Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 12, 1979, Image 143

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    This queen is proud to
6 represent the poultry
last August, Kathy L.
Martin, New Holland R 3, has
been known as Lancaster
County’s Poultry Queen.
Looking back on that
contest now, the 18-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Martin, said that she
wasn’t even sure she had
wanted to try for the title.
“I was very surprised to
win,” she commented. “Of
course I hoped that I would,
but you never know.”
Since then she has
represented the Garden Spot
of the World poultry in
dustries, attending such
things as open houses,
banquets, poultry days,
parades, fashion shows, and
school programs.
“I went into a third grade”
, Kathy related, “and my
Another dressed in this big
chicken costume, i called
her Henrietta and in
troduced her to the students.
Then I made gold strike
punch for the children and
gave them samples. I read
the story in the Incredible
Egg coloring book and gave
out recipes for them to try.
And I stressed the qualities
of eggs, such as protein.”
When not busy with her
poultry queen activities, the
senior at Lancaster Men
nonite High School, is kept
active on her parents’
family-run farm.
She helps milk, and
gathers and packs eggs of
the 5500 layers kept on the
place. The Martins have 48
Holstems which are milked
by the family-no outside
help is hired.
Besides Kathy, the
Martins have two sons,
Mike, who is married, and
Jeff, and another daughter,
Kathy has been involved in
4-H for nine years. A
member of the New Holland
Baby Beef 4-H Club, she
raises and show 4-H steers,
and has had two reserve
champions at the New
Holland Fair.
In the fitting contest, for
seven years she has been
named first. She took the top
honor for six years in a row,
only to have her younger
sister take it away. But she
won it back last year.
Other activities of the busy
teenager include working
with the Leighton Ford
Crusade youth committee;
being church typist; and
teaching a Sunday School
class. She also helps her
father, who is an auctioneer,
with sales.
Kathy told that one of the
highlights of being the
poultry queen is “meeting
new people”, an experience
she will never forget. She
related that she enjoys
promoting the poultry in
dustry and going places.
“You have to strike up
conversations with people,
and you have to enjoy
talking,” she commented.
“There is excitement and
you get to meet new friends
all the time.”
She also stated that she
had picked up quite a bit of
knowledge about the poultry
business, and since she
became poultry queen she
eats an omelet every day for
“The poultry industry of
Lancaster County is
something to be proud of,”
she smiled as she spoke,
“and i’:n happy to be
representing it”.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 12,1979—243
Kathy jrtin, -
shows she knows what the industry is all about, as
she gathers eggs on her family's farm.
“The egg is one product
that has no addititves,” she
continued. “And that in itself
is something to be proud of.”
The young lady told that
she loves fanning and living
on a farm, and hopes that
she will always have the
opportunity to go on living
on one. After graduation, she
will go into secretarial work,
but she stated that she’ll
always want to come back
home to the farm.
“You’re never bored on
the farm,” she summed it
up. “You’re kept active, and
the family grows closer
together. You work together,
you talk to each other, and
you can joke together.”
“I love the outdoors,” she
added, “there’s nothing
quite like the country.”
Kathy urges girls to try out
for the poultry queen con
test, stating that even if you
don’t win, it is good ex
perience for everyone in
The constest is judged by
three judges, and Kathy said
• Here’s the pump that is perfect for cis
springs or deep wells. Vs to 1 Va H.P.
Can easily be converted from to deep shallow
well use with no conversion parts required!
• Space-savings vertical top-of-tank system
and horizontal tank mounted system
(as shown) available.
• And they are made in Lancaster.
Parts and service never a problem!
For the name of dealer nearest you call
Heating & Plumbing Supply, Inc.
PHONE: 569-3246
that each girl has a personal
interview with the judges
that lasts about 25 minutes.
During that interview
poultry questions are asked,
and Kathy said the judges
see how the contestant
relates to people as well as
what she knows. Also all of
the girls are judged on bow
the handle themselves on
The Lancaster County
poultry Queen for this year
will be chosen on August 3 at
the Farm and Home Center.
The committee in charge of
the contest is now looking for
Any young lady between
the ages of 18 and 23, and the
daughter of someone in
volved either to an allied
poultry industry or a poultry
producer may enter.
For more inforamtion,
interested persons may
contact any committee or
board member or call Leroy
Esbenshade at 717-665-3168;
or John Hershey at 717-653-