake at 350 Degrees F. for about 40 minutes. Ice with a butter icing and sprinkle with remainder of fresh coconut. COCONUT OATMEAL PIE 2 ten-inch unbaked pie shells 1% cups brown sugar Vh cups molasses Vz pound melted butter % cap water V* teaspoon baking soda % cup coconut 1% cups oatmeal Vz cups pecans or walnuts 4 well beaten eggs Mix together the sugar, molasses, melted butter, water, and soda. Add the coconut, oatmeal, nuts, and well beaten eggs. Put in the unbaked pie shells and bake at 425 Degrees F. for 10 minutes. Turn down the oven to 375 Degrees F. and bake until a knife comes out of the center clean. This makes two pies. *3.49 <0*5.98 SANDALS MISSES AND CHILDS SANDALS COLORS: TAN AND WHITE SUPER SPECIAL PRICES MENS AND BOYS NYLON JOGGERS COLOR: BEIGE ONLY super $ m nn SPECIAL UK PRICE TiUU MENS MESH AND CANVAS CASUALS COLORS: BLACK, BROWN, BEIGE, BLUE AND WHITE SUPER SPECIAL PRICES *2.98 n *4.98 Betty Kauffman Age 14, Orrstown, Pa.